Monday 30 June 2014

Pink and apple-green

Hi everybody!

The new week has brought us a new colour challenge at SOC - pink, apple green, and a touch of dark green. I used one of of my ladies again - she was printed out onto scrap paper, and then coloured with water colours and oil pastels.  I need to do things just now which don't make my thumb hurt any more than it's hurting now! I don't know what made me give her a pink eye, but I did. The quote is from Ray Kroc. I think I am definitely getting towards the ripe stage!

At Tag Tuesday the theme this week is garden party. My first thought was ladies in big hats, and then I found this image from Gecko Galz in my bit box - just right.
I distressed the edges with DI in forest moss, and mounted it onto a tag cut from corrugated card, peeled, gessoed and distressed. I added some die-cut edging sent to me by our lovely Twinkle Toes, a butterfly and some paper roses.

 Yesterday was cool, damp and misty. I must admit, that as much as I love blue skies and sunshine, the river looks somehow good with the contours fading into the distance.

The hydrangeas in the hospital garden also looked beautiful bejeweled with raindrops.

There was a little flea-market in the thrift shop and in the grounds of the hospital, and I found some bargains.

The town is decorated with bunting just now, as it's 'Schützen Fest' - Marksmen's festival' , a yearly event with traditional parades, music, social gatherings and of course, lots of beer and sausages etc.

And my friends the horses just carry on as ever....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your green lady, and the fun quote! Great photos again, as always! Take care of your poor thumb, when is your appt at the specialist? Hugs, Sarah

  2. The green lady with the pink eye looks fantastic especially with that quote. Its a super feminine tag as well. Enjoy your bargains, your walk photos are great.
    Yvonne xx

  3. funny quote on your wonderful top piece and lovely images of life.

  4. These are both gorgeous Valerie and I really love the sassy green lady on your first creation.
    Great pics too.
    Hope your thmb gets better really soon.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  5. We're having the same weather at the moment Valerie, it's really rather cool! Nice to see the flags and festivities in your town and I love your two beautiful ladies. Xx

  6. Lovely make Valerie and a new quote for me, which is fab ! and I feel as if I'm on the turn at the moment lol
    Von ♥

    1. Yes, the quote made me laugh, and I am sure a lot of us can understand it!

  7. Really nice use of the colors - can't believe how fast you can be creative in proper colors! Nicely done!

  8. Really fabulous is your green lady and the quote is very fun. The second tag is so romantic, I love it , and also I like the lovely butterfly. What beautiful hydrangeas! Great photos, Valerie.
    Hugs, Mar

  9. I love the pink eyed lady. Those colors really POP and the flowers and everything makes me smile! Thanks.

  10. Love the quote in the first and the use of colours is great also. Love the beautiful tag and all your great photos, hugs Annette x

  11. fab funny quote and smashing page Valerie, love the tag and the beautiful photos, Annette x

  12. Hi Valerie. Hope your thumb is feeling better. My middle finger has been hurting. Wow!! What a wonderful contribution you have going here. I absolutely LOVE it. You never cease to amaze me with your artistic talents. Love your tag as well. That pink eye is just perfect. Way to go!! Have a wonderful rest of the week, see you Friday. Take care and get well. Oh yeah, almost forgot-I was cracking up when I read the quote, hahahaha, funny but true. tee hee.

  13. Hi Valerie. I too hope your thumb is better. This is a beautiful way to show off SOC this week. Your photos again make me want to come visit you.
    Have a great week

  14. Your painted lady with hat and eye is super-fabulous, terrific artwork. Your tag is of a different age and I love all the pinks and romantic images.
    Your photos today are of the best, each one is special.

  15. Nice take on the SOC theme, and a pretty tag too! Enjoyed your photos today, glad you found something at the thrift sale, it's that time of year!

  16. Another beguiling set of art from you Valerie :d Beguiling, what a word! It popped into my head when I read about your 'bejeweled' hydrngeas. Isn't bejeweled a lovley lavish word?! Lol, sorry, I twaddle of my own path sometimes.
    Your lady is glorious in green and the quote is excellent! I hope the rot does not set in too deep for many a long while yet, we all need your awesome art, photo's and tales of walks and do-dads.
    Hope you enjoy the rest of your week without too much pain :0) x

  17. Fabulous work!Love the delicate tag and the photos!

  18. Love your lady!
    Love the tour of the town
    love your humor!!!

  19. Love the first image of the lady. Adore the Victorian tag. and the pictures are wonderful too.

  20. beauties all around! Loved every one of them, specially the one in green! :)


  21. I really love your painted lady, she is so beautifully colored and the quote is brillian.
    Thanks for your great photos, too!
    Have a happy day,

  22. Hello Valerie, your pink and green piece is smashing with that great quote! I love pink and green, such a beautiful combination! Your tag is so romantic, a real favourite and I love your photos, especially those pink flowers, gorgeous!

