Tuesday 1 July 2014

Of clouds, cows and horses

Hi everybody!

The weather here couldn't quite make up its mind today - sunny and warm, but with huge piles of clouds scudding by all day. We should be getting a couple of nice days, with up to 30°, but then it will get chilly again....We just have to take it as it comes and make the best of it!

This tag is one of my DT pieces for Gecko Galz this month. The background is an image from the background jewel it sheet. One of the good things about digital images is that they can be printed out to almost any size. The digi-stamp is one of the 'wild spirit' series from 'With wild abandon', with whom GG has a cross promotion this month to show how well the products work together. The 8" tag has been mounted onto a slightly larger one made of recycled black card. I printed the tag onto transparent foil. I kept the embellishments simple - some beaded ribbon, stickles on the dress, and a narrow ribbon tie. The flowers are paper ones which I dipped into clear Utee, which makes them look like porcelain.
(Material list: Tags, BG paper, image printed onto foil, Stickles, ribbon, flowers)

I took lots of cloud pictures today, and was then happy to see that Manu has clouds as her theme this week at MiFoc.

And I have made a collage of cloud photos, old and new:

Yesterday I visited the herd of white cows again. There are new calves now, and they seem to be very contented on their meadow. Some  came up to the fence,
and I ripped off bunches of long juicy grass and fed them - they didn't say no!

And on my way home this guy came up to say hello. I think he was waiting for some carrots!

Here's wishing you all a great day. Take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. your tag is beautiful, I love the dress, the colors, just everything about it,
    you have the best walks!! Such lovely cows, and that horse is a beauty, beautiful clouds too!

  2. Love the tag, but I think I would be scared to get so near to the cows! Great photos, though! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Das Tag ist so wunderbar elegant mit einer tollen Farbgebung.
    Wunderschöne Fotos hast Du uns wieder zu zeigen. Gerade Deine Collage zeigt doch sehr die Vielfältigkeit unserer Wolken.
    Oh ja, Kühe, ich mag sie auch total gerne und könnte ihnen stundenlang zuschauen!
    Alles Liebe und vielen Dank für Deine tollen Fotos,

  4. Really nice tag. Love the beaded edging. Ohhhh the cows are awesome and so is the close up of the house. Very nice.

  5. Your tag is so pretty. Very elegant. We've had a sunny day today and got to 19 degrees! x

  6. The background has a beautiful painterly feel to it, as though you had created it yourself. Valerie, the dipped flowers are a gorgeous touch.
    I am so sorry that I haven't been able to visit each and every post.

  7. Oh, I love that photo of the horse! Gorgeous tag Valerie, that's a fabulous dress form. I've been sitting staring at the clouds trying to see something but nothing's jumping out at me, guess I'm too tired - it's bedtime! See you tomorrow! xx

  8. Your tag is gorgeous Valerie. Love how the dress form looks printed on the transparent foil. I've never seen this technique before. It looks lovely that way. Your dipped flower does look like porcelain. Another great Gecko Galz sample!

  9. Wow, that tag looks amazing!!! LOVE that dress! And of course all the photos are lovely too!

  10. Beautiful tag Valerie. Love the photos as always.

  11. Gorgeous tag and lovely photos Valerie!

  12. Dein Tag ist wunderschoen - ich hab schon seit Ewigkeiten keine Tags mehr gemacht.
    Ich liebe Deine Photos von den Kuehen und dem Pferd - das Pferd ist grossartig!

  13. When I 'opened' up this page my first reaction was WOW and I just love it...would love details of how it's made but guess that's another day, stunningly gorgeous...wow factor.xx

    The Journey is the Start

  14. Oh I forgot to mention the lovely photos again and just re read your little tut.xxx

    The Journey is the Start

  15. The tag is so beautiful and what you have done to the dress jusr makes it even more beautiful.

    Great photographs and collage. Love the strong cows and calves and also the cheeky horse :)

    Have a good day--I'll email later.

