Wednesday 10 June 2020

Midweek post - scrap collage pages

Hi Everybody!

It's Wednesday, so my day to show some of my  'Without rhyme or reason' collages. My scraps have diminished a bit, but I swear they are multiplying in their boxes over night! Whatever, I have time till the end of June, and then it's bye-bye scraps. I have already filled the first journal and started on a second one - 3 weeks to go! I use an eclectic mix of rubbish  scraps. I grab a handful or two, put them on the table and then pick and stick. Anything still on the table when the double page is finished has to go in the garbage sack. I need to be very strict with myself or I will never get finished!  I often stencil some dots or diamonds around the pages to bring them together a bit:

This one has an awful drawing I tried to make of my auntie Fanny in it. And there's a clock, so I'm linking to Halle's 'Stitch in time' challenge at AJJ. Which is fitting, as Auntie Fanny was a seamstress and embroiderer:

Various faces and other scraps:

I liked these 2 characters put together:

The face on the right has been put together using 2 different face-halves:

Here I used a figure from Julian Opie which I cut from an art magazine. I copied it and made copies in other sizes. The lady on the left has been placed in front of a graffiti wall, to which I added some scribbles. The figures on the left are on a background photo of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera:  

And some more photos from Südpark. I will be visiting again as soon as the weather warms up a bit. It's a wonderful place to relax and  let your soul fly free.
The heron's legs look like twigs:


Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Stunning collages and absolutely love love...gorgeous photos.xx

  2. I just love these journal pages. You are making good use of those scraps. It is really interesting looking at the images you use and put together. And I enjoyed your photos too today Valerie. Happy mid-week. Hugs-Erika

  3. Heron's legs amaze me. They are such large birds and their legs so spindly! Love your scrap collages. It's amazing how well all these diverse pieces come together!

    1. The legs close up are really spindly, but evidently strong enough. Fascinating!

  4. Good job using up the scraps! Beautiful wildlife and flower photos!

  5. Good morning Val, it's still quiet here so I have a few minutes before I make breakfast. Love the collages, all so interesting, and hard to believe they were made from scraps - it looks as though it was all meant to be together. Wonderful photos, as always, it's easy to see how much you enjoy being at such places. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks for visiting. Hope your day stays quiet and peaceful! Take care of yourself!

  6. Good morning dear Valerie!
    Great captures of the preety Heron bird and the Ducklets,so cute!! I always enjoy your amazing pictures from your walk at the park!
    Love your Scrap pages! Very beautifully made and like all the details!
    Have a lovely day,stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Hi Dimi, good to see you! The waterfowl at the park are always very photogenic. Glad you like the scrap pages, I had fun making them. Have a lovely day and stay safe!

  7. Das nenne ich konsequent mit dem garbage bag!
    Schöne Kollagen und Bilder.
    Trotz des immernoch kalten Wetters die einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

    1. Wenn ich nicht konsequent bleiben kriege ich die Sachen nie weggeräumt. Heute bleibe ich zuhause, bin erkältet. Dir einen schönen Tag!

  8. Great pages and what a wonderful idea to use your scraps like that. Love your photos. Have a good day. x

    1. Thanks a lot! It's fun playing with the scraps. Have a wonderful day!

  9. You sure do some pretty creative and lovely work with just scraps!Hugs, RO

  10. "Without rhyme or reason". I thought for a moment you had started work on your autobiography! Just kidding, Valerie! Don't throw anything at me. The other phrase that brought a chuckle was "I have to be strict with myself." That sounds like the dieter having just one last piece of cake - until the next time. All those scraps will continue to multiply and it would be no fun if they didn't. And after all, when you crank up your steely discipline at the end of the month, and dispose of what is left, it will be the signal to start accumulating all over again! What fun! Thank as always for pictures of birds, and perhaps I learned a new word. I am familiar with duckling, but ducklet is entirely new to me. As always your post quacked me up. À la prochaine, my coffee-drinking, bird- watching, scissor-wielding little ducklet. I will look forward to reading more about your deeds and misdeeds tomorrow.

    1. I only throw cushions these days, so relax! But if I did write an autobiography the title would be very pertinent! I really have to be strict with myself, as I am inveterate hoarder. But, from the end of June only ONE box of scraps will be allowed, to collect the little snippets I find each day. Okay, the box might have the size of an overseas shipping container, but it will only be one box.... Ducklet was used in my far-away youth in London to describe the stage somewhere between fluffy yellow duckling and fully grown duck, and it's a nice word, I just like it! Bis Morgen, mon ami!

