Tuesday 15 July 2014


Hi Everyone!

I just had my blog done and dusted, touched the wrong button somewhere/ somehow and it was gone - aaaargh!

This is one of my DT pieces for Gecko Galz, made before my hand got casted. I am happy to say that the cast will be removed on Thursday!

I used the digi stamp with the swallow again, (Brave and worthy stamps no. 7) and the background paper is from the Isla Bonita set, 'tiny bubbles'. The bird was fussy cut, glued to the paper, and then matted with black, green and blue card. For the trim I used seam binding in blue and aqua and some home made paper beads.

At Art Journal Journey the theme is still flower power, and I made a digital page using a photo of one of the flowers from my balcony.

At Manus MiFoc, the them this week is 'drink', so I made a collage of photos showing my fave drinks,  coffee and ginger tea with lemon. The other photo shows a bottle of vodka, (empty, I used it in my jam) which has a gorgeous cover made of red sequins, and a wine holder, which I find rather awful, but it was a well meant present!

Today I walked along the Rhine, and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere, the smell of the water and plants, and of course, the flowers.

Can you see the bird sitting on the log? 

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Valerie your swallow card is just so vibrant and I love those paper beads. You are so blessed living in such beautiful natural surroundings. So pleased the cast is coming of very soon.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

    1. Yes, it is a beautiful place to live, and I love being here.

  2. Love the swallow tag, and your digi-compositions! Great photos, too. Only 2 more days to wait now! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Great tag Valerie. Love the attached paper beads. Love your nature photos as well.

  4. Great to hear your hand will be cast free soon Valerie and wishing you all the best for its removal.
    Lovely bright tag and card and great photos too.
    Fliss xx

  5. Beautiful makes all of them! Love the addition of the ribbon and bead on the top one! Glad to hear your cast will come off soon!! Make sure not to overdo it!!

  6. Goodness, I thought that log was a crocodile! Lol! You really are a whizz with your photos Valerie, super pics. We're off to The Hague tomorrow for a few days so will catch up when I get back. Hope all goes well on Thurs. Xx

    1. Yes, I thought it was a crocodile at first glance, too! Have fun at the Hague!

  7. Beautiful blues and the bird looks as if its soaring off the tag. As ever your floral picturess look amazing. 2 more days to go with the cast, hope it goes well.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Yay for getting the cast removed on Thursday and what a relief that has to be! Love your birdie tag with that vibrant background! The flowers are so pretty you shared with us today and the horses are beautiful! Hugs.

  9. The tag is stunning - oh I've missed your art so much.
    Valerie, thank you for still visiting even during my absence, means the world to me.
    Hope your hand is improving, it must be so frustrating for you.
    take good care.
    Lynne x

  10. glad the cast is coming off soon! Lovely work and photos today Valerie!

  11. Lovely piece with the beautiful blue colour. Your flowers looks fantastic on this page and great photos too. Take care, Valerie.
    Hugs, Mar

  12. How gorgeous your bird piece is, the ribbons look so beautiful with it. I love your photos too, just lovely!

  13. Beautiful tag, love the striking colors! The collage you created with the drinks is fabulous, love seeing your bright face in the center too. Pretty digital page of your flowers, such pretty colors. ~Diane

  14. Great tag Valerie, such a vibrant blue with the bubbles and I love your wetlands photos. Good luck for having the cast off xx

  15. Blue colour in your tag is gorgeous - it match well the bird's world. Beautiful tag.
    Thanks for drink party, Valerie;) and photos are again so beautiful and tell your beautiful surrounding.
    Have a great day,

  16. Valeri das Tag ist super schön.. Deine Digi FLOWER POWER Arbeit rockt! Deine Drinks mit Portrait sind spitze und Deine Outdoorbilder sind wieder ein Genuss!

    Sei lieb gegrüßt... ah erst Donnerstag also morgen kommt der Gips weg..dachte nämlich heute schon und hab an Dich gedacht vorhin beim Frühstücken!


  17. Terrific tag and page Valerie well done on the fussy cutting it is so neat. Love the drink collage as well. Nice to see more digital work so not all bad news about having your arm in a plaster if we get to see this sort of amazing artwork.

