Sunday 6 July 2014

Flowers, birds and leftist tendencies

Hi everybody!

We are having some very changeable weather here - hot and humid one minute, and torrential downpours the next. I managed my walks in
between the heavy showers, but don't want to be caught out in one just now.

Today I did my first left handed journal page, and it took much longer that it would have taken with the right hand. I sprayed the background with some leftover drops  of spray inks, and printed the image onto the page when it was dry. The image is from Gecko Galz. It is called 'femme funk' and is available as a single digi stamp.
I coloured parts of the flowers with oil pastels, painted over with a water brush, and gel pens and a white highlighter. It is much harder to do more or less accurate lines with my left hand, but I am sure it is good practice. I used lots of diamond Stickles on the peacock. The white flowers are some rub-ons from my wonderful bit-box.  The quote has been computer generated, and I have forgotten from whom it is, sorry.
I am linking to Art Journal Journey, flower power.

And believe me, when it rains -

it rains!

I told you in a previous post that it is Schützen Fest - 'marksmen's festival' here, and the 'big' festivities take place here, just opposite the meadow where the horses are.
You can still see the heap of cut wood left over from the big storm.

My fave is this vintage carousel - and no, I did not go for a ride on it!

At Manus Mikrokosmos the photo challenge this week is in the  garden. I don't have a garden, just a little balcony, which is still a pleasant place to sit and drink coffee and watch the birds. My bird is a movement alarm, and sings merrily every time another bird or fly or bee comes near him, and the real birds often answer, too funny! And I enjoy watching the birds who visit to get food, and a squirrel who is partial to hazelnuts!

That's all for today. Take care, have a good one, 
and thanks for coming by!


  1. Well, I know one thing - this is beautiful, whether made with left or right, well done. Great photos, too, and love your little balcony garden and your watch-bird! Hugs, Sarah

  2. beautiful! I love the jewel like tones in this piece ,,,,
    The carnival looks like great fun but the storm did a lot of destruction didn't it,

  3. beautiful image love the peacock.EE

  4. Eine wundervolle ( mit Links ! ) gemachte Seite ist das ! Tolle Fotos hast Du aich wieder geschossen!
    Einen schönen Sonntag Abend Dir !


  5. This is really lovely Valerie, your peacock is beautiful! Wow it sure does rain doesn't it :-) xx

  6. Beautiful journal page Valerie! Great colors and Gecko Galz image!

  7. Eine wunderschöne Seite! Ich liebe diese Farben und diese zauberhaften Details! Eine großartige Arbeit!
    Weiterhin gute Besserung für dich und einen schönen Sonntagabend!
    GLG, LonettA

  8. Nice work for the left hand Valerie, nice festival photos, and so cute about the birds!

  9. Eine tolle Seite, die Du da wieder gestaltet hast, liebe Valerie!
    Dein Ausblick vom Balkon ist auch wunderschön.....

    Ich wünsche Dir noch einen schönen Sonntag :-9

  10. Wow, your leftist colouring is better than my right hand! The photos of the rain are very good - it certainly did rain, didn't it. Love your journal page. Jean.x

  11. Gorgeous page, indeed. Beautifully done, Valerie.
    We have got at last summer back here.
    Thanks for colourful photos. You have a beautiful balcony garden.
    Hugs xx

  12. What a gorgeous page Valerie and I am very impressed that you are managing with your left hand. Lovely photos, I love your colourful balcony. Xx

  13. This is a beautiful page with a great composition and very well done with the left. I love the Gecko Galz image. Your bird looks genial in your balcony and I really like the pots. Take care, Valerie! Hugs, Mar

  14. Your balcony looks lovely. Good for you making that brilliant page with one hand, I wouldn't know where to start. hope the injections are working for the pains in your hand
    Yvonne xx

  15. Valerie this is so very beautiful and elegant. It certainly draws the eyes and holds them! You've been having lots of rain, even my way Summer has not been as hot and dry as usual, rather humid and not settled. It's so green and beautiful your way, so very lush!

  16. I love your piece, the peacock is beautiful. Amazing that you did that with your non dominant hand! Wonderful balcony and the rain looks so pretty too.

  17. oh wow - und das mit links!!! Ich kann so etwas mit der linken Hand nicht - darum habe ich ganz große Achtung für dieses wundervolle Werk! Super schön gestaltet.
    Auch die Fotos sind wieder super - danke fürs teilen. Ich wünsche dir auch weiter gute Besserung, ganz liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  18. Valerie I am completely cobsmacked, - amazing to think you did this with your left hand!!! It is absolutely stunning, love how the peacock has become part of the girls hair! The white rub ons are a brilliant touch too.

    So sorry to hear you have your right hand in plaster. I have been so busy I have probably missed a post or two, sorry about that. Hope it heals soon, though your work seems to be just as beautiful with your left hand!!

  19. I bought a journal last year Valerie and don't know where to start. Love this gorgeous design and the lovely words . Lovely colourful pictures too. Look after that thumb. Hugs Rita xxx

  20. A great mixed media piece Valerie and even more amazing that you made it with your left hand. Take care xx

  21. I LOVE your balcony - it looks so colourful and peaceful :) Such a gorgeous view.

    Well done on your left handed art... really beautiful.

