Monday 20 February 2017

Waiting for spring

Hi Everybody!

It's been a cold, wet and windy Sunday here -
we only saw the sun at sunrise, and then
it stayed home the rest of the day, so
I did the same.

And I consoled myself with a journal page where
the weather looks better....I made a collage using paper napkins,
stamping, doodling and painting with water colours:

I am linking to Allsorts Challenge, anything goes, and
More Mixed media, anything goes

For Art Journal Journey, Linda's lovely theme of '50 shades of red',
 I have a hybrid piece, using a sunrise photo as BG,
and a face image from dear Gill:

Tuesday is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday,
where we 'meet' to share our drinks and
sometimes more, so come on in ladies, and help yourselves:

Coconut bars:

I visited the K20 and 21 Museums on Saturday, and was 
once again wowed by the wonderful architecture, especially
in the K21:

I will show the photos of the exhibition another day.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The Spring page is so uplifting and happy it will make everyone smile who sees it Valerie.

    Beautiful page for AJJ that made me think when I read the words--love that you have written them in your own hand.

    The K20 and 21 looks so light and bright and must be such a joy to visit and especially on a dark day.We had sun all day yesterday and that was soo good.

    Thank you for offering some of your wonderful cooking and Happy T Day for tomorrow

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. A really lovely creation and such bright and welcoming colours, many thanks for joining us at Allsorts this week.

    B x

  3. Ooooh Val, I so love your sheep and the birds in their fancy headgear, what a gorgeous page! Little R. is looking and saying, oh, oh, oh! She likes it. Lovely sunrise page, too, and the photos are wonderful. I was only there once in the K21, but it is most impressive. Have a fun day, hugs, Sarah

  4. Beautiful projects, I love the spring page with the cute lamb and birds and the sunrise page is gorgeous - great photos too.
    xxx Hazel.

  5. wow,tolle seiten,besonders gefällt mir die rote seite.
    wünsch dir eine schöne woche.

    hugs jenny

  6. LOVE the spring page. Using the sheep is a cheery spring surprise. She's quite cute! I think we are all ready for spring-real spring that stays. And you also gave us another gorgeous page for AJJ. I'd enjoy one of those coconut bars while I read this. :) They look much yummier than my breakfast drink. And you've got to visit all these fun museums lately-how fun. Can't wait to see more photos-I really enjoy seeing them. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika

  7. Forgot to mention :
    Happy T-Day tomorrow!

    1. sorry I just saw that I haven't commented at all yet- or maybe my
      comment must have got lost in the web-lol.
      Nice art as always and great photos!
      Thank you for joining AJJ even though you have limited time now!
      Much appreciated!

  8. As always, so much to see here :) Your spring page is beautiful, I smiled at the words on the bottom. The hybrid sunset and photos are all fantastic as well. I hope your day is going well xx

  9. Wow wonderful pages. The museum is spectacular.

  10. I love the contrast between the warm colours and fluidity of your artwork and the geometric lines of the photographs of the museums.

    Our Sunday began wet and mild but the sun broke through in time for us to have lunch at the Harbour Inn, which is on the quay at Solva ( We are so lucky to live in this area

  11. Hello Valerie, I love your ‘waiting for spring’ page it makes me think of Easter.
    I went to a flea market on Sunday morning, but it was absolutely freezing and I was very glad to get home, so not too much spring around just yet.
    Your photographs are breathtaking, what an amazing building.
    A cup of coffee and a coconut bar would be perfect, thank you.
    Have a lovely week, hugs Barbara

  12. Oh Valerie, I have a new favorite piece from your collection of wonderful work. I am a sucker for sheep -- I just love them and this one has the sweetest page. Rick reminded me (more like a joke) that it was nearly time to get out Easter decorations since our snow is melting! Well, not for awhile yet, but definitely time to anticipate spring!

  13. wonderful architecture and lovely work for the challenges. Thoughts turning to spring is a wonderful time of year! That coconut bar looks yummy!

  14. What great pieces, especially the little lambie:)
    Sorry you (we) missed a walk today:(
    Have a great one.

  15. a positively delightful Spring page Valerie!! Your red themed hybrid is so beautiful-love the imagery, the quote and that feather. You have a great eye for photographing all the interesting architecture of these museums.
    PS: I just watched a travel special about river cruising along the Rhine-stunning! So of course now I want to do that too:)

  16. A fabulous Spring page, so colourful and the images are such fun with those quotes.
    The K21 looks a stunning building.
    Avril xx

  17. Gorgeous spring time page, and I love the passionate reds too. The K21 architecture is astounding - what an uplifting building to be in. Thank you for sharing that. I just read in your comment over at Simply Sandy's that you're officially no longer at AJJ - can hardly imagine it without you... but so happy to see you are still playing along regularly!
    Alison x

  18. I love the spring collage page you made from your journal. The colors are so pretty!

    The 50 Shades of Red picture looks fantastic- the sunrise photo really looks perfect! Awesome job. :)

    The museum windows are gorgeous!


  19. I love your collage - the colors especially - the quotes and reading all the words made me smile. You definitely are a rainbow Valerie!
    You journal page is stunning - the reds kind of draw you into a mystical world of its own.
    What beautiful architecture - I am afraid I could not possibly do the stairs!
    Sandy xx

  20. I am in awe of your spring page. I agree you are truly a rainbow, as is testified by your beautiful art.

    The AJJ page is beautiful, and your use of digital images stuns me. So lovely and serene. Almost hopeful, too.

    Gosh, I LOVE those columns at the K21 Museum. They seem to change with each set of stairs you climb. I'm so in awe of this architecture, and you photograph it so well.

