Friday 3 July 2020

Paint Party Friday

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already. Today I have another tag for Tag Tuesday to share, where my theme is 'add a sentiment'. All tags of all formats are welcome, any theme is possible, it must just have a word or two on it, so hope to see more people joining in. My tag was made from the same masterboard as the first one. This time I added some scribble flowers which were hand painted and fussy cut. The sentiment was die-cut from some card painted with alcohol-ink and a TH lost relative. The edges were stitched:

I have another journal page for Erika's theme at AJJ. As I am not a fan of hot weather, I made a piece with cool colours to cool me down when it's hot.
I placed  paper napkin on a painted A3 background. I added lots of spots and some doodled patterns to match those on the napkin, as well as some glitter dots and stars I found in my stash. 

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

Yesterday we got some much needed rain, and I went for an enjoyable walk through the rain:

Have a wonderful day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Nothing better than a walk in the rain, everything looks so fresh . Great art work again Valerie.

  2. Hooray for the rain, the flowers look refreshed! Lovely tag and smile sentiment. Your page looks 'cool'.

    1. Thanks Christine. It was good to get some rain, but we need much more. Have a great day.

  3. Good for you having a walk in the rain … your photographs are lovely … rain makes everything look so fresh doesn't it.

    Happy Friday Wishes.

    All the best Jan

    PS I like your art pieces

  4. I love your Friday paint party! Wish I lived close enough to you to play in person and then have a walk to those delicious coffees! What aw wonderful walk in the rain - the rainbdrops captured on the barbwire and flowers is really something. Have a safe day!

    1. Thanks Kelly. Walking in the rain after hot, dry days is just wonderful.

  5. We got rain too, now it's so fresh outside.
    I'll have a blogging break - have a good, sunny summer!

    1. Thanks a lot. Have a wonderful summer break!

  6. Hi Val, good morning. Love your beautiful tag and the lovely, 'keep cool' page with such beautiful colours. I hope you are feeling better today, you didn't sound at all good yesterday. Look after yourself, BIG hugs, Sarah

    1. And I forgot to say how beautiful the rain photos are, so refreshing. The one with the single raindrop on the barbed wire is fantastic!

  7. Thanks Sarah. Walking in the rain is really beautiful. Don't work too hard today! Hugs to all!

  8. Good morning dear Valerie!
    Love your tag with the cute vintage image and your wonderful page ! Great artwork indeed!
    Gorgeous photos from your walk through the rain! It must be so relaxing and joyful!
    Great captures of the beautiful flowers with the rain droplets ! Thank you for sharing!
    Have a happy Friday and a lovely weekend! Take care! Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much, dear Dimi! Walking in the rain is lovely, and the flowers and leaves always look so sparkly - just my thing! Have a wonderful day!

  9. Gorgeous post and lovely images, fantastic colouring as well...Have a lovely weekend my friend.. ♥

    1. Thanks so much Annie. Take care of yourself!

  10. I have a yellow wooden sign "smile" right here, too.
    To smiles!
    5 minutes of rain. That was it. Wasn´t even fast enough to make it outside to enjoy. 17C. Summer? A nice day to you.

    1. Wonderful temperatures for me and more lovely rain today....

  11. Your tag is adorable. I really LIKE it. The little TH paper doll is so sweet, and she sits nicely on the tag, too.

    I am in LOVE with that cat. Who wouldn't be. It is SO colorful and has such a pretty face. I like how you placed the star under the cat's chin. It looked like the tag both my "boys" wear on their collars. It is SO well done, and I like that you added it to Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    Beautiful flowers today. They look so pretty after the rain. Everything seems so clean and fresh after it rains. Hope you have a super day, because it appears to have cooled where you live. Not so, here.

    1. Thanks E, glad you liked my creations. I thought you would like the cat! The world always looks good after the rain, and it's cool and fresh here today.


  12. Both of your works are unusual, but the one with the cat especially. Flowers with water droplets are beautiful.

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Rain makes the flowers very beautiful! Have a great weekend.

  13. Good morning my little cherub. Since I am by nature a very obedient person, I am sitting here smiling, exactly as instructed. I have good reason to smile. I just heard Miriam stirring upstairs and the coffee is ready in the kitchen, so she will bring my coffee to me. How sweet is that, Valerie? I was thinking about your tags and how beautiful and creative they are and then my mind drifted to the awful yellow tags livestock have in their ears. So here is a whole new career for you. Designer tags for cows. I am sure there is very little competition and your bling will be far superior to that created by other pretenders anyway. It will be akin to the House of Dior for bovines. Just make sure that when you are famous, I get full credit for the idea. Balconia-by-the-Rhine will be on the map, a player on the world stage, akin to the status of Modena for balsamic vinegar. And we haven't even touched on the strange and wonderful birds. And it's all thanks to you. Be sure to say hello to the lovely Nathalie for me. She will be happy to be associated with a true celebrity!

    1. Hi Davis. Well, I'm a BIG cherub! I, too, would smile if someone would bring me a coffee just now, or bake me some delicious muffins, but I have to do it all myself. Okay, I only need to press a button on the coffeemaker, but still, service is always good! Nice idea with designer cow-tags, I'll have to think of it, we have a lot of bovines living here, of the 2 and 4 footed varieties! Just came back from a walk with Nathalie, now it's feet-up time for me! Hugs to you both!

    2. Okay, I mean DAVID not Davis. I don't know why they always have to put the s & D so close to each other on the key board!

  14. Hi Valerie oh what pretty tags i love the happy blue and my mum would've loved your cat journal page,well done on your beautiful work my friend and i love your pretty flower photos,hope your day is a good one my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. Blue is a lovely colour, always one of my faves. Have a great day!

