Sunday 27 July 2014

Street Art Journaling

Hi everybody!

Hope you have enjoyed your weekend and been able to do lots of things you like!
Today started off again cool and misty, but turned hot and humid by the time I was ready to go out.

Yesterday I discovered the chalk drawing on the paving stones in front of the west door of the basilica. I don't know who made it, but whoever it was poured out his/her heart for God and the world to see:

The text at the right means, 'I don't know where to go. Where is my temple?'

The text in the middle: 'What do tears taste like?'

I found  it very moving, and perhaps this is a good way of journaling - to write things down for all to see, and let them be washed away by the next rain shower.

This is a very colourful time of year. The flowers are all in full bloom, and soe are even turning to seed:

There's enough for the crows and ravens to eat their fill:

The apples are ripening on the trees in the park:

The meadows behind the house are full of Queen Anne's lace:

The corn is already bigger than I am:

And I had fun watching the farmer bale the hay - the hay gets swept into the red contraption behind the tractor, then it opens up and a lovely, round bale drops out.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing the street art with us! I found it very interesting. Love all of the summer photos. Summer is my favorite time of the year and I love to see it everywhere. My weekend has been good ... some rest... time with friends... and art time for myself. What more can I ask for.

  2. Love this type of art Valerie. Really amazing. Lovely pictures too. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. Ein beeindruckendes Pflastergemälde--wahrlich... super dass Du es für uns eingefangen hast, bevor der nächste Regen es wegwäscht... ja das ist eine schöne Art des künstlerischen Ausdrucks , vergänglich so wie die Sandmalereien, die beindrucken mich auch sehr! Eigentlich wär das besser für mich, da bräuchte ich kein Papier, und auch keinen Platz meinen ganzen Kram unterzubringen..wär immer an der frischen Luft beim Werkeln... sollte frau wirklich mal überdenken!
    Deine Fotos sind sehr schön.. mir gefällt das untere Krähenbild so gut, die rechte Krähe sieht aus wie kohlschwarz und hebt sich so perfekt von den Erdtönen ab!

    Hab noch einen schönen Abend...Wochenende schon wieder vorbei.. meine Güte!

  4. This street art is beautiful. I wonder why it was painted in front of the church? But is is really impressive, as are your wonderful photos, too! Have a good start in the new week! Hugs, Sarah

  5. I remember the pavement artists who used to regularly paint their pictures in chalk in town, I wonder if they still do that.
    I know someone who journals all year, then burns the journal at the end of each year.
    Yes, it's good fun watching farmers use one of these contraptions to make hay squares or hay rounds or even hay-bricks.
    And the last crow looks like a black cut-out here, it's a super photo.

    1. Pavement artists are rare here in this little place. Those crows were playing hard to get, kept walking out of the picture!

  6. I really love those drawing on the paving stones. This reminds me to British chalk artist Julian Beever. I as said, you always find something interesting or beautiful.
    Hugs, Mar

  7. Much more interesting chalk drawing than I've ever done. Usually flowers are as my art work stretches to!

    Lovely scenic photos too. xx

  8. That is amazing street art. Someone has put there heart into creating it.
    Yvonne xx

  9. A stunning piece of artwork Valerie created by a talented artist....what a shame you did not get a chance to see them.
    As always your photographs are lovely.

    TFS and best wishes
    Annie x

  10. This street art is amazing isn't it, it's obviously straight from the heart. Your nature photographs are wonderful too, you have something beautiful around every corner xx

  11. Wow, what amazing street art, very moving indeed!

    You always find great things to photograph too and today is no exception!

  12. Amazing street art by someone looking for answers Valerie
    Hope you are keeping well
    Von ♥

  13. Cool street art, Valerie! Thanks for sharing.

  14. I love the smell of fresh mown hay....And the windrows look so pretty. Wonderful street art. I like your idea that you get rid of it and it washes away. xox

