Friday 7 November 2014

Inspired by....

Hi Everybody!

We  had another cool day here, with lots of clouds, but here and there the sun fought its way through for a minute or two, so that was good!

Today I am sharing a painting inspired by Picasso and Braque. The cubists based their work on geometric shapes, and I wanted to do a portrait like this one from Picasso.
(Image courtesy of Wikipedia)

I started by painting my page with black gesso, as at the moment I am fascinated with bright colours on black.... (The journal has black pages, but the pastel chalks 'stick' better onto gesso). Then I painted rectangles in various colours with acrylics. When it was dry I used pastel chalks to draw the face and neck. I tried to get some of the geometric forms into the face, but was not happy with the result at all, although I like the colours.

Then I photographed the various parts, and saw that I liked some better than others.

Then I decided to play around with the parts and arranged them into a collage, and at last, I am more or less happy with the results. But it is fun trying to do things in new ways and to experiment.

I am linking to Art Journal Journey, inspired by, and to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always by Eva and Kristin.

Here a few photos from my walks today, I managed over 15 kilometer, so was happy with that!

The black clouds and sun looked very dramatic

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Val! I love what you have made, from start to finish and in all variations, just fantastic! Have a lovely day. Here it is cloudy and damp, have to go out and do the shopping....Hugs, Sarah

  2. Liebe Valerie, bin ganz begeistert von "Deinem Picasso"! Ich mag ihn sehr und dachte, als ich das kleine Bild sah gleich, dass ich ihn kenne :)
    Ein tolles Thema von Dir und so schön umgesetzt. Ja, ich finde auch schwarz eröffnet ganz neue Möglichkeiten.
    Viele liebe Grüße zu Dir

  3. Valerie Deine Kubismus Spielereien sind Dir meines Erachtens mehr als gelungen..Wie kannst Du Dein Gesicht in Dreiecken malen, wenn es nun mal weiblich schön geformt ist... geht ja gar nicht..diese Farben auf dem schwarzen Gesso sind Hammer..und Deine digitalen Betrachtungen der einzelnen Teile macht Deinen post nochmal extra spannend... Du inspirierst mich dazu endlich mal mein schwarzes Gesso zu verwenden... bevor es am Ende vielleicht noch eintrocknet.
    Die Naturfotos sind wieder ein Gedicht und ich wünsche Dir einen wunderschönen Tag eine
    HAPPY PPF und danke Dir, Picasso und den Kubisten für diese Bereicherung für AJJ.

  4. Well now you have made something so different and fantastic with your Picasso/Braque inspiration. Some amazing techniques you have used to inspire others as well.

    Love the photographs and so pleased it was nice enough for you to take any-the sky does look pretty full of rain in parts.

    Have a lovely day today. Heavy rain and strong winds for us unfortunately

    Love Chrissie x

  5. I have to say Picasso is not really my cup of tea but your face collage looks fab. You obviously had fun playing! Weather rather miserable here today but forecast for sun tomorrow! Xx

  6. Brilliant Valerie, very clever and expressive!

  7. This is a wonderful piece and so clever to arrange them in a collage, it's definitely different! Your photos are beautiful, thanks for sharing your lovely walks as always!

  8. Valerie, dein Gesicht ist dir so gut gelungen - und die Farben auf dem Schwarz kommen toll heraus! Ja, das schwarze Gesso hat eine etwas rauhe Oberfläche und nimmt die Farben deshalb so gut an, ich liebe es auch damit zu arbeiten.
    Gratulation zu 15 km! Momentan muckt mein linkes Knie schon wieder...
    LG Ulrike

    1. Ja, schwarze Gesso st toll, aber schwer vom Fußboden abzukratzen....Gute Besserung für das Knie!

  9. An amazing collage, I love it.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Such strong and vivid colors and I like the way you've toyed around with pieces.

  11. You did such a great job with the colours and layout of the Picasso, wonderful job! Love your last photo, the contrast is brilliant! Have a great weekend! hugs :)

  12. I really like how you did this one--especially how the background shows through! The bright colors on black are stunning! After a few gloomy days, we are back to sun today!

    1. Good for you! Here it's very cold and windy today!

  13. Fantastic art project today, Valerie. I like the collage effect you created from your drawing. You shared some stormy clouds with us today. One in particular shows dark clouds and very interesting.


    1. I alwas found the dark clouds very fascinating, especially when they are back lit from the sun.

  14. Your collaged face worked beautifully. It has far more impact fragmented and the colours really shine on the black paper

  15. wonderful inspired art today and always love your photos.

  16. Awesome and unique piece. The colours are stunning.
    Have a happy weekend,
    hugs xx

  17. Dear Valerie ~♥~ You and your artwork continue to amaze and delight!
    Great dramatic cloudy sky you shared with us
    I looked up 15 km = 9 MILES = WOWEE! you are one good walker.
    I enjoy walking very much too.
    Happy Weekend to you...

  18. Like what you have done. Especially the collage :) If you keep drawing and painting you will get better at it... you have so many great talents already ♥ What's one more :)
    Love the photo of the leaves... so much details and I love red leaves. I tried to dry some red leaves and they either turned brown or black :(

  19. P.S. Those skies are pretty impressive too :)

  20. Hi Valerie, you were will inspired because you piece is a great work. I love how you placed it in collage form too. Really creative and I too love the black backgrounds.
    Gorgeous sky pics.
    Happy Creating!

  21. Yes, indeed, wonderful compositions to remind Picasso! Beautiful photos with the fall colors!

  22. ooh wow,dein picasso werk ist gaaaaaaaanz toll,ich liebe es,boah 15 km,du bist ja klasse,ich geh zwar auch spazieren,aber soviel schaff ich dann doch nicht.
    traumhafte wolkenbilder hast du wieder für uns,ich liebe den himmel.
    hab einen schönen abend,du liebe.


  23. Loving the bright colours on black, two awesome pieces Valerie. Super photos, it looks a real moody sky.
    Yvonne xx

  24. Lovely painting. I am always amazed by your portraits! Again the photos are so lovely for these eyes! Enjoy the weekend. Hugs!

  25. Your self portraits in the cubist style are totally fascinating! I wish I had 1 ounce of your talent, you are amazing! Big hugs, ~Diane

  26. Gorgeous art work...your art is amazing...Love the black background...your photos are so beautiful... Hugs May x x

  27. HI kindred...gorgeous colorful-work..very magical and so visually striking...amazing art my friend! Beautiful trees and sceneries!! Wonderful visiting you again!

  28. I love the collage of photos - it is fun to chop things up and toss them in the air (so to speak) and see what you come up with. Sometimes the new thing is better than its beginnings. The black background is really interesting. I haven't tried it myself - maybe its time! you are wonderful inspiration! M.x

  29. Fab elements and colors!!
    Of course I always enjoy your awesome pictures!

  30. Very impressed by your "Inspired by" not copied portrait. Love his blue and green hair and turquoise lips. And the collaged picture is terrific too, a real original..

  31. Fascinating process. I like the sharp angles of the face. It is very powerful and strong.

  32. What fun you had! You are right to have a fascination with the black background and bright colours! Stunning!

  33. The colours in the leaf photo are beautiful. It is interesting to see the white designs on them!

  34. Wow your painting is fab - especially when you re-arranged the pieces - does this say something bad about us that you did it and I like it lol. Your photographs are stunning today, love the leaf xx


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