Monday 8 June 2020

T sTands for This and That and Three preTTy caTs:

Hi Everybody!

here's wishing us all a good, new week. Hope all are keeping healthy and safe, and that this week will be more peaceful than the last one.

Michele's dance challenge at Tag Tuesday has another week to run, it would be great to see more people joining in with this lovely theme. I have another hybrid tag using a photo background with a silhouette from Serif:

On Monday evening we start Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday Link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the T Gang ladies who visit here.  I am posting early as I have a lot to do this week.

I am sharing some presents I got several years back from Tracey Fletcher King, who often painted T-themed things. She sent me this beautiful journal that I have on my bedside table and painted the wonderful tea-cup:

And some coffees from last year - I hope to soon start visiting my cafes again and drinking my coffee outside:

And I have a hybrid journal page for Halle's AJJ challenge, a stitch in time. The background is an abstract marbling using left-overs of oil paint dripped onto a bowl of wallpaper-paste. You can move the colours around with a tooth-pick before using some paper to pick up the colours. The cats are photos which I digitally cut out, and it was put together in Serif:

Some photos from my walks in the past couple of weeks - Canadian geese, especially for David:

Isn't he handsome:

 As always I visited Hofgarten:

The neighbour's beautiful roses:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful walk photos Valerie, it will be so good for you to sit outside and have a coffee, after being not able to for so long. Your tags are lovely,I like the sound of marbeling using wall paper paste and the oil paints, gives a great background. Stunning blue sky in your last photo.

    1. Thanks so much. When the rain stops I will go for my coffee again. Grey skies today!

  2. I love the latest tag and also your super kitty page for AJJ. Thanks for joining Halle's challenge again. And I haven't sen anything from Tracey fletcher King in a long time. I took one of her online classes and I always liked her style. And nice photos. That is one handsome rooster and it looks like one curious horse. and lastly I bet you can't wait to get back out for your coffees again. Happy early T day and happy new week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I don't know what Tracey's up to these days, but se had a wonderful style.

  3. Good morning Valerie ,oh wow what a beautiful dancing tag its so pretty,you recieved lovely T things from your friend and you see such wonderful things on your walk,hope your day is a good one my friend xx

  4. Gorgeous art and photos, I recognize Tracey's style, we haven't heard from her in awhile.
    It will be great when you can sit out in the cafes again.

    1. Thanks Christine. Tracey hasn't been around for some time, pity.

  5. I know you will be so glad to have T outside again but in a cafe. Love Tracey's gifts and all the wonderful photos of the critters!

  6. You have such lovely scenery for your walks-I envy all you get to see.
    Your art tag is just gorgeous, I loved your painted gifts, and you'll be so happy to get out for your coffee-that will feel wonderful! Happy T hugs Kathy

  7. Beautiful designed post and tag, most adorable colours and result. x

  8. Irgendwann... Katze :-)
    Schöne Fotos, bald soll es warm werden, dann ist draußen-sitzen Zeit, GlG, Iris

  9. Die tanzende Ballerina ist wunderschön geworden im Blumenmeer und die Tasse und Trinkbecher sind cool!Die Katzen mit der Uhr wunderschönes Journal page, gefällt mir sehr gut!
    Ja, ich würde auch gerne in ein Cafe gehen oder überhaupt mal wieder wo hinsitzen können an Orte mit Menschen. Abwarten heisst es...
    Schön zu sehen all die Momente in Fotos fest gehalten!
    Ich wünsche dir auch ein schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund! Und ja, warten wir lieber etwas!

  10. Beautiful colors, I love the cats, so adorable! Have a lovely week!

    1. Thanks Natalia, cats always steal the show!

  11. Your dancer looks like she is really enjoying dancing amongst those pretty flowers Valerie. The pink roses remind me of the ones my Grandad grew in his garden and that Rooster is a magnificent creature indeed.
    Take care & stay safe it's a busy week for me too.. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. I love those old-fashioned roses, so beautiful, and they smell wonderful, too. The rooster seems to know he is handsome! Stay safe!

  12. Hello dear Valerie!
    Like your tag and your journal page with the cute kittens!
    The colors are so beautiful!! Great work!!
    The gifts that you received are so preety!
    Great captures of the birds and the flowers!Amazing photos!
    Hope soon you’ll enjoy your coffee ! Enjoy your new week! Stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Hi Dimi! Good to see you again. Sooner or later it will be good to drink my coffee outside again. Have a wonderful week, stay safe!

