Sunday 2 November 2014

Matisse, Happy Mail and a beautiful sky

Hi everybody!

We were blessed with another wonderful Saturday with mild temperatures and sunshine, and I much enjoyed my walks along the Rhine and through the fields. In between a friend came, and I helped her craft a surprise for her Dad's birthday,  and later her daughter came for her English lesson, so Mum was in the kitchen and daughter in the living room, and I went back and forth! But it was fun! And of course we managed to drink a lot of coffee, eat cookies and chocolate and chat!

For 'Inspired by the masters' at Susi's  Art journal Journey, into which Susi puts so much energy and soul,  I have created my version of Henri Matisse's 'Blue nude'. I made the templates for these cut-outs some years back for another challenge, so it is always good to have them ready prepared. And even better that I found them straightaway! The background has been painted with blue, black and Viva rust and sprinkled with a mix of hologram EP and fairy dust. The EP was a mistake, I just grabbed the wrong pot, but decided to try it out, and when heated it gave a wonderful background, which I have since tried on other projects, too . I used the templates to draw the figures on some rather faded DP, which I got for nothing because it had been in the shop window - I like the faded effect, and it was just right for here. I had fun playing with Matisse, and hope that some of you will also be inspired from the Masters and join us at AJJ!

Last week I received a wonderful package from Patty of Magpie's nest.

Thanks, Patty, for all of these gorgeous things. She wrote lots of little notes, explaining things, and my fave was the one below, which really made me smile! There are 2 wonderful lavender wands, which she bound herself, which smell heavenly, and are now tied to my bed-head, as lavender helps you sleep. There is a Swan Vestas box filled with little goodies, a wonderful Frida card for my collection, a funky bird wall hanging made with a hand carved stamp, wonderful paper napkins, and loads of fibres, pretty papers and ephemera. All in all like Christmas come early!
Thank you, dear Patty! The little bird is hanging in my arty kitchen, and all the other things will be treasured and used!

This little hand sewn bag was also stuffed with goodies, and wrapped in lovely tissue paper.

The sky today was truly a joy to behold. This morning it was just beautiful, but this afternoon, as I came home from my walk, it was glorious:

Here's wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
Take care, have fun, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely Matisse inspired art. It sounds like you had fun with your friends. Glorious skies and beautful gifts too.

  2. Beautiful work, love the colours and texture in the background, really well done. And the sky photos are beautiful. Enjoy the lovely gifts sent by your friend, they are fantastic! Have a nice Sunday, hugs, Sarah

  3. schöne arbeit und tolle inspiration,ich mag matisse auch sehr.
    tolle post hast du von patty bekommen,viel spass damit.
    einen schönen sonntag.

    GLG Jeannette

  4. Amazing sky photographs Valerie with the silhouettes against the wonderful colours and cloud formations.

    It sounds like you had a very happy day and what wonderful mail as well--all so 'you'

    The Matisse artwork is terrific-love the way you reversed the image.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

    1. Thanks Chrissie - the sky always seems to be especially beautiful at this time of the year.

  5. What a wonderful parcel of goodies, I love the Frida card. Your Matisse art is fab and those photos are beautiful. Sounds like you had a busy day yesterday, sharing a coffee with friends is one of life's pleasures! Xx

  6. Fabulous Matisse pages and wonderful sky photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. Your Matisse inspired piece is wonderful Valerie, SO striking. The background is fabulous.
    You are very generous to help your friend and daughter with crafting and language, I bet they're most apprecitive.
    What a lovely lot of goodies from your friend; the lavender sticks would be my favourite, I love lavender and have a wee pillow on my bedside table :D
    Your sky pics are beautiful as always. Enjoy your Sunday ((hugs)) x

  8. Good Morning Valerie. Love these beautiful silhouettes, they look amazing. What gorgeous gifts you have received too. Lastly, I love those fantastic skies, wish I could capture their beauty with paints. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  9. Diese Arbeit finde ich sensationell schön.. ganz mein Geschmack mit diesen Figuren und wie Du sie mit dem tollen Hintergrund verschmolzen hast zu einem GEDICHT!
    Patty ist si eine LIEBE! Ein sagenhaftes Paketchen hat sie für Dich zusammengestellt!
    Die Himmelsimpressionen sind wieder WUNDERBARST!
    Hab einen schönen Sonntag Du Liebe und Danke für Dein nettes Lob in der Intro...♥♥♥


  10. I love this interpretation! Beautiful. I also love your skies.

  11. Fabulous creation, love the Matisse image, it's gorgeous and love to take your journey into wonderland....xxxThe Journey is the Start

  12. Nice job on the Matisse! Enjoyed seeing the wonderful goodies Patty sent you--she is so sweet and each is a gift in itself. Enjoy!

