Thursday 25 June 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Date - heat wave

Hi Everybody!

Rain's theme has come at the right time, as we are having a heat-wave here just now. Those who know me know that hot, summer weather is not my thing. I like the sun and blue skies, but anything more than 24 -25° is too hot to handle for me! Okay, it might be easier  with a pool in the garden and air conditioning, and perhaps a butler to bring me iced coffee or cocktails, but such luxuries are unfortunately not available!

I have dug out some artwork which reminds me of hot and sunny weather:

This is a book cover from Susan Flett Swiderski's lovely book, and the cover photo is   the view from my balcony:

Blue skies, sunshine and dragonflies are harbingers of summer:

I love painting with summer colours even if I'm not a summer fan:

Cold drinks are welcome:

This is not directly a summer piece, but has hot, summer colours:

Flowers  and children love the summer warmth:

And some people like dancing themselves warm whatever the weather:

And some photos showing the sun rise on a hot and sunny day:

And whatever the temperature - keep cool!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Enjoyed your heat wave in the midst of your real one!

    1. Thanks Christine, I enjoy paper ones more than the real thing!

  2. Our heat wave is breaking today. It's been just about a week, and I am ready for some fresher air. I love your heatwave pieces and the hot colors. And how cool to have one of your photos on a Book cover. Stay cool-as best you can. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I'm sure you will be happy to get some fresh air again!

  3. Beautiful designs and love the gorgeous yummy pics.xx

  4. What an amazing batch of beautiful paintings. They all make me feel hot, except for the cool drinks. You have found some incredible examples of heat. And those sunrises even look like the day is heating up even before the sun is up over the horizon. Great pages and wonderful examples, Valerie.

    1. Thanks E. It's another hot day here even now in the early morning. have a great day!

  5. Alos ich mag es auch nicht so warm und heute wirds bei uns auch gnaz schön hitizg. Deine Kunstwerke sind zu dem Thema klasse und deine Fotos so herrlich diese rötliche heissen Sonnenaufgänge!
    Ich fahre jetzt eien runde Fahrrad und bleib dann auch daheim das ist mir zu warm auch bei mir.
    Ich wünsche dir einen guten Tag und pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Ich muss auch früh raus, habe einen termin beim Arzt, aber es ist schwer irgendwo zu finden wo es nicht so heiss ist, zuhause bei mir ist immer sehr warm. Nah, zumindest brauchen wir keine Heizung!

  6. How amazing the twilight photo ..., seems dramatic.

    1. Thanks Himawan. It's always wonderful to watch!

  7. Like you anything above 25 degress is too hot! lol Keep cool. Love your creations they all say heat and summer. Those are some beautiful sky photos. Have a great day. x

    1. Thanks Anesha, you are so right! Have a great day, stay cool!

  8. We have a cold wet day today about 13 deg C so I have enjoyed your summer warm colours.

    1. Cold and wet - it sounds good! We always seem to log for what we haven't got!

  9. Good morning dear Valerie!
    It isn’t so hot here today,29c,and just came back from the beach! We went for swimming early in the morning!
    Love all your pieces and especially the Summer theme!Gorgeous pictures from the sunrise and the beautiful colors of the sky! Have a lovely day! Stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Hi, dear Dimi! How lovely to go swimming at the beach - that's my dream! We had a fantastic sunrise again today, it's always uplifting to see it! Have a great day!

  10. Love them all, especially the first one, that shows the temp I like! 30C+ and I´m happy :-)
    Sadly only 20, cloudy...
    Pool and butler would be nice indeed, have a great day, Iris

  11. I agree with you regarding heat, Valerie. The perfect temperature range from my perspective is from about nineteen to twenty-four. That's the kind of weather to do whatever you wish, without dripping with sweat. In fact, after a light rain, we had that kind of day yesterday, and it was perfect for me to watch Miriam weeding in the garden! The depiction of nature in your artwork is pleasing as always, and it seems timely for you to feature dragonflies when I have just reviewed a book on the dragonflies and damselflies of Europe. I am sure you will be doing an extensive search to discover subspecies unique to the Balconia-by-the-Rhine region. I know it on good authority that the human damsels there have a marked proclivity for coffee and are known to imbibe several times daily if the chance presents itself. Enjoy what is left of Thursday, liebchen. Affectionate greetings from your Canadian correspondent, David

    1. Hi David, nice to 'see' you again! And I'm glad we're in agreement about the temperatures - too much is too much! Glad you enjoyed watching Miriam do the weeding! This damsel went to the glass museum today - it's free on Thursdays, I love glass and they have air conditioning. And I had a coffee afterwards. And this afternoon will be given over to a nap under the sunshade on my balcony! Have a wonderful day, Hugs to you and M!