  15. Wunderschön sehen dieses Tag und die Seite aus. Verspielt und allerliebst!
    Ich liebe dieses Katzebild!
    Das hat ganz schön geregnet bei dir und toll diese Wassertropfen auf den Blumen udn dein Sapziergang war erfrischend wie warm es bei euch war.Da wird wieder alles noch mehr wachsen können.
    Bei mir ist kaum was Regen gekommen.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Der Regengassi war wirklich schön. Heute ist grau in grau aber trocken. Wir brauchen mehr Regen, hier ist alles viel zu trocken. Dir einen schönen Tag!

  16. That's such a smile beautiful tag! Your hot dotty page is gorgeous too with the pretty cat 😀. I love all the photos that you captured after the rain too. It's raining here today so cleaning and the off to my craft room - yay! Happy July and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. Have fun in your craft room. I'm off for a nap and some feet-up time and then I will have time for my arty kitchen! Have a wonderful day!

  17. I used to love walking in the rain with it hitting my face gently - not throwing it down like it was this morning when I had to go out. Everywhere was awash with the drains having got clogged up after all the dry weather we have had. Because of my leg being heavily bandaged I had to wear some 'flappy' trousers so they were soon wet through and it was an uncomfortable journey home in the car afterwards. But your walk looks wonderful, The photographs of the raindrops on the flowers and leaves are lovely and I have always longed to be able to capture something like that in paint.
    Love your tag - the blue background reminds me of my pink one, same kind of texture when you look at it close up. I must check when the closing date is for the challenge and try to join in if I may. Love the other one with the patchwork cat, doesn't he look grand sat there in those beautiful rich colours and patterns.
    Thanks for sharing
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. Soft and gentle rain is wonderful, but when it lashes down it's not so good, especially with a bandaged leg, look after yourself! I went to an exhibition here a couple of years back, it was called when the rain softly falls', and was a wonderful collection of paintings and photos with rain, it was really good. I would be very happy if you would join in at Tag Tuesday, it runs till July 13th. Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  18. Nice tag Valerie. I love the colors in the flower at the top. It is a rainbow flower. And the quilted/patchwork kitty is a cool image and the dots (swoon) look amazing on the page also. A few of the dots looks like water droplets that match those in your photos. Thanks for joining in at AJJ, much appreciated! And nice photos today. Hurrah for rain. We are back in the clouds with a chance of rain. I guess it is wait and see. Have a great start to your weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I love rainbow colours and scribble flowers, must make some more. Dots, spots and drips are always fun. I hope it doesn't rain on your barbecue! We need the rain here badly, everything is still very dry. Have a great day!

  19. Two wonderful creations. Love your photos of those flowers.

  20. Fabulous journals! I like the little cute girl!

  21. I just love all those rain drops on the plants. Rain can change everything in a photo.

  22. Beautiful tag and awesome page Valerie, I love that cat and all of the dots! Fantastic photos with all of the rain drops on the flowers, stunning photography as always! Enjoy your weekend. Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks so much Tammy! Have a wonderful weekend and happy July 4th!

  23. delightful, colorful art Valerie! Love all the blooms with the raindrops-super photos! Happy PPF!

  24. Gorgeous photos with the raindrops on the flowers, I enjoyed seeing them and I'm sure they must have looked even better in real life.

    It is a beautiful tag and a fantastic page you have linked to Erika's AJJ theme.
    The patched work cat detail looks amazing.
    Have a good weekend and stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I love seeing the wet plants and flowers and walking through the rain. Have a great weekend, look after yourself!

  25. A lovely PPF post. Your patchwork cat is delightful


    1. Thanks Gillena, have a happy weekend, stay well and safe!

  26. Cute tag, that little girl is so sweet with that giant bow in her hair. You had me at cat reminds me of a calico cat. Just awesome. Beautiful flowers on your walk I like how the raindrops look like jewels. Take care.

    1. Thanks. Raindrops always look like rows of little diamonds, so pretty! Have a great weekend!

  27. Lovely tag and the post. I love the colour coordination you have used, Very soothing. Rains are so refreshing and kind of give life to all the flora.

    1. Thanks Ira. When it's hot I need soothing colours! And rain! Have a great weekend!

  28. Fabulous colours in both your tag and the journal page! Love that cat!!!
    The raindrops on the flowers make them look even more beautiful! Hugs, Chrisx

  29. Love the bright colors and the polka dots are great. Truly beautiful flowers.

  30. Lovely tag, Valerie. I guess that little girl didn't want her picture taken. I love the cat napkin. It looks like a quilt and you carried the look beautifully onto the rest of the page. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen! It was a pretty napkin indeed. Have a great weekend!

  31. Wonderful art Valerie, your tag is adorable and I love that beautiful napkin on your page.
    Gorgeous blooms too!
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, I love that little girl on the tag, too. Have a great weekend!

  32. Lovely cards! The first one is my favourite. It looks like a bookmark. And beautiful photos. :)

  33. What wonderful pieces Valerie, that patchwork cat is amazing! I always think that flowers look at their best after the rain though ours are a bit stalk like at the moment after the wind we've had today! take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. The cat is pretty indeed, it was a great serviette. One of the flower pots got blown off my balcony this afternoon, I had to go down to the garden to rescue it!!

  34. Your cat piece is a treasure. What a cool design, and I love the colors. You caught great shots of the raindrops.

    1. Thanks! I love taking photos of raindrops!

  35. Both your pieces are bright and happy. And so are those blooms. Those hollyhocks, especially (I think they are hollyhocks) are fabulous!


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