Saturday 7 June 2014

House and home

Hi  everybody!

We had a very hot and rather sultry day here, and it looks like this weather will be staying with us for a few days,  probably bringing some thunder and lighting, too.
It's good to be able to go out in summer clothes and sandals.
Hope you are enjoying good weather, too.

This month's theme at AJJ is houses, and at Mix it monthly, homes, so I have combined both challenges in this mixed media piece.
I used a photo showing a house which is closed up prior to demolishing or 'renovating' it, in order to build luxury apartments. This phenomenon is happening in many  big cities around the world. The example shown is in London, but it is unfortunately not the only one. Property dealers and  owners want to make money regardless of how many people lose their homes in the process. For many 'normal' people, it is getting more and more difficult to find  places to live at a reasonable place. There are millions of homeless people sleeping in shelters, doorways, under bridges or where ever they find,  and that in a rich and civilised society. Not having a house or home is for me an important aspect of the theme, even if it is sometimes rather uncomfortable to think about it.

I cut into the edges to symbolise the destruction, and added a homeless man who is begging, again a familiar sight on our streets these days. The background has been painted with acrylics and gelatos, and I outlined the images with a neon yellow gel pen.

And here are  a few more summery pictures from my walks today.

I like this last photo, showing the houses from the opposite side of the road reflected in the window of our shoe-shop:

Have  a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Was für eine ausdrucksstarke Seite Valerie... Du regst uns auch zum Nachdenken an mit Deinem sozial-engagierten Hintergrundgedanken! Wow!
    Danke für diesen besonderen Beitrag zum Häuser ThemaValerie!
    Schöne Fotos hast Du heute wieder gemacht!
    Danke für's Teilhaben lassen!
    schönen Sonntag Valerie!

  2. Sehr cool Deine Journal Seite! das regt ganz wunderbar zum Nachdenken an...mach ganz gross und klebe es als Plakate ;) ..denn Du hast so Recht!! Ich mag auch Deinen Blick, der sogar die "indirekten" Schönheiten findet, wie das Schuhschaufenster ;) Danke für Deinen so kreativen Beitrag zu Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny

  3. I am so glad that you have taken a different view of the theme here, great idea, and very effective. And you are right, not having a house or home is the other, and very horrible side of the coin. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Sad to see so many boarded up building, but those luxury condos and apartments are happening all over Boston for least some buildings are being saved, hate to see them torn down, but rather see them renovated. xox

  5. A very moving take on the theme, Your journal page is inspirational. Great photos especially the one with the shoe shop reflections window. Enjoy your weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  6. you live in such a beautiful place, your art is beautiful, such a profound an moving piece,

  7. Bravo for tackling a social and political issue in this page. Glasgow is seeing apartment (flats) blocks torn down and I believe also old tenement buildings all because of the Commonwealth Games, a scenario played out in London before the Olympics and in other cities, Barcelona comes to mind. You can probably guess my feelings on this issue!!!

  8. Wonderful artwork and thoughtful commentary. The homeless issue is very distressing, your piece is excellent. I love your horses photo and the last one with the shoes is very clever.

  9. What a fabulous page Valerie, you have reignited some thoughts that I have had myself. I always give thanks, particularly in times of inclement weather, that I have a roof over my head. Sadly, social conscience seems to be left behind when the till bell begins to ring.
    Your outdoor photos are lovely. Any idea what the red/orange flower is? It's very pretty :D
    Hope you're enjoying the lovely weather and having a lovely weekend. :o)) x

  10. Very well done and thought provoking piece. This is a problem in all major cities of the world. So sad.

    The flowers are gorgeous, and I never tire of seeing the gorgeous horses! Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

    Hugs from NY!

  11. beautiful take on the house theme and lovely photos today Valerie! Wonderful idea, that reflection.

  12. Wie wahr, wie wahr. Immer mehr hochpreisige Wohnungen für immer weniger Leute mit immer mehr Geld... die anderen bleiben auf der Strecke. Ich finde es toll, wie du dieses Thema in deiner Seite umgesetzt hast. Sehr ausdrucksstark. Ganz besonders schlimm ist die Situation in den Universitätstädten, unsere Kinder haben ewig gebraucht, bis sie eine geeignete und vor allem bezahlbare Wohnung gefunden haben....
    Töchterlein ist derzeit in Bristol und es gefällt ihr sehr gut.

