Wednesday 1 February 2017

Four footed friends

Hi Everybody!

Hope the month  started well for you.
We had sunshine today, always a good start,
although it was very cold and the wind,
especially along the Rhine, was icy.
But I enjoyed being outside, it's good to be able to
move with less pain now.

For Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd I am re-posting a painting I made 
back in the 1980s, and painted from a photo of my
dear doggy Struppi. She was a real character. She loved us,
the neighbour next door - he was a butcher and brought
her sausage every day, and one other neighbour. She had evidently had
bad experiences with people as a street dog.
She wasn't nasty to anyone, she just ignored them.
She always wore a scarf in winter and a ribbon in summer,
and loved being dressed up and posing.
My husband used to love opera - Scruffy didn't, every time
she heard an aria being sung, she pointed her nose up
to the ceiling and howled till the music stopped.
After that my husband got headphones....
I know today is still the first, but I need to get finished
early as I am getting visitors later and need to
cook and bake, so I will link tomorrow.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

One of her fave games was mesmerizing me into trying to take her ball,
so we could roll around in a mock fight where she
always won in the end, with Gretel on the sidelines
as referee.

And today I made a layout of Struppi. The background and
cat are from 'hipster animals'. The cat looks like our cat Gretel did, she was partner in crime with Struppi, together they could 
open any cupboard or fridge. Gretel pushed 
the things down from the shelf so that Struppi
could pick them up. The worst part was that they never
bothered to close the fridge, so I had to put 
a bolt on it!

I am linking to Simon Monday Challenge, pets' corner.

Some photos from today's windy walk:

I am turning into a Zoomster, or should it be a Zoombie?

Had a hot cappuccino in Cafe Burghof and enjoyed their winter decorations:

Nice views outside, too:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another fun and fantastic post, what a joy to read and see pics of darling Struppi again, she was more like a human than a dog, and always so funny, Gretel too - the outfit suits her! Have a nice day, keep warm hugs, Sarah

  2. What a lovely post to remember your dog and cat! Lovely layout and a wonderful painting beside of lots of gorgeous photos !
    oxo Susi

  3. What a sweet pup. You know I love my doggies. That terrier personality is a bit aloof anyway, and no wonder he loved the sausage man! xox

  4. A wonderful painting and photo of your dear Struppi and a lovely layout of Struppi and Gretel.
    xxx Hazel.

  5. What a sweet boy. Love the painting and the pic.
    The partners in crime sounds all too familiar. Sigh.
    I like the cafe's decos!

  6. What a lovely painting of Struppi. You really got the look in her eyes.

  7. Gorgeous painting, Valerie. Just want to pick her up and have a cuddle. Your photos look 'chilly'. Brave to sit outside with your coffee. Hugs, Donna

  8. A really moving post Valerie with a wonderful story of your dog. Such a very beautiful painting with so much feeling in it.

    Amazing photographs and love the Zoomster in you.

    Sleep well

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. It looks wonderful outside in your photos. We had more snow this morning-although the now the sun is shining. It is definitely colder and feels more like winter. :( I love your pieces today Valerie. Struppi was very very cute and sounds like she was pretty smart too. Dogs and cats just amaze me with what they figure out. One of my dogs has figured out that if she cries to go out, I will get up to let her out. But when I open the door the other dogs runs out, and Maddie (who asked to go out) turns around and walks back inside. Usually she is trying to get the couch or a toy back that the other dogs took from her. So while he run around outside, she comes in and gets what she wants-with one smug look on her face too. Really enjoyed your pieces today. Stay warm and glad the pain is subsiding. Hugs-Erika

    1. True, pets are very clever at strategic plans and often manage to dance on their human's noses!

  10. Such beautiful artwork Valerie! Your four legged fur babies are darling! Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos as well!

  11. I am glad you are in less pain. I love your dog painting, such soulful eyes... I also enjoyed reading about your pets' antics. The photos are wonderful too!

  12. Glad you are healing well. Wonderful memories of your former pets, and beautiful portrait of struppi. Glad you enjoyed a good cuppa.

  13. Struppi is adorable. Your painting of him is simply out of this world. So realistic. And Gretel was especially cute in her glasses.

    Partners in crime. I know that well. I had a dog named Bear and a cat named Dog and they always took care of each other. They were inseparable, too. Fortunately they never opened the fridge. That job was left to Bleubeard, who likes to open the back screen. How he can unlatch it, is beyond me, but I finally had to tie a bungee cord to it to keep him at bay. Now he doesn't want to go outside as much as he used to.

