Saturday 1 November 2014

Inspired by the Masters - Art Journal Journey Challenge for November

Hi everybody!

Time is flying by, and a new month has started bringing us a new theme for the challenge at Susis's Art Journal Journal, 'inspired by the masters'  - or mistresses!
Take inspiration from any famous painter, and create your own art. I am co-hostess again this month, and am looking forward to see from whom you take inspiration.

I have started with Niki de Saint Phalle, as she would have been 84 on October 29th. She is perhaps best known for her over dimensional, colourful  'Nanas', huge statues of women with luxurious body forms.

This one, the protecting angel, is in the main station at Zürich.

This is the lifesaver fountain in Duisburg, a neighbouring town.

I have tried to show the happiness of her art with my journal page. I made some figure templates, and used them to draw the outlines. This way I can make more at any time. The background was given a coat of gesso and then painted with diluted sky blue. The figures was painted with acrylics, and the patterns drawn with gel-pens and felt-pens.

These are my 'house-Nanas', who keep me company on my desk:

The flock of sheep moved to their next grazing place, a few kilometers up the Rhein, so I visited the horses on their meadow near the castle ruins. As usual,  they were busy grazing:

Can you see the wasp sitting on the toadstool?

This afternoon I removed all the stuff that was cluttering my table, threw some things away, packed the rest into the right boxes, and scrubbed the table top. I am enjoying the view and wondering how long before it will be back to normal!

Have a great weekend, take care of yourselves,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Deine Nanas sind großrartig Valerie ... sogar Nana Deko hast Du..das ist ja stark! Du hast gestern wohl den selben Aufräum-Umdekorier-Schwung gehabt wie
    Großartige Bilder!
    Danke für das tolle Thema!
    Schönen Allerheiligentag!

  2. Val, the Nanas are gorgeous, what a wonderful and happy page. Super!Have a great day, hugs Sarah

  3. Super schönes Thema, liebe Valerie und Du hast kleine Skulpturen von "Deinen" Nanas! Da fällt mir doch glatt Paperclay ein und auch mal eine probieren. Super, superschön.
    Ganz viele liebe Grüße zu Dir und habe ein schönes Wochenende!

    1. Ich habe Nanas oft mit den Kindern in der Schule gebastelt mit Draht und Papp-Mache, war immer toll!

  4. Your 'Happy Dance' made me smile :)

    Love the Nana at the station especially.... thank you for introducing me to Niki de Saint Phalle!

    Karen x ps just looked her up in my art book... 'one of her most famous sculptures is a vast model of a woman. Visitors enter between the legs and explore inside the body until they reach various points: a 12 seat cinema in the left arm, and a planetarium in the left breast' (!)

  5. Absolut genial, bin fasziniert von deinem Eintrag und deinen Nanas.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  6. Fabulous pictures of your chosen artist Valerie--always love to see her bright pieces. You page is just amazing and also your very own nanas that guard over you--how wonderful is that.

    Wonderful photographs-love the one with the two drops of water. Your table looks ready for lots of crafty work and is a similar table to ours but ours is always covered in a very large jigsaw in the process of being finished and we eat off smaller tables :)

    Have a great day today--sunny here so we are off shopping

  7. Oh I can so relate to a clean kitchen table. My son had friends round last night for a movie night, so I temporarily tidied away my sewing machine and related "stuff", I'd almost forgotten how big our table is! I absolutely love your Nanas, never seen them before, the flying one is fab! Have a great Saturday, it's very mild and sunny here today. Xx

  8. A wonderful happy journal page.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Wonderful interpretation of those statues/Nanas Valerie! The drops of water on the mushroom is an amazing shot! hugs and happy weekend! :)

  10. Never heard of this artist before but do love what you have shown us. Especially love your glass Nanas. Fab interpretation of the artist. Hugs Annette x

  11. Wowwwww, was für eine wunderschöne Seite. Da hast du dich super von den Figuren inspirieren lasse. Einfach klasse!
    LG Carola

  12. Wonderful, happy, colorful art today--love your interpretation! More amazing toadstools! Hope you have a nice weekend--looks like rain today here.

  13. Nice happy inspired art, the horses are in their warm clothes!

  14. Love your art work Valerie, it's so beautiful and the colours are classy...enjoy your weekend.xx
    aNNie The Journey is the Start

  15. Valerie, I must live a sheltered life because I was not familiar with the nanas and the huge pieces in Zurich or Duisburg. I especially like the fountain. You did a spectacular job with your interpretation and inspiration from Niki de Saint Phalle. I will definitely do more research to learn more about her and her art style. I learn a lot and view a lot of history from your blog and lovely photos. Thank you very much.

    C your cleaned table. Way to start off the new month.

  16. OH MY!!!! I love your journal page ♥♥♥♥♥ So bright and's alive with HAPPY ENERGY!
    I had not heard of her before so will definitely be looking her up and reading more about her! Love your little "HOUSE NANA'S " also. Great photos again today ♥

    1. PS: The table looks so nice and tidy.... I so need to clear mine off... we never eat there and it's become a catch all spot. :(

    2. That's good! I think I will call my table a catch all in future.!

  17. was für tolle Nanas - bei uns im Nachbardorf steht auch eine - muss ich mal fotografieren ;o)
    Hier war heute noch einmal ein mega schöner Tag mit blauem Himmel und milden Temperaturen. Ich wünsche dir noch einen schönen Samstagabend, liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  18. Love your super page and the fantastic and colourful Nanas figures. Great theme this month at AJJ. Have a great weekend! Hugs, Mar

  19. Die Nanas sind großartig und Deine gefallen mir genauso gut, so fröhlich lebendig und farbenfroh!
    Die Fotos sind wieder zum Dahinschmelzen, danke:-)
    LG Anja

  20. All of the Nanas are wondrous and your journal images are a fabulous tribute to an amazing and very inspirational artist :o))

  21. Gorgeous tribute to a great master!

  22. Terrific theme for AJJ, Valerie, and I love your happy art here. Great photos and a super painting and I like your use of washi tape too.

  23. Hi Valerie, doing lots of catching up. Love your Nanas!! Looks like you really cleared off your gorgeous table. I must do this in my studio. Mine looks like a cyclone blew through.
    Great pics and the horses are staying warm in there blanket coats.

  24. Fantastic happy journal page. love the bright figures.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Thank you for introducing me to this 'new to me' artist.
    What you've created is a lovely tribute to such a colorful and empowering artist!
    I have been a little scarce on line because I have been busy trying to clear out some.
    Seeing that you are clearing too made me think of a saying my father said which I thought of when I put that envelope of "stuff" in the mail to you...hope it makes sense...
    he would say when you give something to someone that already has a lot of similar things
    "It's like bringing coal to Newcastle" (not sure if that is a British saying or American? but I guess Newcastle is a coal mining town LOL).
    I am having a lovely time catching up with you and your creativity today.
    Another great challenge full of inspiration over at AJJ.
    You and Susi are amazing Valerie ♥

  26. Ach ich liebe die Nanas!!
    LG Ulrike

  27. Your Journal page is magnificent! Your table looks good, hope you can find what you need now, lol. I put it away and then lose it, ha ha! Big hugs, ~Diane

  28. Fantastic dancing Nanas. she is new to me, I am not familiar with here wprk, but I adore the oh so colorful over the top ladies. xox

  29. love the bright colours of her art and your pages are fab love the horses too and the fungi

  30. Love the inspiration, The Dance, the Nanas and all of it!


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