Monday 6 February 2017

All the Ts for Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

There's lots going on again today. It's Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday;
it's time to remind you that you still have a week to 
join in the 'hearts and flowers' challenge at TIO,
and at Tag Tuesday we are starting again
as a challenge blog, where everybody is welcome to join
in. Our first theme is 'Bookworm', chosen by Chrissie.
The first challenge will hopefully go live on Tuesday at 6 am GMT.

My tag is a little book-tag, 4"x3". The front and back were made 
with images from a collage sheet - sorry, 
don't know who they were from -, 
and glued together to make a cover. I added some Frantage 
distressed copper EP to make them look nice and sort of oldy-moldy.

The inside covers were covered with DP, and the pages were cut from 
an 18th century book. I was once given a huge box of rather moldy 
religious books from this time, complete with 
worm holes, corners nibbled by mice and lots of moldy pages. 
I threw out the bits that were too ghastly to use, had the rest
treated to make them hygienic
and now have a life-long supply of  18th century pages....
I sewed the book together and wrote a quote on each
page, adding a couple of vintage images from CI. I rubbed 
some cream coloured soft paint from Pentart 
onto the pages with a soft cloth, to give a 
usable surface. I sewed in a bookmark, too:

There will be a giveaway at Tag Tuesday, and all who join in with a
tag come into the hat,and have a chance of winning this little book
 and some crafty stash.

I am also linking to More mixed media, anything goes.

This piece is meant as a reminder for TIOT, and for Linda's
'50 shades of red' challenge at Art Journal Journey. I drew the grid in my new journal,
painted some squares red and stamped some hearts and flowers.

And last but not least, a hearty welcome to all of the T Gang.
Today there's lemon cake, so zingy and fluffy, and
cappuccino, so help yourselves Ladies!
Elizabeth is allowed 2 slices as she organises everything!

And just 2 sunrise pics today, this post is already tooooooo long!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What wonderful art! I love to read too, your art is so lovely. You've been so busy!

  2. You have made another first class show today - the little book tag is fabulous, and I love your journal page. it's something quite different. And I'll gladly join you in lemon cake! Have a great evening, and good luck with the 'launch' at TT tomorrow. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Amazing tag Valerie and beautiful reminder for TIOT.

    The cake and coffee looks so yummy-happy and busy T Day

    Wonderful sunrise photographs as always

    Sleep well

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Its a gorgeous book tag Valerie, reading means a lot to me as well and I love all the internal pages.
    Its a beautiful grid page as well.
    I'd enjoy a piece of the cake, it looks yummy.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  5. did have a lot to share! The mini book is wonderful...
    Happy T day!

  6. Your book -- unbelievable. And the tag. And the grid really made me smile. I didn't expect it and those colors just pop. Delicious treats, beautiful skies -- what is NOT to love here?!

  7. Beautiful art pieces today! Love your lemon cake too.

  8. Your little book-tag is amazing and you have filled it with such lovely sentiments and artwork! Your page is so pretty with the hearts and flowers images and the design reminds me of a stained glass. The lemon drizzle cake caught my eye, it looks so scrummy - I'd love a piece, thank you :-). Wishing you a Happy T Day dear Valerie! J :-)

  9. Fabulous book tag, love the inside pages as well. The grid is lovely, very pleasing design and colours. I love the look of your lemon cake, did you make it ? Lemon cake is my favourite.

  10. Gosh Valerie, where to start, I've already been here twice.
    Love all the little squares and rectangles in the red piece, and your book with all the text looks amazing, what a prize for someone.
    Would I like a piece of the lemon cake - yes please!

  11. OOOH! There you go with lemon cake again - but I refuse to give in…cappuccino will be great though! Love your book and the red page is fabulous! Hugs, Chrisx

  12. a super post! Vintage is near and dear to my heart so I do love your book and pages. Fab grid art for the red theme. And you are such a temptress with those lovely cakes and cappuccinos:) Happy T day !

  13. This is a very full and wonderful post. The little book is gorgeous and I love your journal page. Sometimes simple is better! The lemon cake looks delicious, and I bet Elizabeth will enjoy her 2 slices. Happy T day Valerie. Hope it is a good one. Hugs-Erika

  14. Gosh SO much to enjoy here liebe Valerie!
    That lemon cake has my mouth watering although I could make a meal out of your yummy amaretini cookies ;-)
    Your little quote book on reading is wonderful and lucky you having such a treasure of a book...actually it's a lucky book to have you rescue it and give it a new life in your art creations.
    Happy T Day oxo

  15. Oh and your RED page is so original and cool too!

  16. I was so impressed with your beautiful tag book. The embossing on the covers was incredible. It's a real beauty.

    Your red page is awesome. I have one of those hand with heart stamps, too. I plan to use it soon, but mine won't be as beautiful in the end as your lovely spread.

    Thanks for the two pieces of lemon cake. I will probably save mine for a day or so, because I'm still trying to get over whatever it is I have. Of course, I'll gladly join you for a cappuccino. It looks wonderful, too.