  13. Gorgeous Blue Nudes, Valerie!

  14. Lots to see here as always :) Your artwork is gorgeous, love the abstracts. Your photos are beautiful, it's nice to 'see' your walks and what a wonderful package from Patty. Happy Sunday, Shirleyxx

  15. Terrific Matisse inspired art, and I really like the way you have made the papers for it. I wonder if Matisse would have chosen to do it this way if he has continued?
    What an array of presents from Patty, my goodness, several Christmases in one, wonderful goodies and artwork.
    And your skyscapes are magnificent, all of them, impossible to choose a favourite.
    What a happy blogpost this is.
    Have another great day, Valerie,.......and a good year too if you want!

    1. Thanks, I hope the rest of the year will be good, too! I often wonder if the artists would work differently today given all the techniques and possibilities that are available!

    2. Yes, and it could apply to music too. I think Bach might have like the modern pianos rather than the jangly harpsichords but some people still think his music should only be played on the harpsichord. Do you know what Sir Thomas Beecham said about the harpsichord?

    3. Yes, it was rather rude with skeletons and a tin roof....I think he was right!

  16. Hi Valerie, sounds like a fun and busy weekend. Your blue nudes are stunning. Wonderful package filled with goodies. Your walking sky pics are incredible.
    Happy November!!

  17. L

    Love your Matisse inspired art ♥♥♥♥♥ You certainly got a great bundle of goodies in that package :)
    Reminds me of the package you sent to me many moons ago ♥ Beautiful photos :)

  18. Don't know what happened with my post ... cat must have stepped on the keyboard when I wasn't looking :(

    1. That's funny! A computer cat instead of a computer mouse!

  19. Your visit with mom and daughter sure sounds like yummy fun (lucky young lady to learn English from you...You are a star Valerie!).
    Thank you for the lovely shout out.
    It was your generosity that inspired me to put a little something in the mail for you ~♥~
    Your sky photos are heavenly indeed...
    I always enjoy how sunsets keep changing and looking more amazing when you already thought it couldn't get any better :-).
    Hope you are having a very nice Sunday.
    Thank you for sharing!
    Oh My Goodness your Matisse art is wonderful!!!
    and proof that there is no such thing as a mistake
    just an opportunity to try something new and different.

  20. Great Matisse piece, Valerie. We use Matisse for inspiration for some of our digital challenges. His style is so unique and varies greatly. We had heavy rain yesterday and there is snow on the mountains this morning. It must be November. Enjoy your lovely gifts.


  21. Wow, wow wow, that Matisse template is absolutely amazing!! How very, very clever, - it looks fantastic!
    Wonderful gifts from Patty and those skies are so atmospheric, - stunning!

  22. Lovely gifts from Patty and your journal page is truly inspiring also! The pictured of the skyline are absolutely glorious! Big hugs, ~Diane

  23. Fantastic cut put Matisse like painting. Glorious gifts from a special friend. Patty is so swet. xox

  24. Hi Valerie! Hope you're well?
    Your nude figures art is amazing! Love the effects on the background...
    Those gorgeous pictures of skies are amazing, makes me want to paint :)
    My throat is better, but not completely healed. Now I battle with nausea and headaches. I stopped taking Ibuprofen and the strong pain killers and I think my stomach is irritated by all of those pain killers. I can't wait for this to be over. I've had enough... Thank you for asking, it's kind of you! hugs,
    Ingrid xx

  25. WOWWWW, das ist ja fantastisch...bin begeistert.
    Schöne Geschenke hast du bekommen und deine Himmelfotos sind echt herrlich.
    LG Carola

  26. Wow, wonderful art work, love the background as well as the figures. Sounds like you had a good day.
    Yvonne x


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