  12. That photograph made the purrfect book cover. AND more glorious sun rise/set shots.
    Of your pieces, I especially love the summer colors and Egypt cats.
    Stay cool. Be safe. Be healthy.

    1. Thanks Sandra. I love the Egyptian cats, too, so elegant! Have a fun day!

  13. Congratulations on your picture being on that author's book cover. You must be thrilled.

  14. Hi Val, hope you are coping with the heat. The kids are all home again so things have been 'hotting up' again, and I don't just mean the temperature. Still, that#s family life for you! Love your beautiful paintings and photos today, a very successful 'hot mixture'. Make sure you get enough rest and drink plenty of water, not just coffee! I bet you'e drinking coffee right now! Just take care of yourself! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, sorry you are in the thick of it all again! Hope it isn't too hot at your place, and that the kids can be outside in the garden a lot. Look after yourself, too! And how did you know I'm drinking coffee, huh?

  15. Hi Valerie. This heatwave isn't my thing either. We walked early before it got too hot, and have been indoors all day since.
    I love your fabulous art and beautiful sunrise photos.
    Keep cool,
    Alison xx

  16. Hi Val, all the best, Bill ��

  17. wow what a great sunset:) so mistique!

  18. Wonderful and colourful post today Valerie! Loving all your artwork! I'm with you on the heat, just keep a lid on it and I am happy.

    1. Thanks Pinky! That's a good idea with keeping a kid on it! Keep cool!

  19. I love your hot colors, inspired by your heat wave :) Those sunrise photos are a wonder! Gorgeous!

    1. Thanks! I am not a heat fan, but love these colours!

  20. Well, for sure, you have the right idea ... poolside with an ice coffee and a butler to bring you refills ... and of course, the air conditioning when you go in. Don't forget your Sun Screen:) As always, your eclectic art is marvelous. I love your collages and you even managed to work in some uplifting messages. I love the view out your window ... a sunrise on a hot day can be marvelous and you have captured it perfectly. Great job, Valerie ... missed you last week. Glad you are back :) Be safe, stay well ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea, I do sometimes have good ideas, even if I can't realize them! Last week was very chaotic and we had no internet for two days, hard! The sunrises I see from my window every day are fantastic. Have a great week!

  21. Gorgeous pages Valerie, I love the little girl holding the flowers, so sweet and beautifully colored! Gorgeous photos of the sunrises, your photography is amazing! Take care, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, the little girl reminds me of my daughter when she was small. Glad you like the photos. Have a great afternoon!

  22. A fabulous selection of awesome hot and summer colours om your wonderful art pieces. The heat seems to have arrived for most of us, to hot for me.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I just try to hide from the heat. I go out early for my walks otherwise it's too hot.

  23. Beautiful art Valerie, that drink with the cherry comes alive, yummy
    Happy Thursday

    much ❤ love

    1. Thanks Gillena. I wouldn't mind a drink like that right now!

  24. Ohhhhh Valerie that first one is by far my fave. It just took my breath away. Beautiful photos. Have a great weekend.

  25. What fabulous pieces and definitely hot, hot, hot! xx

  26. Thanks Sue, it really is hot, hot, hot!

  27. Fabulous art and pictures for the heatwave theme.
    It really has been too HOT hasn't it!

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. Hope it soon cools down for us all!

  28. Ha Valerie, my butler who brings me cocktails is my hubby hee hee...he loves to mix drinks and he's good at it! Your sunny summer photos are brilliant and a lovely book cover!!! We are seeing lots of dragonflies too and hearing the cicadas...that's a sign of hot weather around here! I LOVE your "Happiness" piece...great colours and a wonderful message!!

    1. Thanks Rain. Send him over, please, I need a good butler! Have a great week,take care!

  29. Wow - you have some great creations on this! Super Summer colors, wise words, historical significance - so much!!! Great pictures too - most of us take the sunsets and rises for granted but not you! Wow. Hugz


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