Monday 14 December 2015

This, that and the other for Tuesday.

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, collage, and for 99 faces I made a hybrid collage using 2 heads I painted and digitally cut out. I placed them onto a collaged background, added 2 of my bird photos -  balcony visitors - and the sentiment, part of a Dylusions set. The clock hands symbolise the transition of time from young to old.

I recently took part in an online petition, where we were asked to make a picture of ourselves taken with some food, to protest about the tons of food that shops and supermarkets throw away daily instead of donating it to people who can't afford to buy good things.

The above food collage fits well to Elisabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so welcome to all the T gang. I also baked some walnut and raisin buns, which are very delicious. I like to bake small cakes as they can be frozen individually, and taken out one by one - this prevents waste and the necessity to eat them all at once to save them from going bad! Anyway, help yourselves

And my drink is, as always, cappuccino.

Today I am sharing some photos of the beautiful windows in the Basilica and town.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Valerie, I adore that collage showing young and old. I especially like how you used the clock hands.

    You have touched a VERY SORE subject with me. Wasting food is something I have fought against at my local supermarket. They tell me they can't donate "old" food because someone might get sick and sue them, or someone might try to return the food for money. I am shocked at their responses, especially since there really are so many hungry people in my very own town.

    I might want one of those buns. So please leave one out for me before you freeze them all. And I'll also have a cappuccino with you.

    The lovely Basilica window photos are incredible. Such lovely color shining through.

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful collage, your beautiful buns, your cappuccino, your Basilica photos, and your collage of all that food that will soon go to waste with us for T this Tuesday.

  2. Love the heads collage, it is beautifully designed and very clever. The food that gets wasted is really shocking, it's the same everywhere. Your buns look great, I want one! Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  3. Your work is beyond creative. And what a worthy collage about food waste. Love your idea to freeze the buns.

  4. The stained glass is interesting today as I am trying to come up with a stained glass piece for the next Creative Tuesdays. Me not being a detail's tough but I will manage!

  5. OK, I'll be right over for a bun and coffee! Great page - love the sentiment. Also love your take on the food issue - it's ridiculous the food that is wasted. Beautiful photos - fascinated by windows and doors. hugs, Donna

  6. Die Collage ist brilliant - fabelhaft gemacht. Ich komm auf einen Cappucchino und so eine tolle Rolle - keine Frage- und ja - es ist erschütternd in welchem Überfluß wir leben , wieviel vergeudet wird, wo doch so viele Menschen verhungern. Beschämdend! Deine Collage dazu gefällt mir und auch die tollen Fenster, die Du heute zeigst sind wunderbar!
    Hab einen schönen Dienstag Liebes!

  7. was ich so schön finde: wie wir für hybride Sachen immer eigenes material einbringen können (und die digis dann auch noch mehrfach verwenden können)... vogelvorlagen musst du ja genug haben *g*...
    ich glaube, du brauchst hier nichts einzufrieren, jede Kommentatorin nimmt dir ein Stückchen ab... also ich auf alle fälle;) ich mach das übrigens auch so, seit die kinder aus dem haus sind, sonst futtere ich zu viel selbst...
    hab eine schöne Woche!

  8. Love this hybrid piece and the symbolism woven into it. The food issue is scandalous, I wonder, - do they have food banks in Germany? As to those yummy looking cakes, they look delicious!!

  9. Wonderful windows in today's photographs Valerie.

    Such a great page with your balcony birds as the stars of the show. Love your veg and you page and such a great idea to have this sort of challenge to promote this awful waste of food.

    Little cakes are YOU and these look fantastic, How many do you eat with one coffee I wonder?

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. Well, never more than 1 with a cup of coffee, but I do drink a lot of coffee....

  10. Love your heads, and those buns and also those photos. What a great post today! Hope its a great day too-at least so far. Hugs!

  11. Loved reading todays post Valerie. The heads look like they are in deep conversation. Its a great collage with the food, waste is such an issue when so many are hungry. Wonderful photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  12. That stained glass window is really something, wow!! So many talented people in the world. Beautiful post Valerie. hugs :)

  13. Your collage reminded me of the saying "Too soon old, too late smart" and fits well with your digital collage about food waste. I was at a family style dinner (where they put a big bowl of food & it is passed around) in a banquet room of a casual restaurant, and at the end of the meal, the family wanted to take home the leftovers. Now, this was attended by only their family and friends. The restaurant would not let them! How ridiculous is that! Bad enough you can't help the hungry, but can't even take it home yourself?

  14. Oh my-the basilica and those stained glass windows actually gave me goosebumps-SO beautiful!! Great collage-and how true are those words too:):) Wonderful idea to petition for the unnecessary tossing of perfectly good food. Thanks for sharing your delightful baked goods again too. Happy T day!

