Saturday 29 November 2014

Braque, birds and more.

Hi Everybody!

Another week has sped by, I was always busy and don't have much to show for it!
Nor did I do the H*******K, I'm still waiting for the really bad weather that keeps me at home! Today  (Friday) started off rather grey, but the day got better as it progressed, with plenty of sun although it was very cold. In the evening the sun gave a wonderful final performance before disappearing on the other side of the Rhine,  and I much enjoyed watching it. The birds have been visiting all day - pigeons, magpies, a jay, my woodpecker, tits galore and a cheeky bullfinch, all determined to get their share of the goodies.

We only have 2 more days left for the 'Inspired by the masters' challenge at Art Journal Journey, and I have another Braque variation to show, made using my sun and bird stencils. It does take some time to draw and cut stencils, but once made they can be used over and over again in many projects, and are really useful. The background is textured paper - my recycled wallpaper - with acrylics applied with a brayer. I tried to keep the colours to geometric forms to give a cubist impression.

Some of the photos from dawn till dusk: 

There were hundreds of wild geese flying home, they came in several groups and flew across the sky, making a huge noise, as always:

Here's wishing  you all a great day!
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art, you are so knowledgeable on the masters. Beautiful photos!

  2. Beautiful work. In my opinion, the cubist is a difficult look to master, but you did a wonderful job.

  3. Braque is one of my fave painters, and I think you did a great job here. Love the unusual color combo, too. The photos are beautiful, I always marvel at your patience! Have a great day, it's cold and damp here. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Wow you have it all here Valerie,
    Fantastic art, wild birds, sunsets and sunrises.... a few of my favourite things!
    Gorgeous paintings.
    I'm impressed that you managed to take a photo of the robin. I've been trying to capture one of the many that visit my garden but they are very camera shy.
    Enjoy your weekend and lets hope the sun shines

    1. The birds are very shy, I mostly take the photos through the window, which makes them a bit cloudy, but it's the only way.

  5. Wonderful graphic piece Valerie and another stunning set of photos!
    Have a great weekend! x

  6. Amazing photographs Valerie--a big WOW from me for those. All of the feathered visitors you get must take up lots of time and beat doing housework any day of the week

    Love the artwork and what a great idea to uae the brayer--wouldn't have thought of that with acrylics.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  7. fabelhaft! Diese Tapete eignet sich toll für all diese Arbeiten Valerie... ja Du hast recht -- es rechnet sich sicher sich Schablonen zu werkeln, aber es ist so eine schnöde Arbeit und drum mach ich das so ungern.... Gefällt mir sehr gut und Deine Fotos versüßen mir jeden neuen Morgen...DANKE!
    Der Specht hat schon wieder zugenommen... ich fürchte bald wird er einen speziellen Zusatzfluantrieb benötigen!

  8. klasse braque-adaption! und um deine sonnenuntergänge vor dieser Kulisse bist du zu beneiden.

  9. Your stencils look terrific against the painted blocks.
    Your woodpecker seems to be a regular visitor, I am very envious, although we do like our regular "ordinary birds" and it is always a delight to see the robin.
    I assume these photos are all taken from your balcony? - if so what a wonderful place to live and watch.
    Your skyscapes are again quite amazing with spectacular colours, what a breadth of sky you have.

  10. Super journal page Valerie and your sky photos are fab. I do love a robin, we have one that visits every day. Have a lovely Saturday. Xx

  11. Great bird stencil. You have captured Braque quite nicely. Cold and frosty here. Don't the skies look ever more dramatic inthe wonter. xox

  12. More fantastic artwork, I'm not familiar with the Master but this are wonderfully abstract. Your photos are beautiful as well, it's great that you enjoy so much nature around you. I miss the birds from our other property, there are not as many around here, the trees are too small. Have a happy weekend, Shirleyxx

  13. So many gorgeous creations and pictures this week Valerie, I look forward to getting back on schedule next week! Thank you so much for your wonderful comments on my blog while I was on holiday! I had a great time with my Mom, even though it ended too soon! Hope you had a great week too! big hugs :)

    1. Glad you had a great time with your Mom - holidays always go by too quickly!

  14. BO was für tolle Fotos besonders die Sonnenuntergänge*schmacht*Aber dann der Braque was für eine tolles Bild der liegt Dir wirklich, es ist eine helle Freude wie Du seinen Stil umgesetzt hast!
    Schönen 1. Advent wünsche ich Dir,
    lG Anja

  15. Hey Valerie - I think you have had a lot of fun with this challenge. And it shows how versatile
    you are. I love the photos you posted today - all a treat for the eyes.
    Sandy xx

  16. Dein Valerie-Braque ist wieder sehr stark!!!
    Sicher bist du traurig, dass es nun ein anderes Thema geben wird, oder!?

    Bei dem Specht kann man genau sehen, wie er sich mit dem Schwanz an der Wand abstützt... auch ich hatte heute Balkon-Besuch von einem Rotkehlchen!
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  17. This is bright and quite different, it's always so interesting your way!

  18. Great art page Valerie, must use my brayer more, its currently collecting dust somewhere safe.
    Love the photos, the birds would win over the dreaded HW any day, in my book of things to do.
    Yvonne x

  19. That's really beautiful! Love your stencils, and the results you got with the brayer fit so well with the images of the bird and sun.

  20. Love the textures and bold image. x

  21. Wonderful Braque inspired piece! I love your photos too! The sky looks so beautiful...


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