Friday 4 July 2014

Things with wings, arches and horses

Hi everybody!

Thanks for all the good wishes for my poor thumb. The doc gave me cortisone injections into the joints, and now I have a plaster cast almost up to my elbow, so that the joints will all be rested. I hope it will be taken off in a week, but that will depend if it is better or not. In the meantime I am learning one-finger left handed typing, and trying to see the positive side of it - I can't do any h*******k,  dish washing, dusting, cleaning etc. Now that is something! And as I can't wash my own hair, I went to the hairdresser's and came out with a nice, new cut and style.

Today I am sharing one of my DT pieces for Gecko Galz, which were luckily made a couple of weeks back, as I can't do anything this week.
The journal page has been made using paper from the Isla Bonita collection, and digi-images from the Free Spirit set from 'with wild abandon'. Gecko Galz is having a cross promotion with this firm to show how well they fit to the GG products. The images were printed, fussy cut, coloured, varnished and partly Stickled. I added more colour to the background paper using oil pastels, and doodled some circles with gel pens. The sentiment has been written with white highlighter.

I am linking to Manon's Paper Saturdays.

And some more photos of the new sculpture in the castle ruins, the more I see it, the more I like it. These were taken BPC - before plaster cast!

And last but not least, more pictures of my cheeky friend:

Have a great weekend, and happy July Fourth to all of you in the States!
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your journal page, the colours are wonderful. Great photos too. But PLEASE give your hand a rest, someone should tie you to your chair - away from the computer! Hugs, Sarah

  2. An absolutely beautiful piece of artwork Valerie. Your first horse pic is so funny too!
    Good luck with your poor thumb and hope for your sake it gets better very soon.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  3. Oh dear poor you. Hope all is well soon. Love the artwork and the piccies.

  4. Journal pages that are brimming over with the most amazing energy
    Valerie, due to my lack of visits I had no idea you were in trouble with your thumb so I am really sorry to read that you needed cortisone injections. A painful and no doubt frustrating time for you.
    Sending you a bundle of get well wishes.

  5. Love the swirling background which seems to be moving. The flying dressforms look amazing on it.
    Hope your hand and arm get better soon, I'll miss your daily crafting.

  6. Pressed enter too soon. That should be - I'll miss your daily crafting and wonderful paintings.

  7. Love the floaty look and feel to your page. Hope your thumb is better soon. x

  8. Ha, ha, ha, that horse is just hilarious! Your poor stookie arm is not so funny though, you have my permission to curse and swear if things get too frustrating for you! :) but please try and REST it! Love your floating dress forms. Xx

  9. Ouch, well at least the cast will save from further injury. Lovely free form floaty page, all those blues behind your images, terrific. That is a cute, cheeky horse. Get to know him or her better. xox

  10. you're getting really good with those horse closeups! Nice art today too, I hope the thumbs get better soon!

  11. Wishing you a prompt recovery with your thumb. Love your art work and the snaps are always amazing. Great close ups of the horse.

  12. Its frustrating when you cant do what you want, so I hope it heals quicklyn and well. I do love your horses. Take care and have a wonderful week.

  13. Your art is wonderful, and I really enjoyed your pics...Hope you heal very quickly!

  14. Hope you get the plaster removed by next week life must be very difficult with it on. Poor you not being to do housework etc. :)

    Love the shapes of the sculptures and the beautiful textures that shine in the sunlight.

    Amazing pics of the horse-I think it likes you.

    Have a good day and well done for the lengthy post with one finger on your left hand--what a woman you are :)

    Love Chrissie xx

  15. Ich wünsche dir gute Besserung - ist schon immer doof wenn man eingeschränkt ist (aber wie du schon gesagt hast, eine gute Möglichkeit die Hausarbeit mal ignorieren zu dürfen :-)
    Die Seite ist der mega Hammer- allein die Farben!!!!! Und dann die traumhafte Gestaltung- ein Meisterwerk! Die Fotos sind toll- klasse Perspektiven und das Pferd scheint ja wirklich schon auf dich zu warten. Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende, liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  16. What a wonderful jouney page! There is vibration and lot of beautiful elements. The horse is amazing!
    I hope you will be well soon, Valerie!

