Tuesday 23 June 2020

T sTands for TioT and Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week got off to a good start!
Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT.
Our theme is  'create a scene'. I created a scene in my head, a dream. I used one of 'my' heads, cut from painted paper, and imported it into my graphics programme to fill it with my dream scene. It was placed onto a hand-painted background. I would so like to visit the sea again. I know I have the Rhine here, but it's not the same....The images used were from Serif and me.  The seagulls and anchor are photos, and the anchor is the one standing by the Rhine here. The starfish is a photo of one I keep in my beach-jar here. In dreams it's easy to mix fantasy and reality! As always, you have 2 weeks to link to us at TIOT and entries of all formats are welcome.

And I have another feathers tag for Wendy's challenge at Tag Tuesday
You still have a week to enter, so hope to see some more people joining in. My tag was made with some printed paper to which I added some extra feathers. I sewed it all onto some black card from an old calendar:

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's Tea sTands for Tuesday gathering,  so here a warm welcome to all of the ladies of the T Gang who visit. I am sharing photos of some of the vintage drinking glasses I got from my great aunt. These are from the 1930s. I still have 4 each of the large and small ones:

From this set I have 6 glasses:

This is part of an older set, from about 1900, and I only have 3 of them:

I have 4 of these small tumblers:

I treasure my lovely glass ware, and am amazed that so many have survived for so long, in spite of many moves and being used so often.

And I went for a cappuccino in town:

 I keep hoping the beautiful cups and saucers will be reduced, but no luck yet (:

There are still poppies in the fields, much to my joy:

The buddleia was full of bees and butterflies, which refused to stay still for the photos:

Just managed to catch a butterfly here:

The crops are ripening fast and will soon be harvested:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie what a wonderful idea for your theme,great page and your tag is beautiful,love feathers. How beautiful is the glass ware and love your pics for today ,take care my friend xx

    1. Thanks so much Sheryl! Feathers are wonderful, that's true! Have a lovely day!

  2. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling better than yesterday! The kids will be back this afternoon, so my quiet days are over - but Mum is staying a bit longer at Leah's, so that's something. Love your beautiful head and what's in it (in all senses!) and the tag is gorgeous. Wonderful photos, too. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Enjoy your last, quiet hours till the gang comes back! My head is hurting this morning - the real one, but I'm off out soon and fresh air will help! Have a great day!

  3. Sehr schöne Arbeit, ich verisse das Meer auch sehr...
    Wow, lad mich bitte nie ein - wäre schade um die Gläser ;-)
    Wir hatten am WE auch die Guten, das ist immer Stress für mich.
    Ach,so schöne Fotos, das ist die schönste Jahreszeit. Happy T-day und GlG, Iris

    1. Dank Iris. Ich benutze die Gläser immer, zu schade um die nur im Schrank zu hüten!

  4. Two wonderful creations, love that tag. Your glasses are beatufiul. have a wonderful day.

  5. Babaannemin bunlara benzer bardakları vardı.

    1. Thanks. Your grandmother will have loved them, too! Have a great week!

  6. Hello dear Valerie!
    Such a beautiful page and i like the Summer theme too!
    Love your tag with the colorful feathers! Gorgeous greations!
    Your vintage glasses are so preety! A true treasure indeed!
    Wonderful pictures from your walk! I love poppies and your new header!
    Have a great day! Stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Thanks, dear Dimi! A summer holiday is my dream! Glad you like the glasses, they are a treasure for me. Have a wonderful day, Hugs!

  7. You are quite right about the sea, Valerie. There is nothing quite like the experience of the ocean and the shore, with the tang of salty air, gulls careening and screeching, and tide pools full of riches to explore. Here we have the Great Lakes, which are large inland seas, but it is not the same at all. If Covid-19 did not still restrict interprovincial travel, Miriam and I would drive down to Nova Scotia for a week at the ocean, but it looks like that will be impossible this summer. I like all of your glasses and as you say the fact that so many have survived for so many years is remarkable. If ever I have the good fortune to find myself in your area I shall expect to drink from each of them! Your artwork with the feathers featured prominently is delightful. The two little birds you sent me still adorn my bookshelves and will remain there forever! Enjoy the rest of the week at Balconia-by-the-Rhine.

    1. Thanks David. My dream of the sea is always there. In England I always lived quite near to the sea, but not here. And as I haven't got a car, I can't take a quick trip, either. But still, I'm luck that it is so pretty here, that's worth a lot. You can gladly drink from all the glasses, I have more, too - just please bring your own drinks! It's always fun working with feathers, the always feel so beautiful. And look even better on birds! Have a great day, hugs to you and M!

