Thursday 18 June 2020

Back on line!

Hi Everybody!

I'm happy to say I'm back on line after nearly 2 days 'without'. Now I know it,  I can't live without it. I'm an internet junkie! No phone, no TV, no computer, no skyping - aaaaaaargh! But, I survived! Vodafone evidently had  damage to a part of their glass-fibre cables, so this whole area was 'without'. Every neighbour I met in the house or on the street asked the same question - 'Is your internet/TV down, too?' Anyway, it came back on just in time for the evening news, so that's something.  Thanks to all who commiserated with me!

I have  another tag for Wendy's 'feathers' challenge at Tag Tuesday
I used another piece of an Amazon envelope from one of my bit-boxes for the substrate. It had already been treated with structure paste and paint. The dream catcher has been on the go for a year or so. I started 2 and only got the larger one finished, but remembered  that it was there and finally got it done. Here it is on my tag:

And I have a double page from my second junk/scrap journal which I am linking to Halle's 'Stitch in time' challenge at AJJ.
There is a clock in one of the roses to remind us to take time to smell them, and I stitched the bottom of the 'bride's' dress with some gold thread.

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

And a few more pics from my new balcony plants, I just love them:

I will try to catch up on your blogs tomorrow!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Very nice to have you able to join us in blog world again!
    Beautiful art and journal pages of course.
    I love the white dress!
    Gorgeous photos that cheer me up with their beautiful colors that you capture wonderfully.

    Big Hugs Always ☕❤❤❤

    1. Thanks Jan, it's good to be back in my world again, it was so strange being cut off like that!

  2. I was just thinking of you and your internet woes Valerie, so glad you are back up! Beautiful dream catcher tage and I love that brides dress! Your balcony flowers are so beautiful.

    1. Thanks Christine, I am more than happy to be back with you all again!

  3. Hi Val! Glad you are back on line again, I know it's hard for you and makes you feel cut off. But now you're back in connection with the rest of your world! Lovely makes, as always. Have a great evening, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! It's so good to be back! Take care!

  4. Hello dear Valerie!
    So glad you are back again!
    Your dream catcher tag,is so beautiful!
    Love your journal page and the romantic theme with the roses and the brides dress!Wonderful creation!
    Your balcony flowers are so preety! Great close ups!
    Have a relaxing evening! Stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much, dear Dimi. I am very relieved. Have a great evening, take good care of yourself!

  5. So glad you are back online. Love the laterest tag and the photos are beautiful. Enjoy your evening.x

  6. I was thrilled to read you were back online. As soon as I read your comment I came. Glad to have you back and you weren't offline nearly as long as I was one time. However, our electronics really DO make it difficult for us to give up.

    I'll be back soon because I want to comment on your art. But first, I have to GOOOOOOO!!!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I'm happy to be back, too. It's a bit scary to be so dependent on technik. I don't know what I would do if I had to be offline for days!

  7. Sorry I took longer than I thought because I also got a phone call. Your tag is beautiful. I have several of those Dream Catchers that are small, so you have given me an idea for making one for a tag, too. Mine won't be as pretty as yours, because I love the color of yours.

    Your use of time spent stopping to smell the roses is wonderful. It's very pretty and a great way to use more of those scraps, too. Thanks for yet another wonderful entry using Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Your flowers look so happy on the balcony. I like that you have shaded them from the afternoon sun with that darling umbrella, too. Again, I'm so glad you are back online, dear.

    1. Thanks Elisabeth! I had lots of time for crafting yesterday with no Internet! I'm glad you like my sunshade, too, it's a new one as the old one fell apart after 20 years!

  8. I'm so glad you are back online. It's really tough, isin't it, when our internet and other electronic go! Welcome back!

    1. Thanks, it really is hard. What did we do in the good old days? Have a great day!

  9. Your days "without" were at least art productive. Lovely work all around. It's amazing how spoiled we've become without realizing it. :) Myself included...

