Wednesday 1 July 2020

Midweek post - scrap / junk journal

Hi Everybody!

Happy July!

Hope your week is going well. Here it has cooled down a bit, which is good, but we have still had almost no rain. Grey clouds roll over us, but seem to be as empty as the promises of many politicians....

Today I am sharing some more pages from my scrap / junk journal. These were all made using 'pictures of an exhibition' which I saw a couple of years back in a  neighbouring town, as mixed media collages. I cut the illustrations from the brochure and used them together with other scraps to make various pages:

And I have more pictures taken at the old cemetery which I showed last week:

A headless angel:

Nature taking over:

Beautiful script:

Some families seem to go back a long time:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Valerie oh i love your junk journal pages,beautiful work . Oh love the cemetery pics i am going on a hike with family memebers on the weekend and we are going to check out the old cemetery near us,its a very old one,hope your day is a good one my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. Have a fun hike at the weekend, and take pics of the place you visit!

  2. Lovely pages and a beautiful cemetery.

  3. Wonderful photos from the cemetery, the crafts men from those time were very clever, the script on that tomb stone is beautiful. Wonderful craft pages too Valerie.

  4. I think your pages are lovely.

    Fabulous photographs from the cemetery, you've got some great close-up shots.

    Happy midweek wishes, and happy July too :)

    All the best Jan

  5. You've made great use of those brochures Valerie, with each turn of your junk journal page it must be like a brochure itself and extremely informative. I could see you adding words to describe what you present to us.
    Old grave stones are so much nicer than the newer ones, all carved with great detail you can see the love of craftman ship in each one.
    Super share, ive missed your posts very much over the past month, hope to get a little more me time this month. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, great to see you again! Have a great, new month!

  6. It's been fun seeing your junk journals. You do have some great images Valerie. Nice variety too. And those gravestones are really interesting, and very different from old ones we have here. There is also a great variety like with your journal pages. And those teutonic coats of arms are fascinating. Happy July. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The cemetery is fascinating, I like those old headstones, too. Happy July!

  7. Interesting post, love your new show of the art scrap journal and admirable photos.xx

  8. Good morning dear Valerie!
    Wonderful pages and great artwork!!
    Beautiful photos of the cemetery and impessive old grave stones!
    Wishing you a lovely day and a happy July! Take care! Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much, dear Dimi! Hope you are keeping well. Have a great, new month!

  9. Very well said. Grey, but empty here, too.
    The headless angel sure gives me the creeps. But it speaks big, too.
    It´s COLD, I hate that! ;-)

    1. Es ist schön hier, kühl und nass, ich gehe Regengassi!

  10. Çok güzel bir defter hazırlıyorsun. Ben yapmak istesem bile üşenirim, sıkılırım:)

  11. First of all, thank you VERY MUCH for the wonderful Canada Day Card that brightened my day almost before it started. The festivities will be muted this year due to Covid-19, but the augury is for a wonderful sunny day for whatever is able to take place. Miriam and I will be visiting friends this morning to sit on their patio and have coffee - suitably distanced from each other, of course, with no handshakes, backslaps, hugs or kisses! We'll have to be content with just coffee and cookies! That old cemetery has lots of treasures to be discovered. Someone once commented to me that he thought it maudlin to wander through such places, and I was a little nonplussed at that. So much trouble, and expense, to erect grave markers and elaborate headstones to be ignored? And after all, their real purpose is to provide perches for birds, and what a laudable goal that is! And if ladies of "a certain age" in Germany find them appealing so much the better! Have a wonderful Canada Day at Balconia-by-fhe-Rhine. I shall have to send you little Canada flags, and a lapel pin to before it all happens again next year! Big hugs from the seamstress and me.

    1. Hi David, glad you got the little greeting. Hope you and Miriam have a nice time with your friends, coffee and cookies sound good to me. Maudlin or not, I love to wander through graveyards, and they are wonderful little nature-reserves in the middle of our cities. A certain age, huh? Well, today it feels like at least 100!
      Enjoy your day, hugs to you both!