  13. Awesome and thought provoking, so true of so many cities no matter where we live. Love the reflection in the shoe shop too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  14. hi val,

    was für eine tolle seite,gefällt mir seehr gut,
    die bilder sind wider klasse,das schuhgeschäft zu knipsen ist eine gute idee.
    ich war gestern hier oben an der elbe spazieren,dann waren wir noch auf den hand und kunstwerkmarkt der nicht weit weg warmhabe mit tolle sachen gekauft wie selbsgemachte rosernseife,ein holzmondring ring mit horn gemacht,selbstgemalte schüsseln und teller aus marroko,das waren tuaregs die das verkauft haben,richtig klasse sag ich dir,dann hab ich gaaanz viele bilder gemacht,die stell ich nachher mal ein,war gestern zu faul,weil wir 6 stunden unterwegs waren,da war ich abends total platt.
    das mach ich jetzt so oft und es macht spass.
    hab noch einen schönen sonntag :-)

    Knuddel Jeannette

  15. A fantastic Journal page which would be great enlarged and on a Bill Board in a town centre. It is so strong in pictures and words.

    Lovely photographs and quite the opposite from your journal page with the 'freedom of the countryside and nature' versus 'urban decay and misery.'

    The reflection shot is wonderful :)

    We have some of those orange flowers in our garden--I collected a bit that was growing on the path outside David Hockney's house. I don't think he would mind as we have now got a lot from that small beginning.

    Have a great day--sunny here so far

    Love Chrissie x

  16. What a powerful artwork, Valerie. And what a contrast with your last photo. Now that is tantalising showing this shoe shop window because I want to go in and try on some of those fabulous shoes.

    1. Yes, they might be a bit small for you, it's the kid's department, but they do have wonderful shoes for adults, too, although they are all out of my price-range!

  17. Wonderfully created AJ page with the social message concerning homeless people. Your take on the theme is brilliant and your artwork gorgeous.
    Your photo from house mixed shoe-shop is wonderful.
    Have a happy Sunday, Valerie xxx

  18. Deine sozial-kritische Collage ist toll gelungen und trifft's total!
    Ich mag es sehr, wenn Bilder nicht nur einfach schön sind, sondern auch etwas aussagen.

    ... und wie schön, dich durch die Fotos auf deinen Walks begleiten zu können! Besonders schön finde ich die Pferdewiese! Dort würde ich auch zu gerne immer wieder hingehen.
    Sonntagsgrüße von Ulrike

  19. You have tackled a common but often 'swept under the carpet' issue with such style here, it really does have such a powerful message to it and your layout is wonderful, evocative and insightful. Your photos, by contrast, are heart warming and beautiful. Thank you for sharing! Anne x

  20. Great social statement done by sharing your art. A good reminder, Valerie - and so true - all over the world. Loving that little pinto in one of your photos. hugs, Donna

  21. A great journal page Valerie. Aberdeen is the same, so many people have a huge amount of disposable income yet there are still some very deprived areas. You wouldn't believe the property prices here, goodness knows how my children will manage to get onto the property ladder. Anyway, lovely pics, really like the shoe shop one! Xx

  22. Thank you Valerie for all your kind wishes. Love your great collages and a great message, hugs Annette x

  23. Your page is fantastic, such meaning in your theme. You are right it is sad that it's such a struggle for many people. The photo of the shows with the buildings is amazing, love it very much. Happy Sunday, Shirleyx

  24. I mean shoes, not shows....... arghhhhh

  25. Your followers have said it all "great truth expressed in your art" and marvelous photos too.


  26. What terrific journal page and great idea of art. And lovely photos.
    Hugs, Mar

  27. LOVE your journal page so much! Houses have always been an interest to me and I love when people incorporate them in their art. Gorgeous photos too! Hugs to you!

  28. Hi Valerie, your words ring so true and reflected in your incredible art piece. You tied the theme to a world problem that so many sadly face. Love the last photo with the window reflection. You are a talent with your camera too my friend. Lovely walking pics too.

  29. A very imaginative take on the theme.

  30. This is so moving. I love the woman painted onto the brick and then you addition of art on and around it.

  31. What a wonderful collage, Val!! love the journal page.


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