    Karen x

  22. If you hadn't said, I wouldn't have known that this was made with your left hand, it's lovely work. I wonder if using your left hand makes you think differently while you are making art - you know the left brain, right brain thing. It will be interesting to try. I like the way you have coloured the flowers, then overlaid with the white flowers.
    Your balcony looks lovely and bright, with pretty flowers and the singing bird, can I come over for a virtual cup of coffee?

    1. I don't know if it made me think differently, but it did make me swear an awful lot! Pop over for coffee, real or virtual, nice people are always welcome!

    2. Thanks very much! Next time you are having a cuppa on your balcony, I'll be virtually there.

  23. Considering you are one hand bound this is BRILLIANTLY DESIGNED. Just beautiful love the stamp and bird and the colours. Your amazing photos are a real adventure...take care...xx

    ♥aNNie The Journey is the Start

  24. Whether right handed or left, your art is always beautiful! Love the cacti!

  25. Wonderful page Valerie and so clever to have done it left-handed.

    All of the photographs are terrific-your flowers especially.

    We have the same weather here as you are ahving

    Love Chrissie x

  26. Wow, girl, I could not do that with my right hand! What a gorgeous page you have created, just amazing! Big hugs, ~Diane

  27. Hi Valerie, you are amazing and talented with you left hand as well. You created another masterpiece.
    Lovely pics of your walk and the rain in the snap is a great photo. The carnival looks fun and your balcony garden is lovely.
    Hope your thumb is improving.

  28. Well your left-handed journal page is amazing and beautiful! I love it! Great photos as always and the rain would be a much needed relief here, so send it over for a day or two! Hugs!

    1. I so wish I could, we get more than our share here!

  29. Pretty darn amazing for a non-handed page....looks like you are getting along fine with your cast...Festivals abound here too in the coming's that time of year....xox

  30. Wow, diese Journalseite hast du mit einer Hand gemacht - ich bin überwältigt. Wunderschön. Auf deinem Balkon sieht es sehr gemütlich aus, soviele Blumen finden sich in unserem Garten nicht :D
    Das Kettenkarussell erinnert mich an vergangene Zeiten, ich bin immer sehr gerne gefahren.

  31. I am so impressed with your left hand art-brilliant!!! We do have to have the rain to get the gorgeous greenery, blooms and sunshine...I need to get back to Germany for the summer festivities!

  32. Gosh what a blimin' nuisance for you, but you are doing fabulous left handed work and the cast will be off before you know it and your thumb will be much better if not healed. I'm happy to see that you are still able to take fabulous photographs on your walks.
    My crafting time is somewhat curtailed at present du to school holidays having started last Friday. Late night playing will be the norm for me for the next few weeks, lol.
    Take care Valerie ((hugs)) :o) x

  33. "mit links" wäre nichts für meine ungeduld - aber du hast es toll hinbekommen. die quietschbunten jahrmarktfotos sind wunderbar, und auch wenn du "nur" einen balkon hast, dein blick von dort schein sehr grün zu sein!

  34. Das ist kaum zu glauben, daß Du die Journalseite mit links gemacht hast! Bei mir sähe das nicht so ordentlich aus. Jedenfalls gefällt mir die Seite sehr, sehr gut!
    Genauso wie die bunten Fotos vom Jahrmarkt.
    Nun ein Balkon ist doch auch sowas wie ein Garten, nur eben etwas kleiner. Die Idee mit dem Salatbesteck finde ich übrigens sehr gut. Und Deine bunte Sommerbepflanzung ist absolut göttlich!
    Alles Liebe, Manuela

  35. Wenn es "rechts" nicht geht, behelfen sie die Kreativen eben mit links, weil es einfach in den Fingern juckt, etwas zu machen. Es ist dir super gelungen!
    Vor ein paar Jahren war ich nach einer Schulter-OP auch für viele Wochen rechts lahmgelegt - auch ich habe es nicht aushalten können und auf den anderen Arm umgeschaltet.
    Hoffentlich geht es bei dir bald wieder. (was ist eigentlich passiert, habe es gar nicht richtig mitbekommen?)
    Deine bunten Jahrmarktfotos hättest du auch wunderbar bei Manuelas "Bunt"-Challenge verwenden können!

    Ein Balkon-Garten ist doch auch schön - und macht so viel weniger Arbeit, nicht wahr!
    LG Ulrike

  36. Your blooming balcony is lovely and that is a very lucky squirrel getting hazelnuts which are my fav nut too!
    You captured the rain really well in your photos...your weather sounds alot like how it is here in the Washington DC area of the US
    I must say you are definitely very talented with both your left and your right hands!
    WOW your AJJ piece is fabulous...I am a big fan of flowers in the hair

  37. Your piece is really gorgeous Valerie - beautifully done and the workout with your left hand was good for your brain too!!!
    Your secret pal

  38. Your page is absolutely sublime!! Perfection!!And i love your balcony, what a lovely place to admire the surroundings!!
    Have a nice week!!


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