    2. Good boys shouldn't tell lies but flattery will take you a long way😁😁😁

  12. Lovely pages. Hope you have a good week.x

  13. Interesting scrap book and cemetery tomb stones. It's amazing that this old cemetery is so well cared for.

    1. Thanks a Lot. An insurance company Cares for the cemetery

  14. It appears I will be late visiting for awhile. I am trying to learn my limit, since my "good eye" is also the one that is under the patch and my "less good eye" tires easily. I hope you understand why I'm late now and why I may continue to be late for at least a week! I can only sit and read and write for so long until my eye gives out.

    I'm really LOVING your junk journal. Mine is not nearly as lovely as yours. You have a knack for placing things together even though they shouldn't make sense. I remember when you went to that exhibition and I love how you have used the pamphlet you got. These pages turned out fantastic.

    Your walk through the cemetery always pleases me. I love to visit OLD cemeteries. The areas that are new, with headstones low to the ground for ease of mowing, don't interest me at all. The old ones are wonderful and I would LOVE to do a grave rubbing someday, too. They are beautiful, especially the angel (NOT the headless one). It's too bad some of these gravestones have fallen into decline. Have a super day, dear.

    1. The missing head was deliberately chopped off....

  15. Love your scrap/junk journal.
    That headless angel is a bit daunting:)

  16. Hi Val, happy July. Hope you are okay and have been sleeping better. Love your beautiful art, as always. You are really good at composing your collages. Wonderful photos,too. Take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Still not feeling good but it will get better! Have a great evening, hugs to all!

  17. Wow Valerie this is wonderful piece. I love the faces and characters. The photos really touched me. Something about old cemeteries.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Old cemeteries are fascinating places. Stay safe!

  18. I'm really enjoying using my scraps in my junk journal and from these fabulous pages you are too! Such a wonderful contracts in these pages! I am fascinated by cemeteries and it seems I have a huge catch up to do soon! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks, I am enjoying it very much. Scraps are always a good challenge. Stay safe!

  19. Deine Buchseiten mit den Collagen sehen alle richtig klasse aus. Deine Fotos der alten Grabsteine sind auch interessant, toll wie aufwendig die Früher gestaltet wurden bei Leuten, die das Geld dafür hatten. Tolle Zeitreise.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

    1. Hi Sabine, schoen dich wieder zu sehen. Ich hoffe es geht dir gut! Bleib gesund!

  20. I love your collage pages Valerie, and I love the old cemetery! Great photos ❣️ xx

    1. Thanks Alison. The cemetery is a beautiful place. Have a great week.

  21. Awesome pages Valerie, so much to look at and the background stenciling looks beautiful! Stunning photos of the old cemetery, I am amazed at the stone work back then, the angel towards the end is gorgeous!
    Take care, Hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. They used to make beautiful things, that's certain. Have a good week!

  22. What fabulous pages Valerie, I've really enjoyed looking through your collages. The cemetery looks very interesting, I must admit I don't mind a stroll through a cemetery when we're out and about, and this one is very grand. Take care and have a very happy July, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I had fun putting the collages together. Have a jolly July!

  23. what a masterful collage! and your birds are stunning! xo

  24. fabulous junk journal pages Valerie, sorry I am late calling in, its been a busy week her with hospital appointments etc for my OH.
    I loved seeing the photos of the flowers as well.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I know how much you have to do, don't worry about visiting when you are so busy! Look after yourself!

  25. Oh I love that first photograph from the cemetery, I really enjoyed them all but that one is fantastic.
    Looking through your journal pages I am amazed at the wide variety you have achieved. This morning I was looking at my icads and thinking how I got an idea in my head and used it several days - not good, nice to split them up. You have so much variety. I love the figures of the men in your early pages, they remind me of something you might have seen in Punch years ago - have I got that right? Then towards the end you have those lovely paper blocks and finally the big splashes of reds and oranges.
    I bet you had fun creating all of those.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. The cemetery is a beautiful place to walk. Those Images reminded me of Punch, too. I did indeed have fun with the collages.

  26. We get the clouds, too, and sometimes a few sprinkles, but all the real rain goes around us. Not that I want the flash floods some counties are seeing. I love your collages. Old cemeteries are peaceful spots :)

    1. Cemeteries are lovely places to walk. Floods are bad, droughts are bad - we seem to alternate between the extremes here!


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