    1. Thanks Halle. Yes, it's true, we've got so used to all these things we are all 'hooked'. Have a nice day!

  10. Glad you are back online. when something goes out here we lose everything too-tv-phone and internet because it is all fiber. we do save allot of money this way-but when it goes out-its bad even the cell phone doesn't work.
    your art is always so amazing-and Wow such gorgeous patio flowers-I hope to get pretty flowers next year or this fall
    Happy friday and weekend hugs Kathy

    1. Thank Kathy. Yes, we are very dependent on these things and it's hard when there's nothing! You have done so much at the house, and soon there will be time to get some pretty flowers, too. Have a great day!

  11. That's a clever idea for your tag. I thought of birds but not dream catchers. Like that. And your page for AJJ is great. I love all the roses on it. Thanks for joining Halle's challenge again. And your flowers are looking so pretty. They certainly cheer up your balcony. Happy Friday. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I love my little balcony and sat out there last night till it got dark, that was wonderful!

  12. It's not good to be without phone, internet etc.
    Love your tag, and your balcony photographs are beautiful.

    Enjoy the rest of the week, can't believe Friday has come around again!

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks! You' re right, it's not good being without. And yes, time has flown again, and I got so little done this week!

  13. So good you have your connection back. Love the dream catcher and the balcony flowers are lovely, the orange and purple look good together.

    1. Thanks a lot! orange and purple are wonderful together! Have a great day!

  14. Hi Valerie so good to have you back my friend ,wow your tag is amazing and so beautiful ,you are amazing with your beautiful work and love your scrap pages ,Thankyou for sharing them with us. Hope your day is a good one Valerie,take care my friend xx

    1. Thanks so much Sheryl. I have fun scrapping and crafting, like you do stitching! Have a great day!

  15. Good to see you back on line and what a show, love your fabulous work.xx

  16. Schön dich wieder zu sehen udn gleich so wunderbare Journalseiten! Gerade mit dem Brautkleid ist dir wundervoll gelungen und mit dem tollen Hintergrund!
    Die Kunst ist es eine Einheit zu bilden die einen ins staunen bringt wenn man es an schaut, das ist bei dir!
    Schön sehen sie aus all die Schönheiten auf deinen Blumenfotos!
    Ich wünsche dir eine schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Freut mich, dass du die Arbeiten gefallen haben, ich hab immer wieder Spaß beim kreieren. Dir einen schönen Tag!

  17. Good to have you back! Beautiful colours in your dreamcatcher and love the background. I like the clock in the roses and that it reminds you to smell them. The flowers are lovely, specially like the orange and the magenta ones. Happy PPF!


    1. Thanks Soma. We so often just hurry by beautiful things and don't take time to appreciate them! I love my new flowers! Have a great day!

  18. Great projects and lovely photos

  19. Sehr schöne Arbeiten und Blumen! Ich hoffe,der Botanische Garten öffnet wieder, meine Balkonpflanzen rebellieren!
    Dir einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

    1. Danke Iris. Alle Parks und Gärten sind geöffnet hier, und das ist toll. Balkonblumen brauchen viel Wasser! Dir einen schönen Tag!

  20. Beautiful vibrant colors on your blog today. Your gold thread was perfect for your bride's dress. Happy PPF

    1. Thanks a lot Susan. Happy PPF and have a great weekend!

  21. Welcome back, Valerie. You are quite correct, of course, that the internet has become so indispensable to people's lives that one cannot live without it. We still need to upgrade to Windows 10 since our earlier version is no longer supported, and should do that sooner rather than later, before we begin to have problems. I shudder at the thought of going through it, but there is no alternative. I am looking forward to the daily accounts of life - and good living - at your bastion in Balconia-by-the-Rhine, always interesting and, since you are the queen of the realm, entirely subject to your wishes. Say hello to the lovely Nathalie for me. Send pictures of delicious coffee and portraits of handsome CANADA Geese! À la prochaine, chérie! David

    1. Thanks David. Yes Technic has taken over our lives, and sometimes it's a bit scary how dependent we are. You need to get your computer updated, I did mine a couple of years back. Nathalie is on holiday in Austria with her friend, we had a WhatsApp video-chat yesterday, with mountains and cows in the background, nice! And they have wonderful coffee shops in Austria! Have a fun day, hugs to you and M!

