Wednesday 19 August 2015

Time for rain

Hi Everybody!

It's the middle of the week already - where does the time go?
And I am sure that time is going even faster this month during our 'Time' theme at Art Journal Journey

I made this A3 mixed media page a couple of weeks back when it was so hot and we were longing for rain. Now it's been raining for several days, so I think it's time the sun came out again!

I used one of my backgrounds, which I digitally altered and fixed it to an A3 page which had been painted with a mix of gesso and blue. I stenciled the cogs, clock and diamonds with rusty hinge DI. I stamped the pocket watch in the corner and 'Tempus fugit' with archival black. The ascending bubbles are a stamp from Ryn Tanaka. I cut another umbrella man out of the cover of an old paper back, and let Mr Umbrella Man and his shadow go walking in the rain.
(No face today, #3 of 49 will appear tomorrow!)

For Tag Tuesday - which was, of course yesterday - our theme was net. And this is not a theme I like. Anyway, as my hair is always sticking up in all directions every morning I decided to make a hair net, using the net from my potatoes, which are now shivering naked in the fridge without their net. I stenciled Dina Wakley's Moon face onto a scrap of spare DP, gave her some wild, fiber hair and added the hair net, which I sewed together to keep it in shape.
Bad Hair Day was the result.
I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, embellishments.

Today I have the last of the photos I took in the Altstadt and Harbour.
This is a statue of Johannes Rau. He was the minister-president of our county, North-Rhine Westphalia from 1978-1998, and President of Germany from 1999-2004. His motto was 'to reconcile and not divide'. He was a wonderful person, who I had the privilege of knowing personally. He died in 2006.

The bridge leading over to Oberkassel 

The 'Landtag', the county hall where our politicians meet, nicely situated by the Rhine and near the harbour:

On old crane which used to be used for loading ships:

Love the wood structure on the side of the crane:

And last but not least, a photo from last week, taken on my balcony, showing a spider's web twinkling in the rising sun.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. cute 'bad hair day' piece and a nice 'rain' page today. Wow you had friends in high places Valerie.

  2. Really great work, and wonderful photos!

  3. I like your rain page, and maybe if you made a beautiful weather not too hot page, your weather might change. ha-ha-ha! More wonderful photos, and how interesting to know someone who went so far in politics. I hope you take us on a little sight-seeing journey again soon, as I've really loved the photos. But then again, I really love your daily walk photos too! Hope your day is a little brighter and sunnier than it sounds like it has been.

  4. Love your page today, great colours, and I love the fun tag, too. Great photos, as always, Hugs, Sarah

  5. It finally rained here this morning, and I was glad I didn't have to get up early and water my herb garden. It's been really hot here, too, so I was happy for the cooler day we had, since I was out and about all day. I think your rain is perfect for today.

    Wonderful photos and beautiful images. I really enjoyed this trip with you. It seems regardless of the language or country, there is always graffiti everywhere we look. Like you, I really liked that wood on the crane. I can see someone wanting to use it for a digital background.

    I had to laugh at your tag. My hair is very short in back, but I keep my bangs long, so I often wake with "bed head." I love the tag and laughed that your potatoes were shivering in the fridge. I can envision it now.

  6. Wonderful mix of things in the photographs Valerie..your head must have been spinning with all the things you saw that day..thank you for sharing it with us I really enjoyed all,of photographs..

    I laughed out loud at the tag it is so funny and a great take on the theme..

    The rain page is amazing but who would have thought that it would have brought rain to so many of us :).we did need some but I would like it to stop now. Lovely rain quote

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Wow... die Seite gefällt mir so sehr! Wunderschön ist sie - das Tag ist spitze.. hihi... so seh ich jeden Tag aus am Morgen!!! LOL!
    Was für tolle Bilder wieder von Deinem Ausflug! Der hat sich wirklich für uns Blogbesucher mehr als gelohnt!
    Du bist gut zu uns Valerie!

    Hab einen feinen Tag Liebes!