  8. I love how you share the scenes you are imagining in your head, its a fabulous page Valerie. The tag looks super as well.
    Its good that you have kept those beautiful glasses safe, I wouldn't dare use them in case I dropped one.
    Stay safe and I send you Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, we ll need our dreams! Some of the glasses have got broken over the years, but I still like to use them, it always feel special to drink out of them!

  9. Gorgeous "scenic" dream Valerie. I too, would love to be at the beach right now! Just gorgeous And you feather tag and photos are great! ((HUGS)) Helen

    1. Thanks Helen. It's hot and humid here and being at the beach would be great! Have a good week!

  10. I think my grandmother or maybe my aunt had some glassware similar to what you showed. It's very beautiful and retro, and as you say, amazing that it has survived so long. I've seen a lot of glass in that style at antique fairs and shops in town. (I can't be trusted with any glassware, it always breaks!)

    be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks Mae. I love the old glass and china, and use it regularly. I try to be careful, but life i full of risks.... Have a great week!

  11. Your beach head is amazing. I love the idea of dreaming about being at the ocean and how you showed that. I also love the latest tag. I have to say your vintage glassware is lovely. The colors are amazing. And I also like the mug when you went out for your cappuccino. You must be happy to get to stop during your walks. And I do love the new header and photo you took it from. Have a great T day and loving that beach scene (yes, I said that already). Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I often dream about being at the sea and tried to show it here. Glad you like the glass, it really is a treasure for me. And it is great to be able to go for a coffee again, what a treat. Have a great day!

  12. Love your sun and swim page, Valerie. I'm dreaming of those things too!

    Fabulous feathers page. I had to look hard to tell which feathers were real and which were printed. You have beautiful feather stamps!

    Beautiful vintage glassware. the gold sheen is really classy. Yay for cuppucino in town!

    I'll never tire of seeing your beautiful photography.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen. I think lots of us are dreaming of vacation somewhere far away just now. Let's hope our dreams will come true sooner or later! Have a great week! Take care!

  13. Beautiful beach scene! I'm with you and long to be by the sea again...
    Your feathers tag is so pretty! And I just love your vintage glasses-I have vintage glasses too and enjoy using them:)
    How wonderful to still have poppies in bloom; lovely photos all around. happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda! We have our dreams to keep us going! Glad you use your vintage glasses, too, that#s what they're for, to use and enjoy! Have a wonderful week, hugs, Valerie

  14. I love your collage from the sea. And your different types of vintage glasses are superb. As you know, I like to set the table, so I can imagine them on mine.

    1. Thanks. I'm sure my glasses would Look good one your table!

  15. What lovely glassware! I don't have any glassware that's vintage, but it would be delightful to use these pieces for special occasions. The cappuccino cup is unusual. I'd love being served with that piece :) I never see poppies here, so seeing yours is a special treat. Happy T Tuesday!

    1. Thanks. Poppies are always wonderful. The Cafe has those cups in various colours. Happy T day.

  16. Hi! I love the sea scene & beautiful feather tag ~Hooray for going out for coffee! Your vintage glass collection is lovely, and so are the poppies. My butterfly bush is blooming happily too, but no visitors that I've seen yet. Enjoy your week!

    1. Thanks Karen, take care and have a good week!

  17. Such a beautiful seaside scene! I love how you conjured it up inside the head too - perfect 😁. Wow, your glassware is stunning and such a happy reminder of your family too! So nice to be able to go out for a coffee again, hope you enjoyed it! Wishing you a wonderful week and a Happy T Day! Take care! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! It's good to have Something in my head, even if it's only a dream! Have a wonderful week, take care!

  18. My apologies for visiting so late. My internet went out last night and didn't come back on until a few minutes ago. It often happens when it rains, but it's been so dry here, I didn't realize it would be a problem.

    I love your scene you created. I live at least 1000 miles from any ocean or sea, so that was a really lovely and inspiring work of art.

    Your latest tag is great. I think it's a beauty and really, really colorful, too.

    Your glassware is gorgeous. The tumblers with the etching design reminds me of Princess House and their designs. Yours are all lovely, and I am so surprised to read you use these all the time. I had a set of 12 Princess House glasses and every time I was them, I break one. I think I'm down to five! I really LOVE that green stem.

    It was good to see you went for cappuccino. I'm not that brave. And of course, those cups in the window are gorgeous, albeit too pricey.

    Great photos of the poppies and the wheat fields. Thanks for sharing your lovely art, your photos, and your cappuccino and glassware with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks E! Sorry about the Internet again, that is so frustrating. I am still scared in the trams and in cafes, but I need to go out. Have a nice afternoon!

  19. Hi Valerie. It's me, Bill! I haven't got a blog any more. Love your art and pics!

  20. I love your dream Valerie, especially your acrobatic seagulls! There's something about the sea isn't there, I love it too and can't wait to visit again, though we are not going anywhere just yet. I hope you enjoyed your coffee out - little treats mean a lot! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I always enjoy coffee, in and out, but it's nice to be served now and then! Have a great week!