  15. Thanks for sharing this wonderful street art, very expressive. Beautiful photos, I will miss the summer.

  16. Incredible art, love looking at these as the artists are your beautiful photos again and I can't wait for♥aNNie

    The Journey is the Start

  17. Boah,das street art Gemälde finde ich echt hammer genial und gefällt mir absolut spitze.
    das ist wirklich eine schöne art des künstlerischen ausdrucks,das sollte ich vieleicht auch machen,ich bräuchte keine Bücher und ich wäre immer an der frischen luft,und gut finde ich auch das diese kunst vergänglich ist,es wird weg gewaschen vom regen und man kann wieder neu malen.
    deine bilder heute sind wider traumhaft,so schöne felder und blumen,herrliche pracht der natur,ich liibe das.
    ich hab gestern auf einem holzregal gemalt,hat spass gemacht,die Wassertabletten helfen auch,aus den füssen ist schon viel Wasser raus,man muss aber sehr viel trinken,da pürire ich mir immer
    Wassermelone mit Gapfruit oder Erdbeeren und mache crash eis dazu,das ist sehr leecker und erfrischt schön.
    heute fahre ich wider radel,fahre ans wasser und möchte bissi boote gucken.
    geht es deiner hand eigentlich schon besser??pass blos beim rad fahren auf,hörst du??
    Wünsch dir eine schöne neue Woche :-)

    Knuddel Jeannette

  18. I love street art, but there's not much around here. Thanks for sharing it along with your beautiful photographs. Blessings!

  19. The street art is wonderful and I hope that it helped who ever drew it to get answers to their questions.

    Wonderful photographs and the Queen Anne's lace one was just what Vic needed. He has been trying for a week to find what that wildflower was called and now he knows and is very happy :)

    Still waiting for the blackberries here to fill out and change colour but they need some rain to help them along

    Have agreat day

    Love Chrissie x

  20. Quite a powerful piece of street art Valerie, I'm sure you'll be walking past that spot more often now to see if you can catch a glimpse of the artist. Love to see bales of hay in the field, don't think our farmers have harvested yet. Have a nice day. Xx

  21. A beautiful piece of street art and beautiful photos as well.
    xxx Hazel.

  22. The street art really touched my heart! Harvest time - the year has gone quickly. I miss seeing the huge fields. Almost ready for some black berry jam. :o) hugs, Donna

  23. A very good artist I would say but also very disturbing. The sentiments are quite moving and I am sure can apply to us all at one time or another - lost. There is such a hard side to the face on the bottom. Would love to meet the artist and see how he views the world today. I do believe the artist is male.
    Lovely pictures. I have always loved Queen Anne's Lace and as a child would pick the flowers and use them as carpets and bedspreads in the pretend houses I would make out of sticks and stones.
    In our truck, we followed a hay baler in the field only it spit out square bales of hay. I drove while Art and a helper loaded the bales into the truck bed. Amazing piece of machinery!
    I am going to keep up a little with the blogs but I am going to catch up a lot with the house work!
    My best to you -- Sandy xx

  24. The sidewalk art is amazing.

  25. Love the sidewalk art, looks like fun, can we be sure it is not you, lol? Beautiful pictures, the sky and flowers and nature are all so bright and beautiful when you capture it here. Big hugs, ~Diane

  26. Amazing pavement art.... never seen anything like it!

    Great photos ....Barry and Livi went blackberrying at the weekend.... too hot for crumble though ;) had them with yoghurt!

    Karen x

  27. Fabulous pavement art... Love the pics as always... Hugs May x x

  28. Hi Valerie, The street art in chalk is beautiful and the sharing of ones heart is priceless. Love your walking pics and the gorgeous blooms this time of year.
    Wishing you a wonderful day!

  29. Deine Entdeckungen sind wieder toll! Das Street Art Bild ist ja der Hammer und so schöne Fotos von unterwegs!
    lg Uli

  30. I missed this one yesterday and so happy I backtracked because the street art is marvelous and shows feelings not opening expressed. Thanks for sharing this with us. I too marvel at the way they bail hay in the rounds. I'm sure it is easier to move by rolling. Great photos today too.

  31. That chalk artwork is very moving. Certainly makes me wonder who drew it and what was happening in those moments of their life.

    Your pictures of your surroundings are wonderful. The corn, blackberries, crows and flowers are so inspiring! Wonderful and thank you for sharing your corner of your world.

  32. Straßenmalerei - wie schön. Vor allem einfach so und ganz spontan, eine nette Idee. Danke, dass du uns das Foto mitgebracht hast.
    In Bodenwerder findet einmal im Jahr ein Straßenmalerwettbewerb statt, da gibt es auch wunderschöne Werke zu sehen.


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