  22. Love it or hate it , the internet is part of our lives these days, it certainly keeps us in touch with folk we meet here in blogland.
    Its a fantastic tag and journal page and thank you for linking to Halle's AJJ theme. The bride's dress you created looks beautiful.
    Your balcony flowers look so pretty, my garden pots look so bare this year as we have been unable to get to a garden centre .
    Stay safe.
    vonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Yes, it's true, we can't get away from it. Our lives would be a lot sadder tuck at home with no means of communication. Hope you get some pots of flowers sooner or later! Stay well!

  23. Your paper doll is gorgeous.luv the mixed media approach
    Happy PPF


    1. Thanks Gillena, have a great day, happy PPF!

  24. Super dream catcher, Valerie. Your spread for AJJ is very clever. So glad your internet is back. I wouldn'y know what to do with myself either. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen, I'm glad I'm not the only one! Enjoy your weekend, stay safe!

  25. Interesting art. Love the colors. Glad you survived the no internet phase. I, too, would have felt lost without it.

    1. Thanks, I think we are all hooked on the net these days! Have a great weekend!

  26. Beautiful art and flowers Valerie! Glad you are back online, those two days must have been bleak 😉
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. Yes, it was bleak. I think I need to learn how to survive without Internet!

  27. Welcome back to the online world! Isn't it amazing how lost we feel without it! LOVE the feather piece and your collage is just darling!

    1. Thanks Jean, lost is the right word! Have a great weekend!

  28. Glad you're back with power and internet!Love the dream catcher and your tag. And your bride pages are beautiful. But those flower photos- oh my, absolutely stunning! happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda! The flowers are really beautiful, that's true. Have a great weekend!

  29. REMEMBER TO joinmy linky on Sundays where i ask what's your Sunday like


  30. Glad you are back online! Your tag and page are both gorgeous 😁. I love the textured background on the tag you created and the journal page flowers are gorgeous! As are the flowers on your balcony, they look so bright and cheery 😊. Wishing you a Happy Friday and Weekend! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  31. I'm so glad you're back online, going without really is very challenging! I love your art, the dream catcher piece is amazing as is the one with the reminder clock. The flowers are also so pretty.

    1. Thanks so much. Dream catchers and feathers are things I loe. Have a great weekend!

  32. So glad everything is turned back on. I absolutely love your second piece this week, and the photos of the flowers. Wow.

  33. Hi Val, sorry, I'm late again, but life is sometimes chaotic, as you know....I have a quiet weekend, so hope to catch up on lots of things. Wonderful art and flower photos, wow. Love your new balcony pots, so pretty. Have a great weekend, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a restful weekend! Take Care!

  34. Oh Valerie - this is such a fun post! I'm hoping this means you have your internet! Love the view of the balcony - and I wish I was able to grow things. Your dreamcatcher art is just magical - love how earthy it is and the bright teal really POPS! Have a fabulous Saturday!

    1. Thanks Kelly, I love those colours, too! Have a great day!

  35. Beautiful tag, love it. Your flowers are lovely, bright and cheerful.

  36. Internet junkies, you and me both lol I'm glad you're back online :) Having such a variety of bright potted flowers must be nice. I love the dream catcher tag.

  37. Yep I'm afraid I'm a little bit dependant on the internet too lol. I love your dreamcatcher, and the flowers are just beautiful. Have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. I think we are all internet junkies. Sometimes I think I need to get a life off-line!


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