Sunday 12 February 2017

Sunday with sun

Hi Everybody!

Today the snow is almost gone, and we even got  a few
rays of sun - I am hoping so much that we will now start
moving towards spring! Thanks to those who asked
about my cracked ribs, they are healing slowly but
surely, I am being very careful, and the only pains now
are when I cough or try to turn over in bed.
This, too shall pass!

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and we all so need
more love and less hate in the world.
I made a concertina tag book, 7x4", using tags for the front and 
back, stitched onto the peeled and painted
cardboard for more stability.  The tags were pasted
with the usual eclectic mix of scraps and paper-napkins,
and given a thin wash of diluted gesso. The heart was stitched
from some of the lovely fibre Gill sent me, and
some lace and flowers. The concertina pages were cut from
good quality cream card stock.



Both together:

An 'arial' view:

It started out like this:

Lots of background 'filling':

A quick coat of gesso before adding the top layers
of colourful napkins:

I am linking to Allsorts challenge, hearts and flowers, Simon Monday Challenge, Young at Heart, and More mixed media
anything goes,  optional red; Go Tag Thursday, Paris, romance.

I have been re-organising my shelves so that I can show some of
the pretty books I made/ altered:

Today started off well, but it soon turned very stormy:

It all soon blew over and the day was cold but bright:

Amaryllis bloom number 8, alone in a bud vase:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Stunning tag and a great way to display your amazing books Valerie.

    Wonderful sky photos but the star is the flower bud that is so beautiful..

    Pleased your ribs are healing slowly but it must be awful to not be able to do things without thinking.

    Take care

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Wonderful tag book, so pretty, love the springlike pics and colours, just beautiful. Glad your ribs are getting better, keep on taking care! The amaryllis bud looks like angel wings. Hugs, Sarah

  3. You have done a wonderful job. They looks beautiful!

  4. Love the tag book, a great idea ans the covers are fabulous.
    Lovely photos and the Amaryllis looks beautiful, it's a gorgeous colour.
    Glad to hear that your ribs are healing too.
    Take care,
    Avril xx

  5. Great tag book and all the other covers are fantastic as well!
    As always the most beautiful photos of the heaven and your beloved amaryllis !
    Great to hear that you feel nearly healthy again and wishing you a good start into the new week.
    Susi xx

  6. Love your gorgeous tag. The colors and texture are awesome. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)

  7. Your tag book is ingenious. I think it is absolutely gorgeous, especially the outside tags. I adore the use of napkins when you create art, too.

    Your books are amazing. I would love to go through each one of them, because I always appreciate your art.

    Stormy skies hopefully kept you from wandering too far today, now that you are feeling better. And to think that is bloom EIGHT on your darling amaryllis. Have a lovely Sunday and thanks for sharing your heart with us, too.

  8. Sweet Valentine's book. Give those ribs alot of time, they take forever to heal. My Dad cracked one once and it took a few months before it was totally back to normal. xox

  9. Beautiful colours and design and brilliant Valentines creation.

    Thank you for joining our 'Hearts and Flowers' challenge this week at Allsorts.


  10. Oh how lovely your art is! I love these pieces. It's also neat to see your books together. Your amaryllis is also so very pretty.

  11. Oh my your Amaryllis is lovely, what a delicate shade it is.

    Being a new follower, I didn't know you'd hurt yourself - glad that you are healing.

    All the best Jan

  12. Its a gorgeous tag book Valerie, beautiful bright happy colours and details.
    It was good to see your journal books displayed on the shelf, they look amazing. altogether in a group.
    I was pleased to read that your ribs are healing, its slow but you will be hopefully out of pain soon.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Such beautiful work for the challenges. Your amaryllis has lasted very long!

  14. Thanks for showing us your altered journal covers. What a gorgeous collection. I love all the texture these pieces have! And smart to use some of them as covered for a little tag book. You would think with all these snow days I would work some more on cleaning up my work space, but no, I just make more messes making art! One of these days we will get some sun and I will be home and will back to my cleaning. :) Hope your sun is bright on Monday. Hugs-Erika

  15. I can see and feel spring in your header too plus your art is full of spring colors.
    We've had a few sunny days and snow is almost gone, jeeee.
    Have a good, creative week!