  13. T is also for Terrific. TERRIFIC Canada Geese, of course, and the images of those swans are lovely too. As I have commented many times, Valerie, you have very appealing areas for your walks. And I hope that very soon you will be able to sit on a patio, in warm sunshine, and sip coffee. Let us all hope that as conditions return to normal people behave sensibly and don't put themselves and others in harm's way - and ultimately a return to seclusion at home. Have a great week ahead! Big hugs, David

    1. I ThoughT you mighT like them...Yes, we have great places to walk here. I hope from next week, when the warm weather is supposed to return, to enjoy my coffee outside. Today we had 'inside' lunch, Nathalie came, I cooked and washed up! But those are things I don't mind doing. Have a great week, take care!

  14. Love the tea cup painting, beautiful. Those kitties are so adorable. Have a safe weekend. Hugs Anesha

  15. Awesome design and pretty flowers❤

  16. What a fun tag, Valerie. I must try to remember to join Tag Tuesday before the theme changes. Your dancer is so graceful.

    That journal page is wonderful. What a great way to marble. I'm working on finding materials for a marbling technique, too. Of course, I LOVE the cats. It's a great entry for Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    David may get the Canadian Geese, but I am thrilled to see the black swans. I always love it when you share those.

    I'm so glad you mentioned Tracey Fletcher King. I can't seem to find her blog posts after 2018, so I wondered how she is doing. I know she had cancer and the prognosis wasn't good, although she seemed to be hopeful, so I hope she is still blogging and painting. Those pieces she created for you are wonderful. I especially like the mug with all the different tea tags. Thanks for sharing all the coffee you hope to drink soon outside, as well as Tracey's art, your own art, and your walks with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E. I don't know what Trace is doing these days, she hasn't been on her blog. Glad you like the swans, I am very partial to those black swans, too. And just for the record, I am drinking coffee while writing this reply....Happy T Day, have a great week.

  17. Hi Valerie, I have to tell you the close up of the tea cup made my day. It is so pretty. Wonderful dancing art and those cats. As always I love the photos of where you live. Have a great Monday.

  18. I like those cats looking upwards in your art. Cute! That horse looks magnificent. It's been a while since I went to the ranch in Makaha. Time to get back on the saddle.

    1. Lots of horses living here. Have a great week!

  19. I see only this cup off coffee:D

  20. Wonderful art by you and Tracey! And great photos too Valerie.
    Happy new week,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. Have a great week, stay safe and well.

  21. Beautiful tag and page. Looks like the walking man is ready for that coffee at the cafe. Beautiful flowers and the sky is so blue. The rooster picture made me laugh. He looks like he knows he’s handsome. Happy T Day. Take care and enjoy your day

    1. I see that man every day but he's never stopped for a Coffee! The rooster is fun, he stands and poses!

  22. Your tag is not only beautiful but graceful and it!!!
    Tracey's cup and saucer is stunning! What a lovely gift!
    Enjoy your coffee and your balcony and keep walking and taking these beautiful photos that you share with us.

    Hugs ☕

    1. Thanks Jan. It's always fun to walk around and enjoy the landscape.

  23. Gorgeous artwork Valerie and love both of the pieces you created. Such lovely photos too especially that wonderful cockerel. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Many thanks for your continued support too which I much appreciate.
    Have a good week, Fliss xx

    1. Thanks Fliss. And you're welcome! Have a good week!

  24. I hope outings will be possible soon. I'm still waiting... but hopeful :) Happy T Day!

  25. Gorgeous artwork Valerie, I love how you used the photo for the background on the tag and I love all of the cats on your AJP! Gorgeous photos, that rooster is a handsome fella! Take care, Hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! Gorgeous card and a handsome rooster, that's true. The rooster thinks he's the best looking one on earth! Have a good and safe week.

  26. Oh my goodness...a three-fer post. Love what you came up with for A Stitch in Time!
    The rooster photo is amazing...her is certainly strutting his stuff.
    Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Halle. I couldn't resist playing with the kitties! Have a great week.

  27. Fabulous art projects and photos Valerie. I love the page you created for Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Sorry I am late visiting and I hope you have a Happy T day on Tuesday.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I'm always happy to see you here, early or late isn't important. Happy T Day!

  28. Hi Valerie! Your photos are absolutely gorgeous! Your walks are good for my soul! I especially loved seeing your close-ups - the rooster is totally handsome! Looks like your T Tuesday was fun! And I hope you get to visit some cafes again soon. The cappuccino photos are . . . WOW! I love coffee!!! And finally, I absolutely adore what you made for Halle's AJJ theme. Your page is amazing, so fun and very beautiful. I hope all is well with you. HUGS, Sharon

    1. Thanks Sharon! It's pretty to walk around here. That rooster has gt so many compliments he will be getting really big headed! Life is not really easy just now, but I'm managing, that's the main thing!

