Friday 5 June 2020

New Challenge At More Mixed Media - Paint Party Friday

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at More Mixed Media Challenge Blog. As always, our challenges are anything mixed-media goes, this time with optional purple. I made an A3 Journal page. The background was painted with white with a little lavender and yellow added in, and then textured with a swirl stamp. I used scraps of paper napkins for the flowers and butterflies. The girl with the hat is an image I found in one of my old ladies' newspapers from 1900. I sewed around the edges to finish it off:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday and to AJJ, where Halle has chosen the topic of 'A stitch in time'.

I also have another tag for Michele's Dance challenge at Tag Tuesday

When my daughter was small she wanted to go to ballet classes 'Because everyone in class has ballet lessons, pleeeeeeeeeeeease!' Okay, we went for a trial lesson. At the end of it she marched out, red-faced and bad tempered, and said she would never go there again. I asked her why, and she told me that the lady who was teaching was 'much too bossy', and everybody had to wear BLUE dresses, and she wanted pink! She decided to go horse-riding instead, even though the horse was not pink! So here a pink dress:

And some walking photos:

The lover's walk at Schloss Kalkum - a wonderful place to walk on a hot day and to enjoy the dappled sunlight under the trees:

This is what it looks like from the outside:

Magpies looking for breakfast:

More poppies:

A hungry crow:

First hay harvest:

The moon in the afternoon:

 A cloudy morning sunrise:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art, and seeing the ballerina in the pink dress reminded me of my ballet days!

    Gorgeous photographs, I always look forward to seeing what you post, and my favourites today are the lovers walk and the poppies.

    Have a great Friday.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I think many girls can relate to pink ballet dresses!

  2. OMGosh Valery that first piece is just beautiful. Love the photos. Have a nice weekend.

  3. Oh don't you love the logic of young children! I hope your daughter was happy horse riding. Your art work is beautiful, always a fan of a touch of purple. Napkins are great for images you need. Everything looks much and green on your walks.

    1. Thanks! Yes, kids have their own logic! She liked horse-riding for a time till other hobbies came along!

  4. Hi Valerie love your mixed media work the colours are so pretty and love those butterflies and your tags are gorgeous,your daughter knows what she wants which is good makes her strong .what beautiful pics love those trees,stay safe my friend xx

  5. So beautiful with the mixed media and the tags and your use of color! The purple is so vibrant. Your story of your daughter made me smile! I think she's a smart girl :) My kids always got to try something - ballet, ice skating, gymnastics and couldn't tell us they didn't like it until they had AT LEAST one class to be sure - thanks for the memory! Love all the green in your photos! Be well x0

    1. Thanks Kelly. Kids need to try things to learn the reality! Have a great weekend!

  6. What a stunning page Valerie, I love the purple accents and fabulous stitching! Gorgeous photos too, I would love to be walking under all of those trees!! My walks are a little hot, today I saw my first rattlesnake of the season! Yikes!! Take care and enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. I would not like to meet a rattlesnake, oh my! Take care!

  7. I haven't even finished visiting everyone at Rain's and you are back with another post, dear. I love the mixed media entry. I think I have one of those napkins, too. However, I certainly don't have one of those gorgeous vintage women. What charm. It's a lovely, lovely mixed media entry, dear.

    I had to laugh at your daughter's response to the ballet teacher. Just think of all the money you saved by her deciding she didn't want to take ballet. You turned her dream of a pink tutu into a gorgeous tag.

    STILL loving the poppies, BUT the hay bales in the field was my favorite shot of the day. Almost could be Kansas.

    1. Thanks E. I am in love with hay bales and poppies! Take care!

  8. Beautiful art Valerie, fun story of your daughter. I would love to walk that walkway in that dappled sunlight.

    1. Thanks Christine. I walk through there every time I visit Kalkum, it's so magical!

  9. Hay won't be harvest till end of June or first part of July

    1. Yes, everyplace is different. Have a good weekend!

  10. Thanks Laurie, I love this colour combination. It's good when kids think for themselves!

  11. My ballet teacher was bossy too but no rules for colors :)

    1. I think my daughter wanted to be the bossy one!

  12. Schöne Arbeiten und Geschichte, LOL, "bossy"!
    Schöne Fotos! Poppies, aww!
    Dir einen schönen Tag, auch wenn´s zu kalt ist "für die Jahreszeit", irgendwie bin ich mit dem Satz aus den Nachrichten aufgewachsen...
    Muss besser werden, GlG, Iris

    1. Zu kalt ist mir lieber als zu warm! Dir einen schönen Tag!

  13. Love the mixed media piece, very pretty colours and images. Great tag and story, thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.x

  14. I love lavender motive on so many things, so I lovd this work! Very pretty ☺ Stay safe and healthy everyone ☺

  15. Thanks, dear Natalia, you stay safe and well, too!

  16. This is a wonderfully romantic piece Valerie. The lavender and the vintage lady and the way you laid out the flowers certainly make it feel like an old time ad in a way. but in a really nice way! and the stitching is a wonderful touch. Thanks for linking up to AJJ with this piece. It is prfect for Halle's challenge and another beauty. Happy almost weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika!. Sometimes I just feel like making something old fashioned! And I do love the colours. Have a great day!

  17. Good morning Your Exalted Wonderness: Such lovely crafts! And featuring birds and butterflies too! And then you follow up with birds in the grass. How great does it get? I swear that the first cut of hay gets earlier every year (here too) and it is the kiss of death for ground-nesting birds. Their eggs and young routinely get destroyed. It is so sad. But the mystery this morning is you walking down Lover's Lane!! Ha,Ha! I suspect strongly that you have a paramour, a Don Juan, a Cassanova, hidden behind a tree. Those leafy glades hold more secrets that you are willing to reveal, Valerie. i am sure that, could I but see your face it would have a very broad smile - and not from drinking coffee either. Whew! I don't know what a femme fatale is called in German, but you are it! At least it was Lover's Lane and not Lover's Leap. Thank goodness for that.

