Sunday 2 August 2015

Time is flying

Hi Everybody!

 Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

For Art Journal Journey, time, I made a mixed media A3 collage. I pasted lots of vintage papers and my image onto the page, and then gave it a coat of gesso when the mod-podge was dry, not enough to cover the background completely, just enough to mute and soften it. I did some background stenciling with cogs and gears (CWS) using rusty hinge DI before I added the next layer. The quote I added at the end is from Virgil (70 BC - 19 BC), one of the most celebrated poets of ancient Rome.

This was the bottom layer before painting over it:

In the past few days we had changeable weather with wonderful skies:

On one of my walks I admired the mobile hen house, and was surprised to see goats there, too - do they lay eggs these days as well? Or are they there to keep an eye on the hens?

The cows were on the next field:

I love these buds:

The people on the ships are always busy:

The full moon on Friday evening was fantastic, even if it did keep me from sleeping!

The sky on Saturday morning just before sunrise:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fabulous time the coffee stained looking background!! Stunning!! Wonderful photos as well!

    Hugs Giggles

  2. What a gorgeous job you've done with this them! I really, really like this one very much!

  3. What an old quote, true even then. Nice page and photos, gorgeous moon.

  4. LOve this masculine page, really, really good! Great photos, too, love the goats and chickens! Hugs, Sarah

  5. So eine tolle Seite! Super!!! Die Fotos sind faszinierend..der Mond ist so schön.... und ich staune Bauklötze dass es sogar ein mobiles Hühnerhaus mit Verkaufsautomaten gibt... Wahnsinn!
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  6. A super page Valerie and such a true quote. How did it get to be August already! Have a lovely Sunday. Xx

  7. A fantastic page Valerie, love how vintage and aged it looks. A great quote as well, if only we could capture time.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Wonderful page and great photos.

  9. I'd have trouble painting over that gorgeous background. Great layers, great finished page. And of course, I always love your photos of where you live. Chickens and goats? Such fun.

    1. Yes, sometimes it's hard to cover things up!

  10. Time certainly does march on. Faster than I like these days. Lovely piece. xox

  11. Fabulous master piece and your sentiment says it all for this year which will soon be over.xx

    {aNNie The Journey Is The Start My Personal Blog}

  12. Beautiful photos today! I know, that was quite the hen house. And beautiful time journal page today too. I do love your collaged background. Once I get some time I am ready to play with the time theme for AJJ. Another great choice. I love all the little insects you added on the page. Enjoy what's left to your weekend.

  13. Wow, great piece today! Love the added dragonflies and butterflies! Wonderful shots of the blue moon and the storm clouds! hugs :)

    1. Yes, the moon really was something very special

  14. Your page is fantastic as always. And your photographs are always so atmospheric. Those buds are very beautiful indeed :D {{Hugs}}

  15. FANTASTIC post Valerie - love your page and the quote is so true - make hay while the sun shines!
    We had goats and chickens together - Art had to make the chicken coup so the goats could not get into it because they want to eat the chicken feed. Goats will eat just about anything - will sometimes eat too much and get bloat which can be fatal. Our goats were prone to eating too much and getting bloat. You have to be especially careful with rich spring grass. Now I happen to love cows and there is nothing better than fresh eggs and milk straight from the cow. YUM!!!!
    I do think that goats like to watch chickens - goats are easily bored.
    We went to the beach Friday night to see the Blue Moon but it was quite cloudy so did not get to see it in all of its glory.
    I always love your pictures Valerie!
    Sandy xx

    1. Perhaps they are watch-goats?

    2. OR .... perhaps they are nosy ! Or hoping for a handout of chicken feed!!!!

  16. The vintage man with his elbow on his desk - facing the clock - looks just like he is thinking/pondering your sentiment. You set this up to be very "touching" Valerie - just makes you think about how true a quote from centuries ago has stood the test of time - hehehe - no pun intended really!! Love how you did the background with papers - just perfect behind the man. But also enjoy the dragonflies - like the window was open - blowing in a breeze and they are fluttering thru. It's all just a really wonderful creation. Loved the chickens and the goats! All the photos are so neat to see. j.

  17. Time is always flying, but you have captured it beautifully on this page! I love the torn paper collaged background. Very interesting! Great photos and I do love all the creatures! Happy Sunday!

  18. WOWWW die Seite ist fantastisch.... einfach klasse!
    Tolle Fotos zeigst du wieder.
    LG Carola

  19. Your art sums up my feelings most days of the month. Each year I find the time passing by quicker than every before and it does fill me with a slight unease, as though time is speeding up and out of control!
    Stunning art.

  20. So much to enjoy in this lovely post.
    I really liked seeing how your art piece began with such a lovely final result and wise word from Virgil too!
    Oh that blue moon photo ♥
    Maybe the goats are there to help keep the grass short ;-)
    Even your Rhine cows are special!
    Happy August dear friend.

  21. Beautiful page; excellent composition. It was a treat to see the collage before you added paint.


  22. Wow those evening photos are stunning!
    Another beautiful page on time- may I ask where you found that Dragonfly? He is just gorgeous!! xo

  23. oh my, your page is gorgeous, and thanks so much for sharing your photos beautiful!


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