    Thanks for sharing your gorgeous tag book, your hearts and flowers, and your lemon cake and cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday.

  17. Beautiful little book. Old text papers are delicious.

  18. Absolutely delightful rock.xx{aNNie}

  19. A lovely post today Valerie, love the little book with it's wonderful quotes, and a great journal page.
    Lemon cake looks delicious and cappuccino is my drink too, talking of which I;m off to make one now!
    Have a great day.
    Avril xx

  20. I love your book! All those quote apply to me too. I love anything to do with reading and books. Reading certainly was my first love as soon as I discovered it.
    Thank you for sharing your fluffy lemon cake. It looks delicious.
    Sunrises are awesome as usual. Thanks for a great post.

  21. Hello Valerie, I love your new blog header; it's so pretty! I also love the fact you’ve been able to make use of those old books, and what good use you make of them. Your blog is so inspirational, thank you.
    The lemon cake looks truly delicious, and your posts are never too long.

  22. Oooh, I love all the reading quotes. Good job!
    The lemon cake looks delicious.
    YOU have a colorful day.

  23. Never too many photos!
    I adore your recycled book of quotes. My Mom got me to reading and I never stopped. Now I tell my granddaughters that they can go anywhere and be anything they want to be when they learn to read. Books are still a great love of mine and I'll never conquer my reading list either.
    That cake makes my mouth water.....yummmmmmmmm!
    Happy T-day

    1. I think that teaching kids the important things - like reading - is really a gift for life! Take another slice of cake!

  24. Oh MY!!! Such a beauty filled post today ♥♥♥ Love that you were able to salvage parts of the old books and that you have used some of them in such a beauteous way ♥ That lemon cake looks heavenly and I am jealous that Elizabeth gets 2 slices even though she does deserve them :) Happy Y Day ♥

    1. Okay, you get a second slice as you work so hard!

  25. Love your little book, Valerie. The aging is wonderful. I'll be over for cake and coffee -- so save me a piece! hugs, Donna

    1. When you come I'll bake a HUGE cake just for you!

  26. What a gorgeous tag book. I love all the vintage images. hugs, Teresa

  27. Your little tag book is wonderful! I love all the phrases and art you added inside as well as how you aged the cover.
    Happy T Day! Hugs, Eileen

  28. such gorgeous bookish goodness! i love it all. glad you got the germs off the old moldy books and turned the pages into something amazing. but how can you torture us with that delicious-looking cake?! harrumph! xo

  29. Schönes kleines Buch was du da hast entstehen lassen aus einem alten Werk und die Zitate darin sind sooo zutreffend. Auch ich liebe Bücher sehr und kann darin zeit und raumlos versinken, mit ihnen reisen und Vieles mehr. Dein grafisches Werk zum Thema Rot ist nun mal ganz ausgefallen und sehr erfrischend originell. Deinen Kuchen könnt ich sofort klauen, da läuft einem das Wasser im Mund zusammen. Die Sonnenuntergänge wieder ganz excellent eingefangen,sooo schööön.
    Big Hugs

  30. I love to hear how you saved pieces of that book when most people would've seen the book as a total loss. Thank you from book lovers everywhere :)

    The lemon cake looks very tasty! :) Happy T Tuesday

  31. How do you keep up with everything?? You are so good Valerie! Your art is totally amazing! The book you are giving away is so precious!! Whomever wins it, is going to be so fortunate! I love lemon cake! My favourite! I would really not do well with my diet around you! LOL! Love your photos! Big Hugs!

  32. What a wonderful little tag book - love it!! (The lemon cake looks absolutely delicious!)

  33. Hi again Valerie! Your art work always blows me away. Your tag is so beautiful and little book is amazing. I love to read, too, just wish there was more time in a day! I really like how you sewed the bookmark into it! And the gorgeous grid that you made for AJJ this month is fabulous. And of course, the photos of the sunrise are spectacular. You are an early riser, too! Hugs, Sharon

  34. Beautiful bookworm piece. I love all of the quotes you included on the pages, and the images of the children are so darling! Wonderful sky shots and boy that treat sure does look yummy!! have a great week :)

  35. A wonderful book tag and a super page Valerie , great photos and yummie looking cake and coffee!
    Thank you very much for joining Art Journal Journey !
    Much appreciated !
    oxo Susi

  36. Gosh you have been busy... my favourites here is your AJJ piece
    because of the vibrant colour and pattern which is nice and cheery on this cold morning here... and your cake ... that looks so yummy....mmmm :)
    Gill xx

  37. What a glorious post!!! That book with your quotes is just fabulous! And you other piece is so beautiful and oH MY that cake looks sooooooo yummy!! recipe?
    Now, I feel a bit hungry after this...

  38. still my heart! that lemon cake looks so delicious! love the wondrous book you made of vintage bits, and the striking red and black art!

  39. Thanks Valerie - love your use of copper on your frontspiece tag.


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