  16. Your post is just like 'a little ray of sunshine' ♪♪ Love the tags and I have been playing today with a few gesso and things but how I have forgotten when not making them often, so your displays and mini tuts are useful.
    Pleased to see you are displaying your creativity as they are too nice to put aside. Love your photos. I can't see our autumn coming just yet, it's been a hot summer and more to come. The plants are drying and being indoors can get depressing...oh well that's life... xx {aNNie}

  17. Gorgeous tags...loving all the textures..
    Thank you so much for playing along in this weeks challenge at Go Tag Thursday...x

  18. ooohh val,das sind ganz großartige bücher geworden,tolle layers und texturen,fantastic.
    schöne himmelsbilder hast du gemacht.
    eine schöne neue woche.

    hugs jenny

  19. Fabulous accordion style tag, what a unique design! The collage backgrounds are wonderful and I adore that lace heart with the little flowers!! Love your sky pics, beautiful. Glad to hear you're healing up some, ribs take so long to heal. sending hugs :)

  20. Dear Valerie, everything you craft is beautiful beyond words I am in awe! You also take the most wonderful photographs. The Amaryllis is gorgeous. I think I’ve missed one or two of your recent posts, so I’m going to enjoy them while I drink a cup of tea and eat a chocolate biscuit! Happy Valentine’s Day for tomorrow. x

  21. Your tag is so beautiful. It warmed my heart.
    The sky pictures are amazing.
    I had no idea an amaryllis would bloom that much.
    YOU have a great one.

  22. The tags are so pretty. I especially like the blue dragonfly. The world definitely needs more love!

    The books you have made/altered are so beautiful and unique. What treasures!

    Love the sky pictures! I could look at the sky for hours. :)

    Have a lovely day!

  23. So happy you are getting better a little bit each day is a blessed improvement ♥ Love the tag art ♥♥♥♥ and love seeing how you display some of your art work in your home. I have stacks and boxes of my stuff setting around waiting so someone to claim them.

  24. Well here we are at the beginning of another week. I love your mixed media creations - the more I see them the more I love them.
    All of your journal covers are gorgeous and I especially like the one with the picture of Mona Lisa on the front!
    Sandy xx

  25. Fantastic tags. love all the textures. A fabulous collection of books as well. Take care, hugs Wendy

  26. Your book and tag front and back are just amazing. I'm loving all the colours and the way you put them together. Great idea to use them as covers for your zig-zag book. And your display of books - tremendous.

  27. Your book and tag front and back are just amazing. I'm loving all the colours and the way you put them together. Great idea to use them as covers for your zig-zag book. And your display of books - tremendous.

  28. I love these tags and the way you made the book! Good idea too to display your books! I keep my tags on hooks just bunched together! Glad to hear that the snow has gone AND that you ribs are feeling better! Hugs, Chrisx

  29. What a cool technique! I love all of your gorgeous projects, tfs! Happy Valentine's Day, Autumn <3

  30. I love your art so much! You put a smile on my face Valerie!!! I love seeing all your creations together! Gorgeous photos! Love your flower! Big Hugs!

  31. Fabulous and lovely creation!
    Thank you for sharing over at Allsorts;-))m

  32. Lots of love here -- beautiful Valentines and art. Glad your snow is gone -- easier to be outside, especially with the ribs, but glad to hear theya re healing. Seeing the volume of your art just blows me away.

    I've been off line for a few days and catching up! Fun things to catch up on!

  33. Catching up at last on your posts Valerie - what a lot of beautiful things to see.
    I love looking at all the little bits and pieces you collage together so brilliantly.
    I've kept meaning to ask you how your ribs are doing - so was pleased to read you are improving still.
    Gill xx

  34. Thanks for entering our theme this week at allsorts Tracy x

  35. OMG! How ever did I miss the post where you said you cracked your ribs?? Is that from the face plant on the ice? oh gosh dear Valerie! You had better get some NON slip shoes! Oh you poor dear! I am so d=sorry for you, how long does this take to heal? I am sending well wishes as healing thoughts your way,my sweet friend.
    lots of love,Jackie


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