    Wonderful photographs as always and I have never seen the little blue flowers before.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

    1. Those blue flowers grow here everywhere, they are very pretty, and feel almost like paper.

    2. I love the flowers as well - look like chicory, which we have here in Oregon! They are lovely flowers! & a nice match to your lovely blue card. I've made paper beads - what a delightful use for them!

  18. Valerie, your swallow is gorgeous and I love the effect on your journal page. I always look forward to seeing your photos from your walks - the walk along the Rhine looks so pretty! As for the wine holder - why not give it a steampunk makeover? Good luck for Thursday. Jean.x

  19. Lovely photos of your homeland!
    We have the same blue Chicory blooming right now here in Virginia...
    I look forward to it along with white Queen Anne's Lace very much.
    Your bird card is lovely and your paper beads caught my eye right away...nice touch!
    Your kaleidoscope flower creation sure is pretty...
    I L♥ve flowers!

  20. Wildflowers are every bit as beautiful as their counterparts! Especially liked the bubble background on the bird card, and of course, the handmade beads add a special touch. It was fun to see your face swimming with the lemon! Glad you cast is coming off soon! Hugs!

  21. Mad about the first tag - everything just melds together perfectly. Beautiful paper and so artfully assembled. Your 'drink collage is a hoot because you put your face in the lemon slice! Made me laugh. Of course, I always adore our walks along the Rhine. Todays photo's seem particularly wild and free. And again, you caught my favorite pinto enjoying a nibble. Take care Valerie. So happy your cast is coming off manana! Hope the pain is under control and you can enjoy playing again. hugs, Donna

    1. Yes, some people have faces like lemons! It's always a bit wild at the shore, I love it there.

  22. Der Schwalben-Anhänger ist zauberhaft ... ich liebe dieses Blau! Deine Digi-Art hat so ihren ganz eigenen Charme... ganz toll geworden!
    Und deine Fotos sind auch wieder wunderschön ... besonders die Wiesenblumen sind wunderschön!
    GLG, LonettA

  23. Valerie fabulous card using the swallow again and I love your little digital project. Gosh your flowers and photos are a lovely lot to end my long day on a peaceful evening.....goodnight from Aussie
    ♥aNNie The Journey is the Start

  24. Heute ist Donnerstag, für dich ja ein ganz besonderer Tag - endlich wieder frei!

    Ich bin total begeistert von dieser wunderbaren Flusslandschaft; ach, hast du es gut, dort zu wohnen!
    Dein Gingertea mit Lemon sieht echt lecker aus und man sieht ja auch darin, dass er dir gut schmeckt.
    Tolle Bilder!
    Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  25. Ein tolles Tag, die Farben knallen richtig. Deine Fotos sind mal wieder hitverdächtig.

  26. Das Blau auf der Karte ist einfach fantastisch und ich mag die Kreise und überhaupt wieder ein tolles Werk von Dir.
    Genauso wie die Collage, die Teetasse gefällt mir am Besten. Der Weinhalter hat etwas von Steampunk.
    Wunderbare Impressionen wieder mal vom Rhein, das gefällt mir immer sehr hier.
    Alles Liebe, Manuela

  27. The background on your bird card is so soft and washy, fab. Cute face in the lemon! Wild flowers and pasture, just perfect. Those horses have some darn good grazing, now wonder they stay out all the time. xox

  28. Beautiful card Valerie. Love your pic in the lemon tea. What a gorgeous photo and art work. By now your cast is off and I imagine you are doing a happy dance!!
    Lovely walking pics and the sweet little bird right on the end of the log is precious!

  29. Total schön die Schwalben-Karte und auch das digitale Blumenbild. Die Fotosvom Rheinufer sind auch sehr ansprechend mit der schönen blauen Wegwarte darauf und die Pferde hach herrlich. Ich bin am Rhein geboren und liebe Flüsse, Seen und das Meer. Die Getränkefotos sehen auch klasse aus.
    Liebe Grüße

  30. I love the colours of your card Valerie, and the swallows and paper beads are gorgeous. It all looks very beautiful in your part of the world again, but isn't it a hard life being a horse lol xx

  31. Thanks for sharing all these beautiful photos!! Nice photo collage, the picture with the lemon tea is my favorite one! And what a beautiful walk by the Rhine!! Hugs

  32. Das mit dem Bild in der Tasse ist ja cool!!! Auch sonst hatte ich wieder viel Freude deine neueste Arbeit und die Fotos anzuschauen. LG Dagmar


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