    Of course, I also was delighted you have stopped by with coffee and coconut bars for T this week. I'll join you for coffee, but I'm not a big fan of coconut anymore. Thanks for sharing these bars with us, even if I'm passing on them.

  21. Valerie, thank you, thank you for sharing so many photos from the museums. I have thoroughly enjoyed them.
    Your projects today are outstanding and I love the unsupervised lamb. That's me -- unsupervised.
    Your red and black projects are favorites too. We have the same windy, cold weather with sprinkles of rain again today.
    Previously you shared flowers arranged at the flower shops. Oh my, that definitely makes one want spring, the weather has been bad everywhere. Australia melts while others have just the opposite and severe too.
    Enjoy your week.
    Love hugs,

  22. Oh I love these Valerie, I'm waiting for Spring too, or at least a little sunshine. Your happy lamb makes me smile, and I wouldn't dare give your birds attitude lol. Your face is wonderful too, and I like the idea of the sentiment! Have a great week, Sue xx

  23. Both pieces are fabulous Valerie and love the colours and techniques. Great place it looks like you visited too
    x catherine

  24. What a beautiful spring painting! It's so bright and lovely. The museum is beautiful, it looks almost like an Escher piece...

  25. Valerie I love your journal page with the sweet lamb, and birds wearing thier head bands, it promises spring from all the wonderful details. Fantastic quotes as well.
    The AJJ page looks awesome as well.
    I really like your coffee mug and would say yes please to a coconut bar.
    The Museum building looks so modern, light and airy, is it very old.?
    Happy T day
    Yvonne xx

  26. I love your spring art! So cute and beautiful! The red one is very interesting! I like the quote! Gorgeous museum photos! I want two coconut bars please! Big Hugs!

  27. Oh your little lamb is so precious, the whole page really made me smile especially all those fantastic sayings! Great red page and I'm loving your photos of that wonderful architecture too :-). Happy T Day! J :-)

  28. I love all of your quotes, Valerie. Attitude, unsupervised, vanilla world - you have a maevelous sense of humor and the absurd. The lambie page is delightful. I plan to use the Nabokov quote for a friend who is on that final journey.

    Wonderful pages you've shared for this week's T-party! Hugs, Eileen

  29. Valerie what a wonderful and gorgeous post. Love your spring lamb and your quotes...also with my DT hat on, Beautiful creation and great colour combo. Thanks for sharing at Allsorts 'ANYTHING GOES' challenge, good luck in the draw. ♥
    [aNNie DT for Allsorts Challenges]

  30. Oh I love your journal page. really enjoyed your page very pretty. I am new to the link party-glad to meet you

  31. Wow Valerie, your Waiting for Spring is maxi-gorgeous!!! It's so sweet and those birds on either side (with attitude) are so beautiful. "I am currently unsupervised..." I love it and everything about this creation :D)

    Your 50 Shades of Red artwork is delightful too. You've such a clever eye for making those pages.

    Thanks for the walk around the Museum too - the architecture and all that natural light was an eye-opener.

    Cheers now :D)

  32. Beautiful "Waiting for Spring"-page - funny that the birds have thistle-flowers on their heads! Wonderful the red piece with the thoughtful quote!
    Wish you a good week!

  33. Just love your lamb age Valerie... very SPRING! And its very Springlike around here...The temps are crazy warm for February... everything is starting to grow and bloom... Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  34. Ah, Spring! We're having signs of spring here, too :)

    Thank you for the coconut bars and coffee. Yummmm Happy T Tuesday!

  35. Our thoughts do turn to Spring - love what you've done here.

    Those coconut bars look good ...

    All the best Jan

  36. Your Spring page is just the thing right now - rain again!!! I love the sun rise page too - hope we see a few more of those this year! The museum is such an amazing place - have some new parts been added to the old ones? Trying to keep calm and ignore those yummy looking coconut bars! Hugs, Chrisx

  37. Lovely art and architecture today! I adore the "unsupervised" quote...I may have to steal that one! Happy T day!

  38. Lovely art and architecture today! I adore the "unsupervised" quote...I may have to steal that one! Happy T day!

  39. Das Lämmchenbild ist total süß,echt zum Schmunzeln, zaubert Frühlingsstimmung.
    Deine rote Collage ist auch wieder so schön gestaltet,gefällt mir sehr.
    Die Fotoserie im Museum zeigt uns eine gelungene Verbindung von alter und moderner Architektur,klasse gemacht.
    Liebe Grüße

  40. What a lovely spring anouncement! I love the lamb and the unsupervised quote made me smile in recognition.
    Thank you for sharing the museum potos. What an amazing building! I love architecture and I marvel at the spaces that this buiding seems to have and the light streaming in through that fabulous roof (that people can walk on!) I wish I could see it in real life.
    Happy T-day,

  41. Oh Valerie!!! I love the delightful Spring page!!! I am so ready for the Spring weather we have been having to stay!!!! Please Mother Nature ♥ I looked up the weather forecast for the Summer in the OLd Farmers Almanac today and it's predicted to be hot and dry in our area. So I have to be a bit more water wise in the garden planning...just in case. I also love the red page in your journal too and the museum photos are fantastic.

  42. Love your adorable happy spring page with the sweet lamb and birds.. loving your humorous quotes lately too :)
    Your AJJ page is great - not heard that quote before.
    Gill xx

  43. WOW Such architecture in this museum!
    Oh Valerie, Your journal spread is much happier and springlike than the weather! our weather has been so up and down,65 today, 33 tomorrow "(
    Oh well, that's Mother Nature for you! heehee
    Thank you for asking of us, feeling better but can not get rid of this nagging cough! Especially bad in the evening- Argh!!
    hugs xx


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