  23. wowowowowow this is just stunning love all of it..xxxaNNie♥ .The Journey is the Start

  24. Gorgeous projects... Love the pink & green the image is fabulous...Fantastic tag too I adore the image & butterfly... the photos are Great....Have a happy creative week... Hugs May x x

  25. Hope the thumb improves, such a drag Valerie.....I agree with you about that misty look. We passed some fields the other morning early and they were shrouded in mist and so beautiful we couldnt see the cows....Like that jainty hat on your pink and green lady. xox

  26. I was here earlier, however was interrupted! I gotta say I'm not crazy avout pink and green. You did a great job with it - not toooo much = just eight. LOVE the garden party tag --- we used to actually to that and eat loads of strawberry shortcake! I see my pinto is behaving himself til I get there :o) Hope they dan so something for your thumb. In the meantime, take good care. hugs, Donna

  27. (sorry for all the typos - I'm wired up for the night with all sorts of wires = monitoring my breathing and oxygen levels etc. A royal pain!

    1. Yes, that sounds like a royal pain in the ass - hope you soon feel better!

  28. WOW,deine grün pinke lady sieht fabelhaft aus,und das pinke Auge passt ganz wunderbar zu ihr,das tag ist auch ganz zauberhaft so edel und chic,gefällt mir seeehr.
    die bilder sind klasse,wir haben diese Woche auch ein Strassenfest und Flohmarkt,ich freu mich schon sehr drauf.
    meine torte ist suuuper leecker geworden,es war die erste die ich jemals gemacht habe,nun muss ich wieder etwas mehr sport machen,nach der ganzen kuchen völlerei *grins*
    hab noch einen schönen Abend :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  29. Good morning, Valerie. It is already Tuesday here and I am catching up on your posts missed while family was visiting. The verse by Kroc is hilarious and so perfect for your project today. The tag, as always, is beautiful. Hope your thumb quits aching and you are able to use it a bit more. Enjoy the rest of the week and your walks about town which I enjoy when you capture the scenes via photos.


  30. Der Spruch und die Seite ist genial..wie auch das Tag und die tollen Fotos!
    gute Besserung für Deinen Daumen DU ARME!!!!

  31. Cute quote in your SOC piece and a fun way to use the colors!

  32. I don't want to get ripe just yet!!!! Don't you either!!!

    Great page for SOC... and I loved seeing your bunting :)

    Karen x

  33. Deine Journalseite ist der Knaller. Alleine die Farbkombi ist schon ein Hit und dann noch die pinken Augen - voll cool. Hat etwas vampirhaftes ;) Auch dein Tag gefällt mir gut. Für deinen Daumen wünsche ich dir gute Besserung.

  34. I LOVE the color pink but think I want to be green according to the quote. :-)

  35. That's creative, and I love her pink eye. I need to remember that quote, so well said.

  36. WOW Valerie, what a great quote!! I'll take green thank you~~~ Wonderful creation and your tag is so shabby chic and cottage style. Lovely pics from your town. Looks like a fun celebration.
    Hope your thumb is better!

  37. Your lady with the one pink eye is adorable. And I laughed at that quote. Although I came because of SOC, I really enjoyed the tag and the photos of the festival and the horses.

  38. Wow, what a great blog post! love it all, especially the tag, thanks for sharing

  39. The pink eye is perfect on the green lady and I don't believe you are ripe yet, lol. The tag is gorgeous, and lovely pictures from "our" walk. Big hugs, ~Diane

  40. Valerie, I always love seeing your gorgeous photos. I love them all, especially the first one where the river and the sky are almost the same color. It's dreamy! And your tag is beautiful. But that work of art you made for the SOC is so impressive and creative. I just love every inch of it!!!!!

  41. Fab work! I really think the pink eye adds character to your lovely lady!

  42. Both makes are fun and beautiful. Love the way you have used the colours this week in SOC4 :-) xxx

    Hope your thumb is better very soon :-) x

  43. Great use of this week's colours! Your lady is sassy and fun. Great quote too.

  44. your SOC lady is just fabulous Valerie!! Love the beautiful vintage tag too.You are always so creative. Beautiful outdoor photos as well!

  45. I like the pink eye, Valerie. It really works :)

  46. Love your summer of colour item - the face is fabulous

  47. The different angles look great! I love clicking different angles too it just gives varied perspective! The pink eye does give an edge to her :) Love the scenery but couldn't see all the pics as the last 3-4 pictures didn't load.
    Thanks for your visits and words of encouragement :)

  48. Love the lady's pink eye and the quote is excellent. Super tag and the hydrangeas are great too. BJ

  49. Your SOC piece for this week is beautiful! The pink eye works well. Your tags are lovely as well. Hope that thumb gets better soon.


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