Sunday 5 February 2017

Cardboard play and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
I am having a lazy day, crafting,  drinking coffee
and not much more!

I have another mixed media tag to show today. I started off with a piece of cardboard, which I partly peeled and painted. Cardboard picking while watching TV is the new knitting! Then I stick every thing which is 
within my reach onto it - scraps of paper and paper napkins. 

Here it is almost finished:

And after some sewing and adding some words and
flowers it was done!

I am linking to 'More Mixed Media', anything goes and optional red, and Stamps and Stencils, texture, crackle and paint, and
Country view challengesunder 30 minutes 
( I had 1 1/2 minutes left over!) ,
altered eclectics, anything goes, 
young at heart, as this is how playtime makes me feel!

This morning got off to a good start:

In the other direction by the stream there was lots of mist:

The sun decided to hang out with us today:

Here a photo taken yesterday when I was stamping and painting
coffee-pod papers for use in various projects:

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love the warm colours in this one, very nicely composed, too. Loved the photos, especially the plane in the first one. Have a nice afternoon. Hugs Sarah

  2. You had me laughing at the cardboard picking in the new knitting statement! I love the way cardboard looks when part of it has been stripped other beautiful tag. I always enjoy all the texture elements you add.
    Great photo of your desk, reminds me I have some coffee and tea papers I set aside to try stamping on. Might be this afternoons project.

    1. Glad it gave you a laugh, and it is easier than knitting and doesn't matter if you dig holes in it!

  3. EIn nettes Tag und vielsprechend sehen Deine Kaffeepapierstempelein aus! Bin gespannt was Du daraus Tolles machst!
    Schöne neue Woche!

  4. Another beautiful tag! You seem to excel in making your designs fit in the boundaries of a tag. I am just now discovering the fun of using paper napkins. Working on an art journal page now.
    Had to laugh when you said "this morning got off to a good start" and then showed the picture of the plane - you clever girl!
    Sandy xx

  5. Lovely tag - i spent the weekend watching rugby!

  6. I just picked a piece of cardboard apart from a box you sent me. I wanted the stamps, and the corrugated part was a wonderful bonus. I adore the beauty of the tag, and everything you manage to add to your tiny collaged substrate. And of course, the SEWING is fabulous.

    I have saved some used coffee filters, and now I have some inspiration. But first, it was FABULOUS seeing your work space. What fun you must have there.

    1. Yes, I have more fun at my work desk that doing hous*w**k

  7. Köstlich, Wellpappe abpellen beim fernsehen. Aber das Ergebnis sieht wieder super aus. Na und die bestempelten Kaffeepads sehen schon klasse aus, bin gespannt wo sie zum Einsatz kommen.
    Liebe Grüße
    Sabine xox

  8. Well somebody's enjoying their coffee ;-) looks far more exciting than a cup of instant. A brilliant tag Valerie, I have an image of you now watching TV and picking away at cardboard lol. Have a fun week xx

  9. Lovely textured tag Valerie, and I enjoyed your photos today.

  10. Wow, it is seriously impressive how you merge so many elements so beautifully... I love your photos and I'm looking forward to see what you do with the coffee pods.

  11. You are really making some fabulous tags lately Valerie. They are just gorgeous. Glad you were able to make it in under 30 minutes. :) The coffee filters look like a fun way to spend an afternoon. I like making pieces so I am ready to just use them later. Its actually quite relaxing to get into a rhythm-makes it so relaxing. Glad you had a wonderful day. Hugs-Erika

  12. oh valerie your cardboard art is splendid! i've peeled cardboard before but never to such great effect as you've gotten. i am inspired to try what you've done here. thanks for the inspiration. and the photos of course are as dreamy as always. xo

  13. Wonderful colourful tag and I love your coffee pod papers, looks as if you had great fun!

  14. Amazing tag and you have such treasures to hand :) The sewing is wonderful around the edge.

    The coffee papers stamping looks terrific and the photographs stunning.

    Hope you enjoyed your relaxing day-turning colder by the minute here with frost developing

    Love Chrissie xx

  15. O'Kay, that's it, I am doing something like this tomorrow, after my hair cut and see if I can get some pretty serviettes, most I have seen are basically not nice. Love this and your new style of 'knitting', awesome as always.xx{aNNie}

  16. Beauty and serenity....perfect.
    As always wonderful photos.
    Artists can work with absolutely any material. It's amazing.

  17. I'm loving the colour palette you are using this year Valerie - especially when the weather is so cold and grey - your work makes me smile just seeing the colours. (Have you run out of that gorgeous blue you use?)
    Todays tag is really beautiful - so many lovely details - love everything about it.
    Have a great week... Gill xx

  18. Love the tag and your photos are once again amazing!!!! I haven't been catching any sunrises for a while now... have to get back into the routine of things.

  19. Seeing this I am inspired Valerie! The corrugated card, the napkins and the fabulous stamping on the coffee pod papers - the craft room is almost ready for a big playtime!! We were going to go to our caravan next weekend but having seen the forecast have changed our minds - no sense in shivering our way through the weekend! Hugs, Chrisx

  20. This might be one of my favorites of your tags. It all works together so well, the colors, the graphics, the techniques. Lovely. And I just noticed that in your banner, the little flower heads have eyes! Happy!

  21. Hi Valerie, you are amazing with your designs. Taking a section of cardboard and turning it into a gorgeous tag. Love the elements and colors. Always something to inspire here. Your walking pics are always interesting. Love the coffee pod papers you created too.
    Have a great week! xo

  22. Great project and layering! Please join us sometime at Stamps & Stencils with your amazing mixed media work. I just love the coffee pod stamping!!! Wow! Super impressive and cool. Hugs, Autumn

  23. Valerie your tag is so beautiful!! I love your photos! You should print them and make a book! You show so many stunning pictures! I love seeing your crafting table! So much fun! Big Hugs!

  24. I love this Valerie, it is so lively and vibrant!

  25. What a beautiful tag Valerie!
    I had to giggle at the cardboard/knitting comment! I instantly had a vision of women everywhere, picking at their cardboard while watching the tellie! heehee

    What a great idea to stamp up a bunch of coffee pods ahead of time- duh! me! I always wait and go searching and stamping as I need it- I like your idea better!
    hugs my friend,

  26. Stamping on coffee pods is a new one to me... probably comes under extreme recycling! Thanks for joining us at Country View Challenges this month.

  27. What a great tag and such a fabulous way to use corrugated card and coffee's wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing and for playing along with us over on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog... :)

  28. Love your tag Valerie! Gorgeous colours and textures, thank you for sharing your work with us at Stamps and Stencils. Toni x


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