Thursday 9 February 2017

This, That and the Other

Hi Everybody!
We had another chilly and windy day here, but the weather
prophets have said that some spring weather should be
on it's way soon. But cold or not, the buds are budding, the snowdrops are peeping out of the ground, and the hope of warmer
weather is growing, too.
I have a card suitable for Valentine's day this week, not really
my thing, but I tried it. The Eiffel tower, the sentiment and the
 Paris couture stamp were in a big box of goodies
sent to me by Gill, thanks so much. I will show you
the rest another time, just don't get jealous! The heart was cut 
from a birthday card, the lace was from an old blouse, and the 
hands were a present from dear Chrissie. The 'love' brad
was a present from Sabine - thanks to all. The white card was in the package
of my new knee-socks....

I am linking to Go Tag Thursday, romance/Paris; Simon Says
Young at Heart and More mixed media, anything goes with optional red.

For Linda's lovely '50 shades of red' challenge at Art Journey Journal
I have a hybrid piece, made using a Frida Kahlo stamp 
and some free stencils from Stencilry . I added the stamps of 
Queen Elizabeth, as she is 
celebrating the 65th anniversary
of being Queen this year - congratulations!

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday.

The flowers on my amaryllis are still blooming;

Yesterday I walked through our little town again. This ship, which looks 
like it's carrying mountains of snow loomed out of the haze:

It must be some sort of mineral, but I don't know what:


In the basilica:

The golden shrine of St Swidbert:

The font with the strange medieval figures round it:

Every one has a different face, and some of them look
really wicked. I always wonder why such ugly figures got put 
round a font where kids get baptized:

Have a good day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your tag is gorgeous, love it, and the shades of red journal page is really clever. Great photos, but those animals are rather ugly, that's true. Could it be salt on that barge? Have a nice evening, hugs Sarah

  2. What a lovely tag, it has a beautiful Victorian feel to it. 65 years as queen, wowsa! Your photos are wonderful too.

  3. Ein Vintagetraum dein Tag und das Brad paßt da perfekt. Die Sinfonie in Rot sieht wieder genial aus, wow.
    Liebe Grüße

  4. I love all the different textures on the Eiffel Tower tag.

    The shades of red is very stunning. Can't believe she has been queen for 65 years. Wow! Thanks for taking us on your journey in town. :)

  5. Nice to see inside the basicila. Lovely art for PPF! So nice to see the snowdrop, spring really is on its way!

  6. Love both your tag and red piece today Valerie. Its interesting how different they are from each other. Winter seems to be really settling in here. About 10 inches of snow today, and now it is bitterly cold. I love seeing the snowdrops and also those medieval sculptures in the basilica. Such an interesting art period for sure. And that ship looks like it is carrying a heavy load and is very low to the water. I wonder if it is suppose to be that low. Hugs. erika

  7. what a sweet detailed tag, lovely!

  8. The tag, full of texture and mixed media beauty, is stunning. This is a genuine beauty and pays tribute to your friends who send you lovely gifts.

    I've been reading about the Queen and her longevity. The ceremonies have been shown on U.S. tv, too. Your homage to her is admirable, and the rest of the AJJ entry featuring Frida is beautiful.

    At first I thought the "snow" was salt, but it doesn't really look like salt once you showed it closer.

  9. Forgot to mention that the only thing I got in my mailbox today was my water bill. Would have preferred something from Germany, but that didn't happen.

  10. despite the fact that we hovered around freezing yesterday, I definitely felt that the air had a Spring-like freshness to it. I haven't spied any snowdrops yet, but there are some bulb starting to pop up in the front garden. Having said all that, we may get a bit of snow this weekend! Love the textured layers on the tag, great use of sock packaging :-) Nice basilica photos, those grotesques are more likely to scare than encourage kids to go to church!! Have a good weekend.

  11. Good Morning Valerie

    What a wonderful post with a great collection of things to admire.

    The Tag is gorgeous with great ideas and use of the things you have received as pressies.

    Terrific red page and I think it is so good to wear red it always makes me feel happy. Just a red scarf will do-well with other clothes that is!

    Pleased to see your Amaryllis is still doing well it looks such a strong specimen.