  17. wow you are the Queen of it and love your awesome pics you always share with us....wonderful lady.xx
    The Journey is the Start

  18. That's a beautiful page! Love all the swirls and movement in it, and the colours are divine. So sorry to hear about your thumb. Must be frustrating not being able to paint. Hope the injections will help!

  19. Wow gorgeous background on your artwork. I hope your thumb heals quickly and you get back to 'normal'. Take good care, Shirleyx

  20. Diese Seite ist großartig mit diesem fantastischen, farbenfrohen Hinterdgrund!
    Gute Besserung für dich!
    GLG, LonettA

  21. LOVE your art piece! It is fantastic. As is your cheeky friend!

  22. When you showed the first photo of the sculpture, I thought it was wood! I see now that it is metal-awesome! That horse "selfie" is just too cute. Love your journal page!

  23. Valerie, I was amazed that you could put this page together left handed. I surely hope the cortisone shots help out with the pain. I could use the prescription for no house cleaning and it is always a treat to have someone else do our hair. Your gorgeous layout was posted over at GG which I viewed when I was searching for the plate with the wild dresses with wings. Your piece inspired me so much and I did locate the collage sheet with their promo With Wild Abandon. The new sculpture is really unique and you captured some wonderful shots reflecting the shadows created from the sun. Take it easy this week and let that hand heal.


  24. Loved the paintings, energetic! I battle these things with acupuncture -- works like a charm!

  25. The horse looks like he is saying - "hey lady, do you have an apple for me? How bout a sugar cube?""
    Be patient and read a good book - you can still walk -- your thumb obviously needs to rest - no movement allowed. I was surprised you got in earlier than your appointment.
    I just want you to know one thing - if you had wings you would be flying all over the place and then you would need a cortisone shot in you wings!!!!!!!!
    Sandy xx

    1. Patient? What's that? I take carrots with me when I go out, the horses love them!

    2. Good for you Sugar - And you can feed a horse a carrot before it get too close to your fingers - think of you often.

  26. Amazing art work! I love the swirls and the flying dressforms on the fantastic background. What adorable horse!
    Hope your thumb get better soon and take care, Valerie!!!
    Hugs, Mar

  27. Wie gut, dass du vorgearbeitet hast. Dein Werk ist superklasse, die Farben gefallen mir sehr. Herrliche Fotos hast du auch wieder dabei. Das obere Pferdebild ist der Hit.

  28. Very beautiful painting.
    Happy paper saterday.
    Liefs, Melanie

  29. I love how it almost "floats". Beautiful!

  30. Breathtaking artwork, Valerie! I am in awe of your talent. You take these beautiful images and papers to another level! Thank you for a warm welcome back to blogland! Best wishes for a speedy healing of your thumb. Hugs, Yvonne

  31. Good Morning Valerie. So sorry to hear about your thumb. I can sympathise with you as I suffered a similar thing with my right thumb years ago. Your creation is mindblowing, I am still enjoying looking at it and finding more and more things to admire. Hugs Rita xxx

  32. Your journal page looks absolutely 3D. Incredibly well done - looks like they are about to fly off the page. Love the curious horse photos. Take care of your poor thumb. hugs, Donna

  33. Die Seite ist einfach Spitze, die Farben und alles, einfach toll! Die Fotos sind auch wieder sshön, vor allem da Pferd, als würde es lächlen, Klasse! Alles Gute weiterhin für deinen Daumen!
    lg Uli

  34. Hope you are better soon.

    I love that sculpture too.... and as always great art. Love the close up of the horse.

    We've had similar weather to you..... hot and humid and yes, when it rains.......

    Karen x

  35. A great page with fabulous images. Hope your thumb is better real soon xx

  36. Stunning, Valerie, I just love how you sop creatively placed the images on that gorgeous paper! Big hugs, ~Diane

  37. I hope all is well with your thumb Valerie and that it will not stop you creating. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful images at Paper Saturdays! ManonXx

  38. I hope your thumb has healed by now. Your journal page is absolutely fabulous, so creative.


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