Saturday 8 August 2015

Time and Tide....

Hi Everybody!

For my page today, for Art Journal Journey, time,  I thought about the quote, supposedly from King Canute more than 1000 years ago, 'Time and Tide wait for no man', which we usually interpret to mean that nobody is so powerful that they can interfere with the course of time.

 King Canute demonstrated to his courtiers the limits of a king's power by failing to make the sea obey his command, even though they were trying to flatter him into believing that as King he also 'ruled the waves' and could tell them to recede. That literal interpretation of 'tide' in 'time and tide' is what is now usually understood, but wasn't what was meant in the original version of the expression. 'Tide' didn't refer to the contemporary meaning of the word, that is, the rising and falling of the sea, but to a period of time. When this phrase was coined tide meant a season, or a time, or a while. The word is still with us in that sense in 'good tidings', which refers to a good event or occasion and  remains, too,  in phrases like noontide, eventide etc.
My A3 mixed media page is trying to show the power of the waves , tide, and their other meaning, time. I used stamps from Paper Artsy and LaBlanche and various cut outs. The background was painted with blues and greens over gesso

 As it was again exceedingly hot and humid I kept to the shadowy paths and ways along the Rhine again today.

I got this heart shaped peach today, and took a photo before eating it:

It was delicious, too!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. LOVE your piece today Valerie. And the story that goes with it is fabulous too. I never knew where that saying came from nor how old it is. Funny how some sayings have stuck around from a very long time and some of them come and go quickly. That peach looks delicious. And so special as a heart too! Hope it brings you some hearts in your arts today. Ha-ha! :)

  2. Love the movement of your waves in this piece. At least we can't feel the heat in your photos. Love the peaches at this time of year.

  3. Perfect interpretation of the quote, Valerie! I like the waves, and the little birdy. :)

  4. Your Time and Tide are wonderful. The clocks, the gears, the bird, all make a lovely statement.

    Beautiful photos today, too. I was super impressed with that BIG peach, too. Have a super weekend.

  5. Lovely journal page and a great explanation of the quote. Love the hearty peach! Hugs, Sarah

  6. Wunderbar ist die Seite ... einmalig schön gemacht und Dein Spaziergang war wieder schööön- sieht man an den Fotos! Solche Pfirsiche gibt es bei auch ab und an mal zu kaufen..sie nenne sie hier Weingartenpfirsiche-
    Ich wünsche Dir einen wunderschönen Samstag Valerie!

  7. A ja und gelernt hab ich auch wieder was heute hier bei Dir ...danke!

  8. Oh, I enjoyed reading your post today Valerie, I'd never really thought about the meaning behind the saying but it all makes sense now! Like your quirky hearty peach, or is it a peachy heart! Lol xx

  9. der spruch war mir unbekannt, aber du hast ihn klasse dargestellt!
    der weinbergpfirsich ist soo schön! aber auch die anderen Fotos. es sieht noch ziemlich satt grün aus bei euch, wohl wegen der wassernähe. bei uns wird langsam alles braun...

    1. Ja, und wir haben zwischendurch immer wieder Gewitter und heftige Regenschauer, so wie Heute!

  10. Beautiful photographs and a very unusual peach for sure.

    The art page is terrific and it was the quote I had going through my head for next page. I love the movement you have introduced into the painting and the amazing images.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. Great heart shape peach, and fab photos again...LOVE your page today and the little history behind it all.xx

  12. I always enjoy your history lessons combined with your great illustrations, it's an ingenious link today.

    1. I try not to let the teacher in me out too often, but sometimes she still takes over....

  13. Great page and a fabulous composition of time elements.
    Beautiful photos especially your delicious peach.
    Have a great day!
    Hugs, Mar

  14. You have done the old King proud with this fabulous page, the waves look awesome, you could almost think the clocks were on a surf board riding the waves.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Great interpretation of the saying. The clocks really work on this page and I like the background colours

  16. Wonderful page today, the waves are fabulous! What a peach! tee hee. Love the photo of the peaceful. hugs :)

  17. I never knew the word tide was used in that manner, very interesting,,,
    your journal age is lovely, beautiful,
    the wave makes it feel as if inmotion,
    I see summer winding down in your photos, same as here.

  18. Stunning page, Valerie, there's so much interesting to look at, the detailing and design is lovely. Beautiful photos as well, glad the heart shaped peach was delicious, have a wonderful weekend sweetie!

    Love and hugs

  19. I really like your page and appreciated the different meanings of Tide. My favourite tide, is Yuletide ;)
    The only thing 'exceedingly hot and humid' around here is the bathroom at shower time, lol.
    Your heart peach is sweet. I'm glad it was tasty :D {{Hugs}}

  20. Great motion in your art. I love your rusty metal embellishments. Did that peach taste as good as it looks? :)

  21. We often wonder where some of the common sayings came from and to be educated as well as treated to a journal page is always marvelous. I enjoy hearing about the historical events that you keep hidden inside your head. Thanks for sharing again. I noticed some campers along side the Rhine in one of your photos. Do they have specific areas or did people just set up their tents as they found open areas. Your fruit looked delicious and the peaches are in season here too. I usually can peaches the first part of September and hope I can do so again this year.


    1. There is a caravan and camping place on the other side of the Rhine, 'wild' camping is not allowed.

  22. I have to say I love that page especially the background. The colours and blends are so fluid.
    We have flat peaches here but not sure if they're the same as your heart peach. I have to agree they are delicious.
    I always enjoy seeing your photos too. I've been thrilled this week because I've finally bought a weather vein and hopefully I'll be able to add it onto our building soon. No doubt I'll post a picture when it's in place.
    Enjoy your weekend xx


  23. Beautiful page! The gears are a nice touch. What a peach!

  24. Love the art today and the history lesson with it :) It's a lazy Sunday morning here so far with lower temps and cloudy skies.

  25. Who could imagine that quote dates back that far.
    Perfectly illustrated with your artful touches liebe Valerie.
    Yummy and smiles for that special peach ♥
    Stay cool GLG oxo

  26. I love that little bird king and your page is awesome! Thanks so much for the bit of history lesson- I love learning new things! and the King you spoke of? Which country did he rule? Funny how things we learn in school are only geared for what"They" want you to know!
    thanks so much for sharing! xo

    1. Cnut the Great, more commonly known as Canute, was a king of Denmark, England, Norway and parts of Sweden, together often referred to as the Anglo-Scandinavian or North Sea Empire, back in the 11th century before the Norman conquest of England.

  27. I so enjoy your photography in all I have scrolled in your post and different blogs. So putting in this comment here. Your blogs are very lovely as well as your art pieces.

    I sat down and scrolled through a lot of your blogs. It is Sunday August 16th/2015


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