  8. You have really excelled yourself, Valerie, this page is just stunning. I like Mr. UM's friend too.
    And your photos are fabulous too, what a wonderful area you live in, but of course you see the beauty in what you are looking at and capture it for us too.

    1. Mr UM is always my fave, if I had to reduce my stash I would definitely keep this one!

  9. A fabulous journal page and a fabulous fun tag. My hair is quite short but my husband always notices when I've had a bad night as it's sticking up all over the place.
    xxx Hazel.

    1. I think this is a problem which happens to all of us, except for the Hollywood beauties in film who always wake up looking like they have just come from the hairdresser!

  10. Sehr starke blaue Journalseite! ... ja, aber jetzt ist wirklich genug an Regen runtergekommen.
    LG Ulrike

  11. A beautiful quote for your rain page and Mr U looks as charming as ever, it is an awesome page. Loved the bad hair day tag, mime has similar looks most days.
    I enjoyed your last set of photos as well today, wonder where you will be walking next?
    Yvonne xx

  12. Fabulous creations and they are both a stunner and colours are perfect.xx
    {The Journey Is The Start aNNie my personal blog}

  13. Love that rain quote along with the wonderful piece you created with Mr Umbrella liebe Valerie!
    Those blues always get me.
    So funny about your shivering potatoes ;-)
    I am laughing WITH you not at you with your bad hair day.
    Even if that wonderful peeling paint wasn't blue I would have also have to take some photos of it.
    AND just the other day I woke up earlier than usual and was dazzled by some spider webs = lovely photo(S) as always.
    We need some of your rain badly here in Virginia.

    1. The sun is shining here today, so hope some rain is on its way to you now!

  14. LOVE the Bad Hair day piece :) So looks like me most of the time not just in the mornings :/ The perils of extremely curly hair. Like the first piece too :) We are getting the rain now but we did need it :) Love the spider web photo ♥

  15. I love the whimsical feel of your TT entry, with that wild hair and funky hat. I also love the photographs with the textures and graffiti on the old crane. Blessings!

  16. Love that giraffe - heheheh - smiling and then the bad hair day made me laugh out loud!! You are amazing Valerie. Love the sentiment on your rain layout... what a neat piece it is. My fav photo is the one of the wood structure on the side of the crane.... amazing to look at! j.

  17. Your page is magnificent Valerie. I love how you used Ryn's stamp and Mr Umbrella man looks very dapper in his new suits. I like the quote very much.
    The statue of Herr Rau makes him look kind and approachable. How lovely that you knew him personally.
    Down hill to the weekend we go, very quickly once again. Enjoy tomorrow. {{hugs}}

  18. Fabulous rain page with a super quote, Valerie! And I love the fun tag, the fiber hair is genial.
    Hugs, Mar

  19. Wonderful page today, Valerie. Bad hair day I can relate to. Sorry to see the photos of your last adventure and walk down memory lane come to an end. They have all been spectacular, including the peeled wood paint.


  20. What a brilliant journal page Valerie, I love your giraffe, and Mr Umbrella Man fits in perfectly. Your bad hair day made me laugh, my hair always does what it wants too! Sorry I've not been around for a while, it's really good to be back! Sue xx

  21. What a wonderful page Valerie. Love when Mr. Umbrella man shows up. I had to smile at the bad hair day. I have those a lot when the weather is hot and muggy!! LOL Wonderful walking pics and the spider web is incredible. You captured it well. xo

  22. Gorgeous page. I love the bubbles. Cute hair net. Poor naked potatoes. :)

  23. I just love the Umbrella Man page - why is he so perfect?! - and the colours are right up my street.
    Alison xx

  24. Yet another fabulous post Valerie! Love your umbrella man page….and ha! ha! ha! your bad hair day collage!! Chrisx

  25. Great page I love Mr U I must say he is my fav. Great bad hair day I quite often have them. Loveing the pic's especially the spider's web x

  26. Love your rain man,but especially love bad hair day!! Thanks for the giggles Valerie! hugs xoxo


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