  29. I forgot to ask. Are your neighbor's roses called cabbage roses? They are SO different from mine, but I know there are many, many types of roses.

    1. I think they are. I'm not a botanist, all I know is the colour....But they are lovely. I'll ask her when I see her again!

  30. Lovely tag.
    Fabulous photographs, especially the rooster photograph.

    Enjoy your week.

    All the best Jan

  31. Your tag is lovely! I am loving the neighbor's roses and the tea themed gifts from your friend. And of course all your photos are lovely.
    Happy Tea Day,

  32. Hi Va, I know I'm very late, but yesterday we had a big chaos day - the littl'un fell down the stairs and mum tripped over the carpet - aaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Love your art and photos, as always, hope all is well with you and that you are feeling better now. Take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Oh dear, you poor thing. Hope it wasn't more than bumpy and bruises, although that's bad enough. Take care of yourself!

  33. Great post. Have a lovely day :)

  34. Lovely artwork. Wonderful assortment of photos. As always, I enjoy seeing the black swans. Happy T-Day!

    1. Thanks Anne. Happy T Day to you and teddy, too!

  35. Love your pages and tag - some great colors and details. You always combine the most interesting things. When I had cats, they loved my clocks and were mesmerized by them just like on your page - brought back memories. Great pictures - I LOVE that chicken! I want to paint one up like him/her. Lovely post. Hugz

    1. My ct was always fascinated by the clock, too, Kitty could watch it for ages. And yes, that rooster is handsome, I call him Hugo!

  36. Lovely art Valerie. Dancers and cats. What more does a girl want. Oh well, coffee of course. And you have brought us plenty of that.
    I love the photos from your walk. The blossom and the cockerel. The horse and rider and the Canada geese. Great to see the black swans too.
    We have had our first coffee at a cafe (outside) this morning. It was a real 'ahh' moment.
    Wishing you a happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. Yes, dance, cats and coffee. The Egyptian goddess Bastet was goddess of dance and cats! I don't think they had coffee back ten, poor things! As soon as it warms up again I will go for coffee outside, it's too cold just now. Happy T day!

  37. Hi Valerie, great photos and beautiful flowers. I love the painting of the flowery cup and saucer, gorgeous colours.
    I hope you will soon be able to have your coffee outside, aren't you allowed or are you just staying safe? we now have breakfast but at the same place as we feel safe there but apart from that we don't eat anywhere else.
    Have a lovely T Day, take care, Jan x

    1. Thanks Jan. We are allowed to drink coffee outside, but have had several cold, windy and wet days, when the weather gets better I will enjoy my coffee! Happy T day!

  38. Your ballerina is so pretty- love your color choice and the floral background. I have a bit of Tracey's art too. She is such an amazing watercolor artist!
    Your kitty art is really sweet:) of course I really enjoy your super photos out and about. Hope you can enjoy an outdoor coffee break again soon. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. Tracey is an amazing artist, that's true. Happy T day!

  39. Lovely dance themed tag, Valerie. Aww your cat page is adorable. I love the vintage clock.

    I really enjoyed the outdoor pictures. We're still on lockdown.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen. Hope your lockdown will soon be over.

  40. I always love visiting your blog and seeing where you've been and what your up to! I love your journal with the teacup painting on the cover ~ so pretty. The rooster is very handsome and all the flowers and birds too. Our coffee shops are open to outside seating, so I'll have to go soon too. Blessings on your week ahead ~

    1. Thanks Karen. Have a great week, stay safe!

  41. Beautiful tag! That's such a lovely flower background and pretty ballerina 😀. Wow, you got some amazing gifts from your friend, perfect for T Day too! Take care and Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! Happy T day and have a great week.

  42. What a gorgeous tag Valerie, there seems to be so much depth there. Of course you had me with the painting of the cats! Have a great week, Sue xx

  43. Love the tag! What a lovely journal and teacup! Yes, I am looking forward to being able to have coffee made by someone else too! Once again fabulous photos! Belated T day wishes, Chrisx

  44. What a gorgeous painting of that teacup and saucer. Tracey Fletcher King, that is a blast from the past. I remember visiting her blog years ago on a regular basis. Do you know if she is ok, I remember her battling an illness all those years ago.
    That is an unusual background for your journal page, I have never heard of oil paint on wallpaper paste - I was expecting it to look similar to reinker on shaving foam but it is different. Nice but different, and more in style. I would love to give it a try sometime.
    Gorgeous pictures from the Hofgarten and you are right that rooster looks so handsome, as does the horse.
    Hope you get your coffee before too long - safely of course.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I don't know how Tracey is doing, I haven't heard of seen anything from her in a long time. When it seems up I will go for my coffee! Have a great week, Valerie


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