    1. Hi David, I'm laughing! The first hay harvest does seem to get earlier each year. Perhaps because of the climate changes? Here it was been too warm and very dry. But I do like how the people all work together to get the job done. It's hard on the birds, that#s for sure. But the crows and gulls and all the others follow after them and look for pickings! Okay, I'll tell you - I walked down lover's Lane with the invisible man! He as so invisible I didn't even know he was there! I looked hopefully behind each tree and round each corner, but Nada! Perhaps next week I'll walk across the bridge, there's a sort of lover's leap there where several have sprung. No good to me though, the railings are too high to climb over, and it might look conspicuous if I drag a ladder there! Have a good day, I'm off now for m afternoon nap!

    Thanks for dropping by my blog
    Happy PPF

    much love...

  19. the pink dress... awe... I took ballet, tap, jazz lessons but as an adult. You dodged a bullet there my friend, saved hours of sitting through lessons waiting. Beautiful scenes, and framing. Poster worthy. Do you paint from your lovely pics?

    1. Thanks LeeAnna! Instead of waiting in the valley studio I was recruited for mucking out the stables. I used to paint from my photos and hope to do so again when my fingers are more cooperative! Have a great weekend!

  20. Such beautiful pieces and photos. Your works have such interesting details and beautiful colors!

  21. I love the bow on that lady's hat :) What a lovely walkway! All those poppies are so pretty. We don't see them here at all.

    1. You don't have poppies? I didn't know that. Have a great Weekend!

  22. lovely lavender page. The ballerina tag is so pretty- yes to pink!
    I'd love to walk along that path enveloped by all the trees...and the poppies- just gorgeous!!

    1. Right, thanks - yay to pink!! It's a wonderful path to talk along, in all seasons.

  23. Woww your Art journal page is wonderful Valerie !! and what a so beautiful tag, when you remember the ballet classes of your daughter.. yes, horses aren´t pink !
    I have enjoyed your walks, most under the magestic trees. The poppies are awesome, love these birds too.
    I wish you a very happy weekend, biig hugs,

    1. Thanks Caty! Actually we do have a pink horse here, it's standing in front of a shop near here! Ok, it's not real, but life size! My daughter would have loved it!

  24. What a gorgeous page! I love the background colours with the pretty napkin images that you added 😀. The ballerina tag is super pretty too! How magical the light was shining through the archway of trees - amazing! I hope you've had a lovely week 😊. Happy weekend! Stay safe and well! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. That is really a wonderful place to walk. Have a great Weekend!

  25. Lovely colours on the first one. Those tree lined walkways look amazing.

    1. Thanks Lin, it's a lovely place. Have a good weekend!

  26. I love the canopy of green trees. So pretty. I enrolled in ballet class in 6th grade, but had to choose between ballet and violin lessons. I chose violin. No regrets.

    1. I would prefer violin to ballet, too! Enjoy your Weekend!

  27. Loved the pieces and your daughter's story:) Lots of lovely shots. That arc of trees is magnificent.

    1. Thanks Sandra. She was a funny kid! The trees are a wonderful place to walk. Enjoy your weekend!

  28. Divine mixed media art works and your photography is excellent ~ love the lane and the more open areas too ~ Beautiful poppies ^_^

    Be Safe, Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol. There are lots of pretty paces here to walk. Have a great weekend!

  29. I love your purple and butterfly piece, it is so lovely! How sweet the dancer is as well, the story that went with it is charming. That tree pathway is gorgeous too!

    1. Thanks Lisa! Happy PPF and a great weekend!

  30. wow have been MIA and missed this, post is stunning as are the colours and fabulous photos.xx

  31. Its a beautiful journal page Valerie, I am having a good catch up today and enjoying my visits.
    The tag is wonderful and thank you for sharing the memories you had while making it.
    The walk looks a lovely place to visit, we have had hail stones and winter winds today, who said it was nearly summer., not me.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. It's been very cold, wet and windy here, but no ail stones. That's a summer start for you! Take care!

  32. Such a beautiful piece for A Stitch in Time! Love the texture you achieved with the layers. Amazing photos as always. :)

  33. Beautiful art and photos Valerie!
    We went for our first walk in nearly 3 months this morning, it felt so good.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks. That must have been a memorable Moment. Enjoy your Weekend!

  34. The lavender is so pretty! And oh, those poppies. I adore them!

    1. Thanks. The poppies are wonderful this year, so beautiful!

  35. Pretty artworks and such lovely photos. Pathways are my favourite. I have this inexplicable attraction for deserted streets and pathways.

    1. Thanks Tarang. Walking new pathways ist always an adventure. Have a great Weekend!

  36. the mixed media piece is gorgeous! love your latest dancer tag too. be well. xo

  37. Awesome art Valerie, Loved the photos-

  38. Oh lovely artwork today Valerie, the lavender looks fabulous, and fancy having a newspaper over a hundred years old! I didn't realise you had a daughter, but I can't blame her for wanting a pink dress. Fabulous photo's as always, I always love to see the Lovers walk, and wild poppies are my favourite! xx

    1. I have lots of tatty old books and papers, but not much else!

  39. Beautiful lavender page, Valerie. I enjoyed the ballet story of your daughter and the tag is lovely.

    I love the photos of the lover's walk at Schloss Kalkum. It feels like I could step right in and walk on through.

    Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen. My daughter was always very determined! The lovers' walk is always beautiful at all seasons of the year.


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