Thursday 27 November 2014

Showdown at sunset

Hi everybody!

It was very cold here today, the wind is blowing us cold air from the east, and the temperatures are dropping fast - brrrrr! I managed 2 walks,  but needed to walk really fast to get warm and stay warm.

My project for Art Journal Journey today has been influenced again by Van Gogh. The flat fields shown in his sunset painting remind me, too, of the fields here by the Rhine. I know some people think that copying pictures painted by the masters is a waste of time, but I think it is a marvelous way to learn about the painters and how they worked. And I know that the painters' apprentices in the old days spent years copying the paintings of their masters in order to learn. For me, this is 'learning by doing', and I have enjoyed learning more about various artists this past month.

 I made a page in my giant journal again. It was first painted with gesso and then with diluted acrylics. When it was dry, I drew in the landscape and all the details with pastel chalks. I wanted to make my page a bit different, so turned it into a meeting between Mary Poppins and Mr Umbrella man. It looks like love at first sight!
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin, and to Moo Mania and More, trees.

The first 2 photos today are multiple exposures of pictures taken a couple of years back in Bad Honnef, with the 'Drachenfels' (Dragon's cliff) in the background. I think they also fit well to the theme of trees and sunset.

This morning I was up extremely early, long before dawn had even begun to think about breaking, and was able to watch the day slowly creeping in. The lights in the background are the airport:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. lovely Van Gogh interpretation, I quite like Van Gogh too. Lovely photos.

  2. Was ist das wieder für eine mega geniale Interpretation!!! Ich habe es nicht geschafft zur Challenge etwa beizutragen, aber ich habe mir viele Arbeiten angeschaut und vieles über die Meister und ihre Stilrichtung gelernt. Hier war es auch kalt und windig gestern - jetzt haben wir frostige 0 C - vielleicht schafft es dann nachher die Sonne durch zu kommen. Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  3. Good morning Val! I really look forward to seeing your art each morning! Love his again. Your background has been beautifully made, and good to see that umbrella pair meeting up again, great idea! The photos are fantastic, as always. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  4. Traumhaft Deine Lovestory ala Van Gogh Valerie! Wunderschön und auch was Du über das Lernen von den Meistern geschrieben hast kann ich voll unterstreichen. Herrliche AUfnahmen sind das -passend zur Arbeit und ich dachte grade, dass ich dann mein Zwischenlandung wirklich ganz in Deiner Nähe absolvieren werde!
    Hab einen schönen Tag!

  5. One of my favourite Van Gogh paintings and your adaptation is brilliant! Never have Mary Poppins and Rainman had such a cool setting! Super photos too!

    1. It's one of my fave paintings of Van Gogh, too.

  6. Fantastic artwork today Valerie. I have so enjoyed learning about so many artists this time with AJJ.

    Amazing photographs as always-thank you for sharing the wonders you see around you

    Love Chrissie x

  7. You certainly captured that van Gogh feel inyour landscape and added your own bit of whimsy! Great altered photos and spectacular sunset. We had one too the other night, so muc red! xox

  8. Leider fällt es mir sehr schwer, so früh aufzustehen wie du es immer machst, denn morgens ist die Naturstimmung ja immer ganz besonders.
    ... und ein verrückter Valerie-VanGogh!
    Mir ist so im Laufe dieses Monats aufgefallen, dass ich mich schon immer habe von den großen Meistern habe inspirieren lassen. Denn alles, was ich je kreiert habe, ist irgendwo angelehnt und hat mich geprägt. Danke für dieses tolle Thema bei AJJ, es ist so ergiebig, dass man es noch verlängern könnte!
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

    1. Ja, das Thema war schön! Wir können wirklich sehr viel lernen. Mir fällt es schwer zu schlafen, deshalb stehe ich immer so früh auf!

  9. Brilliant designs, love this it is just gorgeous.....your pics are so beautiful.
    aNNie xxx
    The Journey is the Start

  10. Your journal page is awesome! It really has a romantic feel and the colors are just perfect!
    My you were up early again! But I was happy to see your sunrise photos again!

  11. Another GREAT journal page!!! I love what you did with the first tow photos too ♥♥♥♥ It's very cold here today also. We are Celebrating Thanksgiving here today so good food is to be had by all today .

  12. Großartige Interpretation meines Lieblingsmalers Vincent.

    Vielen Dank für's mitmachen bei MOO-MANIA & MORE

  13. Valerie your paintings are incredible. You always amaze. Love the effects you created in your first photos. Your sky pics are awesome.

  14. Valerie such beautiful art, you did a great job. I love this Mary Poppins one so much, great techniques and ideas here as always. That deep red sky is magical, I love the sky at this time of year!

  15. Fascinating Van Gogh meets Mr. U and MP. Yes, you're right, the apprentices learned by copying their master and in some cases even painted some of the master's artwork.
    Your getting up early is our gain in the fabulous pre-dawn photos and if these are airport lights presumably you can watch planes take-off and land,

    1. Yes, I can see the planes, especially in winter when there are no leaves on the trees. I like wtaching them when I have time.

  16. Fabulous page again, those two figures are great, loved the added love story scenario. Magical moody photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Wonderfully whimsical the meeting of Mary and Mr Umbrella Man - gorgeously intense colours.

  18. Stunning page with another great inspiration by Van Gogh. I love your painting and the colours you have used. The silhouettes look fantastic. Great photos too.
    Hugs, Mar

  19. Wonderful art! I love Van Gogh too! Great photos.

  20. Wonderful artwork and photos! What a great way to push the boundaries and learn new things!

    Hugs Giggles

  21. What a cool work. I'm sure it's interesting to paint like a master but I would find it too difficult! :)
    Happy PPF!

  22. Gorgeous artwork and wonderful photos Valerie,
    Your Van Gogh is brilliant and I love the idea of Mary Poppins finding her man ;D
    Have fun this weekend
    Happy PPF to you

  23. Hi Valerie, its great to be back visiting you. Love your interpretation of Van Gogh, so unique.

    Happy PPF, Annette x

  24. Beautiful! Love the artwork and the photos...a feast for my eyes!

  25. Beautiful fall colors. Paintings and photos are excellent!

  26. fantastic page and beautiful photographs!

  27. I so LOVE Van Gogh and your interpretation is beautiful!
    Gorgeous pictures as usual :)

  28. Beautiful art work and a lovely interpretation. x

  29. Fabulous work and photos. It's always good tocome here.You never stop surprising me!

  30. Wonderful! I have wanted to paint from the masters, too - but just have not done it! Love your early morning photos, too! SO cool! Happy PPF!

  31. I enjoy your learning and sharing. This is a wonderful rendition to Van Gogh. I always enjoy your photos too. Blessings, Janet PPF


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