Thursday 20 November 2014

Inspired by op-art

Hi Everybody!

Hope you have had a nice day. Here it was cold and grey, 
but I suppose it could have been worse!

For Art Journal Journey, inspired by the masters, I have made a mixed media page in my journal about op-art, something that was all the rage back in the 60s. There were many good op-art artists - I have written some of their names around my page, but my fave was Victor Vasarely. I also wrote down some other names and events which I found outstanding at the time.The image of the car is an advert from a copy of 'Time Life illustrated' from 1964, and fits well to the op-art pattern.

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin.

It stayed grey and misty all day, so I wandered around and took mostly pictures of the birds I met:

The Rhine looked cold and grey:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I LOVE this, made me remember the exhibitions at the gallery we always went to. Hope you have a lovely day, take care of yourself! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Wow das ist spitze!!! Hier ist es auch grau in grau und naßkalt.. Ich fahre gleich erst einmal meiner Mutter Suppe bringen - das ist bei dem Wetter für Bauch und Seele :-) Hab einen schönen Tag, liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

  3. Impressive and remains me from retro which was in my youth age. Well done, Valerie.
    Your photos are beautiful and full of autumn atmosphere.
    Have a great day!

  4. Das ist einfach großartig! Schwarz-Weiß und rot ... toller Kontrast! Eine wunderbare Komposition!
    Liebe Grüße, LonettA

  5. Das sieht toll aus mit dem passend in diese Zeit gewähltem Foto auch noch! Jetzt musste ich den Begriff erst mal googeln, das kannte ich noch nicht - danke Valerie - hab ich wieder was dazu gelernt!
    Wunderschöne Stummungsfotos hast Du heute auch wieder für uns!
    Hab einen schönen Tag Valerie!
    Art Journal Journey und ich danken und Dein Thema rockt mal wieder !
    Du bist eine master hostess!


  6. Terrific pop art page and wonderful photograph to choose for it.

    The birds are always around what ever the weather and always great to see the ones you meet on your walks.

    Have a lovely day

    Chrissie x

  7. Gorgeous and creative pop art page Valerie, love the colours and the super image and additional
    The Journey is the Start

  8. Terrific, love your Op Art make! Great idea too!

  9. There you go again, you've got me googling! At first I thought you were missing some 'P's, but when I checked, there it was, Op Art! I learn something new every day with you Valerie! The spiral is fab, very James Bond! Have a groovy Thursday! Xx

    1. Ah, I always mind my Ps and Qs....Yes, op art and pop art are 2 different things!

  10. Love your Op Art creation, very retro and fun! Great shots across The Rhine! hugs :)

  11. I like this op art! I am learning so much from you Valerie! Grey photos indeed.

  12. Outstanding! Op-art always made me a little woozy...or was that the wine? Hugs!!

  13. Love the old car image you added to the fantastic Pop Art page. A grey day here as well.
    Yvonne x

  14. Your colors for the Op Art are splendid. I wonder if Op Art was the beginning for the idea of Zentangle art which we see today. Our beautiful fall leaves are still covered in snow, making it very difficult to remove them. They will stay in place until spring and hope they don't kill the lawn underneath. We had a flutter of snow this morning and I hope that's it for today.


  15. Was für eine großartige Idee und toll umgesetzt! Ja, an diese Zeit erinnere ich mich noch gut.

    Jetzt ist das graue Wetter wohl auch so richtig bei dir angekommen...
    LG Ulrike

  16. Your op art is very striking, the car really sets of the red spirals and I very much like the way you have printed the names round the picture.
    Also like seeing your dull-day photos and the birds, especially the purple bird on the grey and green stones, nice colour changing effect.

    1. I love the way the Rhine looks on dull and misty days.

  17. Hi Valerie, your op art is wonderful. I love the color and the combination of the red and black with checks just pops. Love your bird photos too. The Rhine does look very cold and dreary.
    Have a great day.

  18. I totally love the op art . I loved it back in the 60's to even though I was young.I remember it was almost a bad thing being raised in a conservative home like if you liked it you were a rebellious hippi hahahaha.
    yours is wonderful reminds me of the early Beatles or the Monkeys..
    your photos are so beautiful I think you should win an award for them. the purple in color and I love the delightful all of this.
    susan s

    1. I think we liked it so well because it was a rebellion agianst our conservative upbringing and grey surroundings!

  19. Beautiful works again Valerie and beautiful photos. Sirkka

  20. This is very cool, Valerie, what a pattern! I think even though it's grey and cold, the Rhine is still lovely. The trees are just beautiful.

  21. Great colors and layout on your journal page! I always like seeing what your part of the world looks like :)

  22. Love it. I was a great fan of Vaserely, even went to see his gallery in Gordes.Love the photos.

  23. Such a smart looking car!!

  24. great collage page, I like the contrast between the b&w picture and red in the background!
    happy PPF!

  25. Fantastic art. So brought me right back to the 60's. Nice tall trees all in a row. Moody shot. xox

  26. Great page. You have really captured the essence of the '60's'

  27. Very cool background, great piece! Big hugs, ~Diane

  28. This wonderful piece would make a super classic SAAB advertisement!
    Well done capturing the 60's too.
    Tweet birdies oxo

  29. I've always loved that type of art! Now I know what it's called! Super job, Valerie. The pop of the colors with the images is what I love about it.
    Your photos are so enjoyable! LOVE them, too. ;)
    xx Pam

  30. fabulous op art!! The color and patterns are wonderful and striking. Again, such beautiful moments you have captured on your walk.

  31. Fine car and fine photos Valerie. Nice weekend!

  32. Nice pictures! Very beautiful frames !! I love this creative mixed composition!

  33. Wow this is so clever Valerie, I love it! We've had a very grey couple of days too xx

  34. Your photography is awesome as always.

  35. The Op Art is so eye catching, and lovely photographs! Happy PPF!

  36. Impressive I could see this in a magazine!! Wonderful!

    Hugs Giggles


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