  21. Zachwyciła mnie twoja kolekcja szklanek są piękne. Lubie twoje prace i to jak pięknie fotografujesz świat. Miłego wieczoru:)

    1. Thanks a lot!Glad you like the glasses, I was lucky to get them from my great aunt. I love taking photos, too!

  22. Wonderful artwork and photos. I love those glasses. Beautiful flowers. Happy T-Day!

    1. Thanks Anne. Have a great week and all the best for your cat.

  23. Lovely artwork! I love the head.
    Your glassware is exquisite. They are all beautiful pieces. Amazing that they are still intact after all these years. You must be looking after them very well.
    Your coffee in the beautiful mug looks very inviting. I would love a cup of coffee now, but it is past 10 pm so I'd better not.
    Lovely photos of the poppies and of the clouds.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. I am also hankering after coffee, but as you say, it's too late! Have a wonderful week!

  24. Beautiful artwork and great photos Valerie! Your glasses are lovely!
    Have a good week,
    Alison xx

  25. What a beautiful pictures! I'm impressed :)

  26. Your page is stunning Valerie, I love the beach scene you created! Awesome tag too, the added feathers are so colorful. And WOW your vintage glassed are gorgeous, the amber colored ones are so beautiful! Fantastic photos today, the close up of the wheat/blog header is so cool.
    Take care. Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. I was fascinated at all the patterns the crops made seen from the side. Have a wonderful day!

  27. Hi Valerie-love your art from the new theme for tiot, and I like your tag too.
    Wow I am in love with your glassware-and so glad you are using it-I think pretty things like this need to be used- and love.
    enjoyed all the photos-cool you caught a butterfly Happy T Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. You're right, pretty things need to be used and enjoyed. Have a great week!

  28. The glasses are super pretty and the field is very cool to see.

  29. Lots of beauty on this post. The glasses are awesome, as is your art and all the photos. I really like the wheat.

  30. I love your beach themed art and that feathery tag!
    The poppies are lovely.
    And what a gorgeous glass collection. My favorite is the tumbler. And that mug that your cappuccino is in is so unique with that glaze. Beautiful!
    Happy Tea Day,

  31. I love the idea of art "in your head," I'd like to try it. another great feather piece! take good care, xo

    1. Thanks Michele. Give it a try, it's fun! Have a great week!

  32. I love the dream scene in your head Valerie, great images making me think of rolling waves and the smell of the sea. There's a gorgeous array of feathers on your tag, and I love the addition of the real one. Your vintage glasses are beautiful, such a lovely colour too.
    Nice to see you having a coffee out in town, something I miss, but they're opening up next month, so maybe one day. Lovely photos from your walk and there's some lovely china in that shop window.
    Have a great day, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, it's good to dream of the sea! It was wonderful being able to go for a coffee again, but it's still scary traveling on the tram. Hope things get better at your end soon, too!

  33. What an amazing beach creation - the background painting is gorgeous, and I love all the elements you added to capture that seashore feeling. Wonderful feathery tag too - you've reminded me that I really meant to join in. Must see if I can get my act together.

    What an astonishing cup your coffee came in... and those photos really tell you it's summer now - poppies and ripening corn. Fabulous!
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. Hope to see you at Tag Tuesday!

  34. Wow! What a fabulous dream and what wonderful collection of elements to portray it! I miss seeing the sea - maybe one day we will be able to take a trip! I love the colourful feather tag - I still haven't managed to join in this time! I loved the poppy field - we don't seem to see many around these parts. I really love you glass collection - such lovely colours ! Coffee out ...that does look good!!! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Perhaps I will be able to take a trip one day. Have a great week!

  35. Woww your art page is Gorgeous Valerie !! I love that head, full of beautiful dreams ... The tag is a delight, what beautiful feathers, the stamps, and the colours are fantastic. Hope you spent a lovely T-day, sorry I´m late visiting :)
    You have a nice collection of very old cups and glasses, they are small treasures, beautiful.
    I have enjoyed walking with you through the wheat fields, and through that store that does not lower prices, oh, let´s see next month.
    I wish you a very nice Thursday, and send big hugs,

    1. Thanks Caty. I Love walking through the fields. Have a great week, hugs!

  36. Love your seaside scene, makes me very nostalgic for the coast, it is so long since I have been and now with the hot weather all the silly people are crowding onto the beaches with no thought for the virus which is still very much with us.


    1. Thanks Joan. We all need to be so careful, and so many people are behaving as if everything is back to normal, when it isn't. Stay safe!

  37. The glassware from your aunt is exquisite -- I've never seen any quite like that, so very beautiful and all the more special because of the family connection. Even your cap looks like it might fit the collection!


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