    Love Chrissie x

  16. Wonderful tag, Valerie. The dress is amazingly light and gorgeous. I really love this elegant tag.
    The weather is same here as there, Let's hope that it changes better!
    Have a great day anyway!

  17. ein traumhaft schönes Tag Valerie- tolle Wolken --wow! reizvoll malerische Kühe und ein flotter Pferdekopf!


  18. Dein Tag ist wunderschön und deine Fotos wieder klasse. Hier ziehen auch immer dicke Wolken durch und es gibt auch mal ein kleines Regenschauer. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag - liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

  19. Such a pretty tag Valerie and cloud collage.....

    I love your animal friends :)

    Karen x

  20. dein tag ist sehr schön,die bilder sind super,ich mag kühe und pferde unheimlich gern.
    schönen tag dir :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  21. A brilliant tag Valerie, I love the GG image - wonderful photos too.
    xxx Hazel.

  22. I adore your tag... Love the image & design...fabulous colours... great pics too... Hugs May x x

  23. Valerie, what a terrific tag; I am going to visit GG as I love the image you used on it. Your photos are magnificent today and always a joy first thing in the morning. I am going out to trim bushes before it gets too hot. It should reach 100 here today.


  24. Oh my this is one stunning tag! I love that dress form and so fancy it is! Gorgeous tag! Love the photos! We are going to be very hot again! Enjoy.

  25. Gorgeous, I love the way you printed out that image, it is totally stunning. Beautiful pictures of all your beautiful animals too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  26. Valerie that tag is exquisite! Truly something special, I love it, great work! Clouds are fascinating and you have put together a lovely collage of these fluffy wonders.

  27. ich liebe die dramatischen wolken, könnte ich stundenlang beobachten... die weißen kühe sind auch herrlich, überhaupt mag ich kühe sehr gerne. schöne bilder zeigst du uns wieder! auch das tag ist klasse.

  28. Gorgeous tag, love the dress. Great animal photos, the horse does look friendly .
    Yvonne xx

  29. Beautiful tag--so feminine and feathery!

  30. Dein Tag gefällt mir, cooles Motiv. Hach und heute gibt es auch mal Kühe zu sehen. ;) Das Foto vom Pferdekopf ist super, es guckt so verschmitzt. Und Wolkenfotos mag ich sowieso total gerne. Bin mir noch nicht sicher, ob ich in den "alten" Fotos wühle oder am Himmel Ausschau halten werde. Für die nächsten Tage ist wolkenlos angesagt... das ist natürlich genau mein Ding :)

  31. Your 'lady' is gorgeous. Looking at her skirt makes me want to go dancing. The trim is great too - adds sparkle which I always adore. Clouds are stunning aren't they? Always changing before our very eyes. take care. hugs, Donna

  32. Fabulous tag, Valerie. I really love the image, it is so beautifull and feminine. Great photo collage too. Hugs, Mar

  33. Stunning tag Valerie. Amazing colors and I love the dress form. The cows and horses are beautiful creatures and the eyes up close are beautiful. Lovely sky snaps too.

  34. Your tag is great - I thought the skirt was real fabric. Very 3D looking. I love that photo of the horse. Might try to do a painting of him (or her) if you don't mind. I would give you credit for the fabulous photo!

  35. Das Tag ist bezaubernd und wunderschön anzusehen, eine tolle Kreation! Ja, Wolken haben etwas faszinierendes, deine Fotos und die Collage sind Klasse, genau so wie deine tierischen Fotos. Was übrigens auch meine liebsten Motive sind.
    lg Uli

  36. Kühe mit weißen Wimpern - wie toll!
    Grandios deine Wolkenhimmel - nie kann man sich daran satt sehen.
    ... und deine künstlerische Arbeit ist beeindruckend - dieses schöne Kleid!
    Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  37. I always spend such a good time visiting your blog!! Your tag is a dream and your pictures are gorgeous! Thanks for this lovely moment! Hugs.

  38. your tag is stunning


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