    Your photos are incredible. I like the view from Cafe Burghof and your photos of your cappuccino at the Rhine. I also like the Burghof wall. Thanks for sharing these, and thanks for joining Second on the 2nd with your incredible painting of Struppi. Hope you are having fun with your guests.

  14. Hi Valerie, I have so enjoyed catching up with you tonight. Your sweet fur babies were adorable. Love the painting you created of Struppi. What a cutie and together with the kitty they must have had a blast getting into their adventures. I can just imagine the raids on the refrigerator. haha Love your painting. Such beautiful eyes.
    Your walking pics are beautiful and your visit for coffee has some awesome winter displays. Enjoy your company and have a great week. Happy February. xo

  15. Hello Dear Valerie, that was so sweet reading about your lovely Struppi. What a dear doggie she was. Such a beautiful layout too - what fun your Gretel and Struppi had together. Very cheeky and lovable.
    Thank you for the lovely walking photos and that cup of coffee looks so inviting. Cheerio and best wishes :D)

    1. I also meant to say that I love your beautiful header - so pretty xx

  16. So schön das Hundeportrait und wie du es verscrapt hast, genial. Aber in natura ist die Süsse ja auch echt knuddelig und wenn ich mir noch eine Katze dazu vorstelle, ja da war wohl immer richtig was los bei euch.Die Deko im Burgcafe ist immer sehr originell, schöne Fotos.
    Mich hat nun doch noch die Erkältungswelle verwischt und ich lieg mit Brummschädel im Bett.
    Liebe Grüße
    Sabine xox

  17. Struggling to keep up, Valerie - all sorts of things going on at this end. Just love dogs, and your painting is really full of love and talent.

    Another great post..... must rush, bye! .......Woooooooosh (who was that maked stranger?)

  18. Your four footed friends images are magnificent. Adorable in fact. Love the fabulous pictures you share each day and of course have a cuppa with{aNNie}

  19. A wonderful painting of Struppi and I really enjoyed the stories of the adventures your cat and dog had together. Thanks for the photo's of your area, I always enjoy seeing where you are visiting and having your coffee.

  20. Love the cappuccino cup in the pics.
    YOU have a great day.

  21. What a wonderful painting of Scruffy! I'm so glad you found this post to share again. Hugs! deb

  22. LOVE your Scruffy painting.......but you digital re-make is fantastic!! I sometimes wonder if there is anything you CAN NOT do......LOL!
    Thanks for re-sharing Scruffy................I do LOVE dogs!!

  23. What a fabulous painting of Stroppy! I love the tale of collaboration with your cat! Cafe Burghof looks like a great place, the cappuccino and almond biscuits looks very enticing! Time for another coffee for us now I think! Hugs, Chrisx

  24. Love love your Struppi!!!
    Thanks for the morning coffee!

  25. Oh, you must miss Struppi like crazy. Such an adorable looking dog and pretty clever it seems. Mostly they just make us laugh, don't they? I love your painting -- it's beautiful and a wonderful likeness.

    So glad things are a bit less painful and that you're getting out. As always, lovely photos.

  26. I think this is one of my favourite posts of your Valerie, your animal pieces are wonderful xx

  27. A lovely post Valerie. I'm a bit sad today
    Yvonne xx

  28. What an adorable little dog!!! I had to laugh and the cat and dog antics with the fridge... we have that problem with the kitchen cabinets. The cat opens them and pulls out all of the bread and snacks.. then throws them to the floor where all of the animals feast and make huge messes.

  29. I'm glad you are in less pain! Please watch yourself when you are outside!
    Your post about your dog and cat, made my heart smile! Love!!! Priceless! I love the stories about the opera music and the kitchen!
    You are becoming a great zoombie! LOL!
    Big Hugs and I hope you had a great night!

  30. That is a very wise looking dog - he looks like an old soul.
    Sandy xx

  31. Oh Valerie! What a delightful post! I loved reading about Scruffy and Gretel! hahaa Did you really have to add a bolt to your fridge door? made me LOL!!
    Such a beautiful and perfect likeness your painting is- This made my morning, thank you so much for sharing!
    lots of love and hugs,
    I want to know how very much i appreciate your thoughts and comments, they really mean so much to me and I consider myself lucky and blessed to have you as a friend! <3

  32. Such a wonderful post to read! How fun that they opened the fridge together. Your painting is fantastic and I love the layout that you made. That distressed background is really stunning. Thank you so much for sharing with us at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!!

  33. Love the dog portrait. I certainly share Struppi's views on opera.

  34. Love the dog portrait. I certainly share Struppi's views on opera.


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