    The collage of scary things is amazing and such a great idea to have a collection--very inspiring and a way to reduce some of my old folders:)

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. Hello Valerie, gosh you're clever and resourceful in the way you put together your tags. This one is gorgeous - lots of love in it. Lovely to see the pretty lace from the blouse.
    Stunning reds! Your Amaryllis amazes me at its longevity.
    Wow - those faces in the Basilica... something else!!
    Cheers and enjoy your weekend too :D)

  13. A really wonderful tag with all the lovely gifts of your generous friends.
    The red page is such a fantastic idea - great!
    Amazing photos - send spring in my direction please... no signs of spring here yet.
    Happy weekend!
    Thank you for such a fantastic idea linked to Linda's RED collection.
    Your entries are much appreciated.

  14. Loved the tag and your lovely photos..
    Happy PPF

  15. Ein wunderschönes Tag, liebe Valerie. Der ganze Post ist umwerfend schön.

    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende

  16. Each day your posts are different, exciting and very interesting. Love the Queen post and your tag is awesome.xx{aNNie}

  17. Beautiful Paris inspired tag and being made with such wonderful gifts from friends makes it even more special - gorgeous :-). From your photos it looks like spring is just around the corner :-). Happy Friday and wishing you a great weekend! J :-)

  18. Beautiful tag and beautiful AJJ page Valerie - love that imagery - looks so good in those colours.
    I need to make a tag for a certain challenge - wonder which one ha ha - so feeling quite inspired now after seeing yours.
    Enjoyed your photos - I wonder what was on that boat - it looked like a lot of tents - but the closer one I thought maybe salt at first. It could be ready mix cake powder - just add water and bake :)
    Have a lovely day and great weekend.... Gill xx

    1. HaHa, I like the thought of cake mix, that would be fun!

  19. Gorgeous tag and a very striking piece in red, lovely photos too. It seems like spring is soon there.

  20. "everyone looks good in red" I have to agree, Valerie i'm happy you dropped by my blog today.

    much love...

  21. I haven't created anything for Valentine's but you've created a beautiful tag. The Basilica is stunning and what a joy to see the snowdrops begin to appear. We've even got them popping here. Happy PPF to you

  22. It is so much fun to see how you use your collection of personal pieces and bits from friends to make your cards and tags. I think the mineral is salt for icy surfaces. And the figures are probably to scare away evil from children? Have a great week.

  23. So many pretty things and the figures are so interesting, I believe they are protectors.

  24. a beautiful Valentine tag Valerie-the Eiffel tower works so well with the them of love - in Paris. Fabulous page for the queen-and yes, everyone does look better in red.
    The basilica looks so beautiful-I love those old facades and figures, and the stained glass...
    Thanks for a great AJJ entry , and happy PPF too!

  25. Its a gorgeous Valentines tag with the beautiful heart, The page in red is a stunning design, our Queen does like to wear red.
    Loved all the photos today as well.
    Yvonne xx

  26. Lots of fun details like the stitching and dimension! Beautiful tag, and I especially like the Eiffel Tower and vintage images! Thanks for sharing the love with us this week at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge! Maura xoxo

  27. Well, I"m a sucker for anything with the Eiffel Tower OR the Queen on it, so of course I liked it all! And that church is just stunning.

  28. I love your tag and it was fun to hear where all the parts came from! True creativity!

  29. Lovely works you have done! And who needs a tidy workplace :) All the treasures must be at hand!

  30. Love your Paris tag! The red page is fabulous and red certainly suits the queen! The weather here has turned cold at the moment but apparently temperatures are going right up midweek! I love the figures on the font - Lincoln cathedral has one of the scariest - the Lincoln Imp and I used to love looking up at him! Of course he is on a lot of the tourist goods and the football team are nicknamed the Imps!hugs, Chrisx

  31. Beautiful card...It feels like a stunning Valentine to the world. I recognized that maple leaf on the Queens red suit as the one Kate wore when visiting Canada last Fall. It was a gift from Canada many moons ago!! Great post!!

    Hugs Giggles

  32. A great Tag...Thank you for joining in with this weeks challenge at Go Tag Thursday....x
    Loving your favourite flowers are snowdrops...

  33. Beautiful layering and I love the treatment on your heart! Excellent and inspiring tag! Happy Valentine's Day, Autumn <3

  34. You are so creative!!! Truly beautiful! Both pieces! Love seeing the ship! I can't believe you have blooms of snow drops! Maybe those "creatures" are protectors or guardians? Big Hugs!

  35. Lovely Valentine's card! I like the interesting.

  36. I love the tag and the Queen's acknowledgement. . .the photos are so interesting and Snow Drops didn't know those. YAY. . .Blessings, Janet

  37. Lovely work. Thank you for joining the challenge at More Mixed Media.


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