Thursday 20 August 2015

Roses for a lifetime

Hi Everybody!

Yesterday evening the skies started to clear up, and this morning the sun decided to show itself again. The rain was really necessary, but it's nice to be able to go out without an umbrella again.

For Art Journal Journey, time, and for the Faces challenge which Susi and I are making, I have another face - Number 3. My neighbour looked at it and said it looks like Grandma's wallpaper - well, I think he's at least a little bit right!
The background was made with some rose stencils. I got a whole packet of  different stencils from Ebay for 5€ including postage, so wanted to try some of them out. I used colour box inks in 2 colours on an A3 page again. The face was drawn with pencil and went over the lines with water colours. The dragonflies were stenciled with Archival black. Perhaps it's Sleeping Beauty peeping out through the roses after waking up.... The quote is 'If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I'd be picking roses for a lifetime'.
I am also linking to Kim Dellow's 'Friday Face art.

The day started off with beautiful skies:


On my walk I visited the flowers which you can pick yourself and put the money in a tin. Last week they were looking rather sad, but the rain has really done them good:

I noticed this Art Nouveau face under the eaves while passing a house here today - it fits well to our 'Faces' theme.

Thanks for all the nice comments on the photos I took in the Altstadt and Harbour last week, I will try to go on another little outing next week.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks for coming by.


  1. Wonderful page, great photos, lovely post! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Eine wunderschöne Seite! Du hast deine neuen Schablonen ganz wunderbar hier eingesetzt Und die Libellen sind das sogenannte i-Tüpfelchen! Schöne Fotos hast du heute wieder ... mir gefallen die Himmelsimpressionen so sehr!!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  3. deine Fotos werden immer noch schöner... diese wunderbaren wolkenbilden, und auch die Sonnenblumen - einfach nur traumhaft! ansonsten kann ich auch deine lust auf schablonieren gut nachvollziehen, und der spruch ist auch sehr passend!

  4. Mir gefällt die "Tapete" und die Bilder sind so schön! Was für ein toller Dachgieble mit so schöner Stukatur!
    Ein Schätzchen!

    Hab einen wunderschön Tag Valerie!

  5. Stunning photographs and what a lovely sunrise to greet you. We have wall to wall grey and damp this morning so send us some sun please..what a magical place to be able to cut flowers and leave the money in a tin-such a great idea.

    The page is stunning and the stencils were a real find. How you used them is wonderful. I can't believe that with so few lines you create such beautiful faces and they all have their own character..

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Your face page is fantastic! IMO it would be fabulous printed onto a t-shirt :D
    The sky photos are stunning and the flower one makes me want to pick some; what beautiful colours they are all together. Enjoy your day :D {{Hugs}}

  7. Oh the face on the house looks a little sad. Your face however is another beauty! Have a lovely day. xx

    1. Yes, she looks downright miserable, but honestly, if you were stuck up there day in day out you would be unhappy too, or not?!

  8. Love your photos and admire you for getting out there and taking long walks every day. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Wow. Lucky you to find those stencils for so little money. I love these roses. You are right. She is sleepy beauty waking up. I think she is lovely and another successful face for you today. Hope it is a good one.

  10. Love the photos and wow stencils for a small price with a great it.xxxx
     {The Journey Is The Start  aNNie  my personal blog}

  11. Enjoying your pretty faces, and that is a nice quote! Gorgeous photos today too.

  12. You had a bargain with the stencils, its a beautiful page and face. Super photos the sunflowers look awesome.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Beautiful face in the stenciled background! Also beautiful photos, love the sunflowers :) Take care, Shirleyxx

  14. You got a GOOD deal on those stencils. I love stencils and only have a few, most of which were gifts. You did an excellent job creating the lady in the roses. I really like the way you incorporated the two challenges that way.

    Beautiful photos today. I've often contemplated taking sky photos, but I'm not always awake when the sun comes up. I also thought that face on the building was fun and I can see you sketching it one of these days! Have a great Thursday.

  15. Another great face and I do so like the quote... ♥ Great photos ...LOVE the sunflowers and that face above the window is priceless ♥♥♥♥

  16. Really pretty! The face and roses really go together well. And the sentiment is perfect too!
    Again, I enjoyed your pictures.
    Sandy xx

  17. Oh my... she's truly STUNNING.... so PRECIOUS. Love everything about her. What a ADORABLE creation. And the sky photo made me think of you - it's a sideways "V" for Valerie in the sky!!!! The sunflowers are sooooo incredible - you are such a wonderful photographer. I have never seen a sunflower look like the one that is still inside - in that one picture. Just so interesting... not to mention capturing that bee!!! j.

    1. Well, I've heard of Judy in the sky....too funny!

  18. So sorry to be awol for so long Valerie and desparately trying to catch up now!
    What a beautiful page, so pretty and love the quote on there.
    Such gorgeous photos too as always.
    Fliss xx

  19. Gorgeous page with a beautiful face, and I love the new stencils. Amazing sky photos!
    Hugs, Mar

  20. I wish we had a flower farm here like that! What a neat place it must be to take photos, too! I like your latest rose face as well as the sentiment!

  21. Love your faces! So beautiful is this page! The photos of the flowers is so lovely. I bet with all those flowers there is a nice scent in the air! Hugs!

  22. Oh my I love this with the roses and the special quote. Lovely photo pics and the gorgeous skies.
    Hugs, cm

  23. There can never be too many roses. Your face today is so sweet and you do such a terrific job drawing eyes. The sky was indeed beautiful as were the gorgeous sunflowers. You are almost on Friday and I'm still dealing with Thursday.


  24. This page is magical. I love the face peeking through the flowers.

  25. Wow! Face magic and photo magic! I love the way the face is appearing on your 'wallpaper '! Your sunrise photos are beautiful - I would love to find a pick your own flowers place and then there is that oh so sad face. I said. ..magic! ! Chrisx will catch up with everything else when we get home! !

  26. Glückwunsch zum Stencil-Schnäppchen, was du hier wunderbar gleich eingesetzt hast!
    Welch wunderbare Himmel wieder! LG Ulrike

  27. Love the botanical zen feeling of this page <3

  28. I love the nostalgic look of the journal page! And what Marcellus sunflower photos!!

  29. Oops spell correct gave Marcellus... Who is he? I meant to post marvellous.

    1. Spell check sometimes does strange things - Marcellus sounds Roman!

  30. Oh this one is so elegant. Love the softness of the roses...her hidden face, and the contrast of the black dragonflies. Yeah...this is one to boast about. Love it.

  31. Gorgeous art and are great a photographer as you are an artist!! Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs Giggles

  32. This is my new favourite! Love the way the face is peeking through those stencilled layers.

  33. and flowers....does it get any better than that? I kind of doubt it! Lovely blog post. :-)

  34. What a lovely face peeking out of the roses! And what a sweet sentiment! I really like the way you used the stencils. What superb photos of skies. It's really difficult to capture the drama and majesty of the sky, but you've managed! This is - as always - a lovely post. x

  35. Oo there is something mysterious about her, like she is a garden sprite peeking out from the flower bed! Love her! Love your photos as always too! Another gorgeous share and thank you again for linking up to Show Your Face and for the shout out. Kx

  36. Stunning!! And I love the poem! xoxo


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