Sunday 8 June 2014

This and that on Monday

Hi Everybody!
Hope you are all having a good weekend.
Here it is sunny, very hot and humid, and with occasional thunder-storms and rain-showers, but I still managed 2 good walks, and sat by the Rhine watching the ships, which is something I always enjoy, even though I do it almost every day. Or perhaps that's the reason why I do it every day!

This tag was one of my DT pieces  for Gecko Galz this month, for the cross promotion between GG and  Optic Illusions. The steampunk lady is a digi-stamp from GG, printed onto transparent paper and fussy cut, to let the underlying patterns show through. This was the last piece my printer printed before giving up the ghost for all eternity, and  she turned out dark blue instead of black,  but better than nothing.
The background paper is from the Optic illusions 'moments in time' kit, and is paper 14.1. I glued the paper to an 8" tag, which I mounted onto a second, larger tag cut from black paper recycled from an old calendar. I used the honeycomb and numbers stencils from CWS to do the background patterning, and a diamond stencil with mineral embossing paste for the raised diamonds, which I coated with some gold stickles when they were dry. I used fragments of old letters to give the background more interest.
(Material list: tags, embossing paste, stencils, BG paper  14.1 from 'measure of time', digi stamp, ribbon and embellishments.)

And once again I have some pictures from today - one of the lovely paths through the fields, flowers growing in hedges, and the beautiful variety of grass sorts blowing in the wind along the Rhine and through the fields.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wieder ein mega schöner Tag (wieder mit ´den tollen Flakes ;o)
    Schöne Fotos hast du uns wieder mitgebracht - her war es auch super heiß - meine Hunderunden gehen im Augenblick ganz früh morgens zum Baggersee. Ich wünsche dir morgen einen schönen 2. Pfingsttag, liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  2. Love your steampunk tag, and the photos are gorgeous. I still think you should do a book of them! Hope your hands are feeling better! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Love the photos especially those blooms.
    Yvonne xx

  4. I think she looks way better in dark blue than in black, goes really well with that cool background!!

    Loving your photos, wonderful and summery. For once we have been having lovely warm weather too!

  5. This is a lovely tag, Valerie. The dark blue colour of the steampunk lady looks fabulous. And lovely photos too.
    Hugs, Mar

  6. A great steampunk lady Valerie, tho the question "does my bum look big in this" springs to mind. Lol. Lovely roses, did they have a nice perfume! Xx

  7. Ein tolles Tag hast du gestaltet, der Hintergrund gefällt mir sehr und die Lady ist der Hit. Danke auch für die schönen Sommerfotos :)

  8. Nice steampunk lady and colorful glittery diamonds. xox

  9. Your tag is have never shown one that isn't :) I agree the dark blue is perfect. You sat by the Rhine? That sounds so fabulous and exotic from here..and your pics show that to be true. Thanks for coming my way even though I have hardly been there myself. I need to shake off the pity party and show my nose again...thanks my friend!

  10. Very pretty tag Valerie. Love the translucent look of the steampunk lady. Great mixture of Gecko Galz products and Optic Illusions goodies.

  11. lovely tag wuth beautiful details. Wow summer sure came quickly. Beautiful flowers.

  12. Wonderful tag, Valerie. I also love to look at ships. They have something mysterious which appeals.
    Great photos!
    Have a lovely week, hugs!

  13. Beautiful tag and I love the way you added the ribbon tie--never seen that way before.

    Terrific photographs -it all looks so peaceful.

    Love Chrissie x

  14. Watching the ships on the Rhine every day sounds an excellent way of spending your time, especially when we all get to see them sometimes too. What a beautiful walk, I love that curving path.
    And I do like your tag and I think your old printer did very well printing the lady in blue rather than black as a last fling.

  15. Excellent tag Valerie. What a good idea to print on transparent paper, it is so effective. The sparklies finish it off very nicely .
    The pics from your walk are so lovely and make me wish I lived somewhere like that. Thgose roses are beautiful :o))

  16. The gold sparkles really make the diamonds stand out in your piece, and that shade of blue was just the right color for the steampunk lady. On and off thunderstorms for the next few days here.

  17. I love the image on your tag today, Valerie. It is a hoot! I am so glad you were able to print a copy before your printer gave up the ghost. It is so peaceful and fun to view your photos each morning. They have given me what I needed to go out in the yard and eliminate a few more weeds before it gets too hot. Have a wonderful week.


  18. ein tolles Tag liebe Valerie und super Fotos!

  19. Hi Valerie, what a wonderful image for your tag today. Love it and your walking pics are always the best. Beautiful blooms after the rains. We had rain all day and we sure need it!! Very dry here in Texas.

  20. Fabulous tag and photographs, I love the image on the tag.
    xxx Hazel.

  21. Rest in Peace old and worn out printer! Your tag is gorgeous and I would have never known was supposed to be dressed in black. I always love the bits of gold you put in your makes. I can't help myself - I had to check in on you .. my new tom cat is taking a lot of time!! Amongst other things.
    Sandy xx

  22. Gorgeous tag Valerie, I think that printer did you a favor, I like her in blue. Just love all the different textures and backgrounds you have going on here too. Beautiful walk. Big hugs, ~Diane

  23. What a super image - I'm loving her in blue and the whole tag is a treat for the eyes.


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