  15. Such lovely photos and your journal page with the heads, brilliant! Yes please to one of those lovely cakes and a coffee too! I totally agree about supermarkets wasting food that could be donated to hungry people. Happy t day to you! Annette

  16. Really stunning windows...and the cakes look scrumptious! Love your profile/bird have made a statement with it that is so true! quite true also about the waste of sad that profit is considered before the good of people. If only we could keep a generous 'Christmas Spirit' alive all year! happy T day! ♥

  17. Great collage as always dear Valerie.
    I have missed you and your creativity.
    Let's hope the renewed focus on spreading the wealth and less wasting of food will work. In addition to people going hungry all of that food thrown into the landfill creates problems as it is decaying too.
    Happy T Day oxo

  18. Gorgeous artwork, love the texture and colour on the head silouettes. Your photography is amazing as always. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  19. I love your hybrid collage. It is so true! I will be 65 soon and although active, there are things I can no longer do. I'm glad I traveled the world when I was young. Mine was the first generation of back packers.
    The windows of the basilica are beautiful. They seem to be quite modern.
    Wood waste is horrendous! When we lived in the UK I was involved in working with the homeless and helping in the kitchen of a shelter. We would get loads of food, but you have to know where to look and when, and who to approach.
    Thanks for commenting earlier,
    Have a great week,

  20. I like both of your pieces of art. The bonus of seeing all the beautiful windows made for an enchanting post. Thanks for showing us some of your area.

  21. I like both of your pieces of art. The bonus of seeing all the beautiful windows made for an enchanting post. Thanks for showing us some of your area.

  22. "basic rights of all humanity" Yes! Thank you for promoting that view. I wholeheartedly agree.

    Your walnut/raisin buns look delicious! Happy T Tuesday!

  23. Oh My! Some truly amazing windows you have shared today . The art is so spot one today also... I can really relate to the "OLD" bird :) Happy T-DAY!!!

  24. Being one of the "old" birds.....I mutter those words from time to time ...LOL!

    The windows had me ooooohing and awwwwahing. They are truly beautiful pieces of art and history.

    Thanks for sharing all your art and photography with the T-gang this week.

  25. Cool page with the heads and birds. What a good thing you did, participating in that petition. You are right. Food, shelter and water are basic needs that all should have.

    Your sweets are delicious. Thank you very much. :)


  26. love all your photos and that collage is really vibrant with the heads and the baking too

  27. Beautiful words, and so true as one on the more "oldie" side. Baking looks luscious. Stained glass is spectacular. xox

  28. Your walnut and raisin goodies look so yummy.
    The photos of the windows are terrific, I especially like the one with the geraniums and the grating.
    Super collage, Valerie, with lots of meaning in the images.

  29. Thank you for the lovely raisin-nut bun. :) I also like to bake and freeze. Then if I have a visitor I can take something out of the freezer and thaw a homemade treat.

    You have a beautiful basilica where you live. We don't have anything like that in the little suburb where I live, so your photos are a feast for the eyes.

    I like the idea behind the food collage. I have heard that we already have enough food to feed every person on the planet...we just need to devise a way to get the food to the people who need it. Thank you for helping to raise awareness of this issue.

    Happy T Day!

  30. So much to enjoy here, such abundance, happy seasons greetings to you!

  31. What a great post! Architecture, goodies, and food waste protest Love it all!
    Happy T-Day! :)

  32. Hi Valerie, what a great post. Your photos are incredible. Your art work is awesome and the quote is so true. Love how you worked your photo in with the food. I agree, we waste so much food around the world that could feed so many that are hungry and starving. Your baked goods look so delicious and I do the same here, freeze all that I can and pull out when needed.
    Thank you for sharing this post. Have a great week. xo

  33. Love both of your digi collages! I am with you on food waste - there has been a lot on British TV about how to deal with the problem but unless support comes from everyone it is still ongoing! I love your window pics today! Hugs, Chrisx

  34. Such a glorious post!! Your photos are outstanding Valerie!!
    And kudos to you for standing in protest! Many of our markets have gone to sending leftovers to pantries and soup kitchens- finally!!

  35. Unfortunately the same thing happens here concerning food donating.My daughter usually attends a place where they cook and serve homeless people. They go there once a week for food.It is a spiritual temple.They wish they could do that every day but they also depend on donations to feed the people that go there. Hunger is a fact in underdeveloped countries like mine.I don't know if it will ever ends but at least we try to help the ones we can and can't. Beautiful post, my friend!Happy T Day!


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