  11. oh this looks like allot of fun-and an excellent way to address way too many scraps of things-I will have to try this.
    enjoyed all the photos-we have allot of herons here too-fun to watch them hunt fish. our baby ducks have really grown and were all over the yard yesterday must have been looking for bugs or the little snails. Happy mid week hugs


    1. Thanks Kathy. This is a fun way to get rid of scraps. It's always fun watching the baby birds grow. Have a happy day!

  12. Very interesting post! 👏👏👏 Have a great day! I hope I see you very soon for my blog ! 🧡🧡🧡

  13. Fabulous collages. It's hard to believe that you just pick and stick as everything seems to go together. The duckies are too cute so fluffy I want to cuddle them. Beautiful flowers on the lily pads, too. Looks very peaceful there.

    1. Thanks CJ. This is really a peaceful place to be!

  14. I am really, really, really, really tempted to start a collage journal like yours. It's a great idea to use up all those wonderful images and such I have hoarded over the years, too. Thanks for so many inspiring examples like putting the two faces together, etc.

    Adorable fowl (not foul) photos, too. I've never seen a real heron. Even our zoo doesn't seem to have one.

  15. Then go ahead and start one! I'm sure you have even q scraps than I do! We have lots of herons here. But no cardinals!

  16. Very cool collection of artwork today Valerie. I love how you just have the knack to puts bits together and make it look wonderful!

  17. I love your art journals!!!
    I only have one :)
    Those gorgeous photos are breathtakingly beautiful!!!

    Hugs ☕🍷🌷

    1. Thanks Jan, so happy you visited! Have a great day!

  18. Wonderful collage art Valerie, and I love the birds! X

  19. Nice work, your friend Bill.

  20. Amazing - what you can do with a bunch of scraps. I espcially like the three women walking. There's a pleasing rhythm to the spread. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen! It's fun playing with scraps. Have a great day!

  21. Your scraps are things of beauty when you get done with them.
    As always I love your photos. They're so lush and serene.
    Take care and stay safe.

  22. I had to grin when you wrote that the heron's legs look like twigs.

    1. Glad it made you grin. The legs are very twig-like for such a huge bird!

  23. Wow Valerie you have been busy using up the scraps and all those journal spreads look fantastic, a super idea to piece two half heads together to make one. I think you are very strong to be adding pieces to the trash , I think I would still be inclined to hoard them just in case I might need them.
    Great photos again today, it must be good to be out in the air and walking in such lovely surroundings..
    Thank you for linking your art to Halle's AJJ theme
    Yvonne xx
    stay safe

    1. Thanks Yvonne. That was an experiment with the heads, they just happened to fit together. I have to throw some bits away, the scraps are taking over my world! Have a nice evening, look after yourself!

  24. Wow, you created so many fabulous pages! Loving how you collaged them together 😁. Those little ducklings are super cute and the pink waterlilies look amazing! I hope you are enjoying your week! Stay safe and well! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! The little birdies are all so lovely just now, I can't get enough of them! Have a nice evening!

  25. I love your collage pages Valerie, the faces are brilliant. It's amazing how you can get everything to look as if it belongs together. The park looks like a lovely place to visit, our parks are open now, but not zoos or anything like that. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Most places are now open here, but with restrictions of how many people are allowed in. If it's too full people have to wait till others leave. Have a good rest of the week!

  26. Hi Valerie wow what amazing collage pages they are very interesting to look through and thankyou for another lot of stunning photos,i love the birds,hope your day is a good one my friend xx

    1. Thanks, it's been a good day here, got a lot done. Now it's time for bed, so that's where I'm heading!

  27. Stunning collages Valerie! So colorful and fun, there is so much to look at, I love them! Beautiful photos, the birds are gorgeous! Take care of yourself.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, I had fun making them. The park is a fun place to visit for birds and flowers and animals, I love going there. Have a wonderful rest of the week!

  28. I do like your collage pages.
    Great photographs again.
    Heron's legs always seem too thin don't they … but somehow they work well :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I suppose there legs are stronger than they look, and probably suited to standing in cold water all day!

  29. I like your eclectic pages. Isn't collage fun and relaxing? Maybe I should try to do something with all my magazine clippings. hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa. It's a good way of using things up and having fun.

  30. I love how creative you are and you did this with scraps? Your work is calming and peaceful and fun. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    1. Thanks. I have boxes and boxes of scraps saved over the years, now I'm trying to use them!

  31. I love looking at ducks and I noticed your header as soon as I came on here. I never thought about the legs of a heron before, they hardly look strong enough for his body do they. But what beautiful birds you have for us to see today.
    Love the idea of using your scraps in that way. I have a big box of magazines and I should really go through it and take out what I want and do something like that. I do like the face of two halves, amazing how good a match they are to one another. Faces fascinate me so I look at them deeply and I must say I like your drawing of your aunt.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. Faces are always fascinating, that's true. Have a good week

  32. That place looks peaceful and soothing and the perfect place for some time outside. I know you must be looking forward to going back :)


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