Sunday 6 December 2015


Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, collage, and 99 Faces I drew a face and turned it into a collage. The drawing is based on a photo of my sister Cynthia, who died 15 years ago. The photo was taken back in the 1960s after the birth of her youngest son Michael. She lived most of her life in the USA, but was visiting England with her children at that time. Today would have been her 78th birthday. I made a quick drawing with pastel chalks, cut it out, and collaged it onto a background stamped directly with ink-pads in shades of brown and blue. I added some washi tapes and a sentiment. The drawing does not do justice to how pretty she was, you can see the original photo in the second hybrid collage.

The words here are from Christina Rosetti's poem 'remember'.
You can read it all here.

The photos show the sky early this morning, as dawn was breaking. I love the colour changes in the sky between dawn and sunrise:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love the beautiful pages you made for your sister, a really great tribute. Fantastic photos, too. Have a lovely week, hugs, Sarah

  2. A beautiful tribute with some wonderful images. x Julie

  3. A very sad but wonderful tribute for your late sister's birthday. The drawing is excellent and she would be so proud to be here to receive it. She was so young to go so soon. What a tragedy. Your sunrise photos are so colorful and bring brightness to your entire post.

  4. This is a fabulous way to remember your sister's birthday! She certainly was beautiful! I love the colours in your photos! Hugs, Chrisx

  5. What a wonderful tribute. You must have loved her very much.
    Thank you for sorting out my little hiccough with 'Tagtuesday' I really appreciate it.

  6. Your sister was beautiful. It is too bad she passed so young. I imagine you just miss her, if you were close that is. But I image you were since you made such a beautiful remembrance to her on her birthday. I know your drawing doesn't quite catch her but it is still a beautiful piece. And I love the layers of color in your sky photos.Enjoy the start of your new week. Hugs!

  7. Lovely page, your sister was indeed so beautiful. The poem is sad yet lovely. Christmas is a bittersweet time, when we think of our loved ones near and far.

  8. Great choice of colours and papers in this fabulous design. Beautiful picture of your sister...and wow of photos today. x

     { aNNie}

  9. What a lovely, loving tribute to your sister. Never forgotten. Beautiful photos as well.

  10. Ein wunderbares Portrait deiner Schwester und die Kollage mit dem Foto ist auch so schön! Sie war in der Tat eine sehr hübsche Frau! Eine feine Art des Gedenkens an einen lieben Menschen!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  11. Liebe Valerie, Dein wunderschönes Bild berührt mich sehr. Du hast ein Portrait geschaffen, das den Schmerz aber auch die Schönheit Deiner Schwester zeigt. Eine schwesterliche Liebe, die durch nichts zu zerstören ist. So schön!!!
    Alles Liebe zu Dir und eine gute Vorweihnachtszeit wünscht Dir von Herzen

  12. Was für eine hübsche Frau sie war und Deine Zeichnung ist super schön gemacht - passt alles perfekt - Hintergrund - Zeichnung - Beschriftung! Sehr, sehr schön! Und auch die digitale Seite ist traumhaft mit dem schönen Spruch dazu! Eine wundervolle Huldigung an Deine Schwester ! Eine feine Art ihres Geburtstages zu gedenken. Wenn ich jetzt noch schreib, wie toll die Naturschauspiel-Aufnahmen heute sind, glaubst Du sicher ich bin eine Schmeichelkatze, aber es entspricht der Wahrheit!
    Eine schöne neue Woche Valerie!

  13. A wonderful way to remember your sister, she was a real beautiful lady. Both pages look fantastic, Love the heartfelt piece of poetry you added.
    Awesome morning photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  14. A beautiful page and a lovely tribute to your beautiful sister.
    xxx Hazel.

  15. Beautiful tribute pages Valerie and I just love the love you have shown in your drawing.

    Beautiful photographs as well. Vic took some outside our house so will have to show some of those. It usual means we will have gale force winds but the calm before the storm looks amazing

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  16. Lovely tribute to your sister, Valerie, What a stunning photograph of her.
    Your dawn photos are breath-taking.
    Have a good week!

  17. Lovely photo of your sister and her son. Hard to lose those family members close to us. Wonderful way to remember. xox

  18. Those are both beautiful portraits, the pastel and the photograph. I am sure your sister is smiling from the "silent land" at this tribute. Blessings, my friend!

  19. Heart wrenching, yet beautiful, this tribute you gave your beloved sister. She was a real beauty, that's for sure. I adore both of these collages. Really lovely way to immortalize her.

  20. Wow Valerie, I am so touched by the art you did today. What a wonderful piece to remember your sister by...lovely poem too. Your sky photos are incredible, I've never seen such vibrant colours like that before! Dang! hugs :)

  21. Your sister is beautiful, she looks so content in that photo and what glorious sky photos. A lovely post. Xx

  22. such a beautiful painting,, in so many ways,, the sky is amazing, it makes me warm just looking at it!!!

  23. Hi Valerie, what a beautiful tribute to your sister. Your art work is stunning and what a wonderful remembrance. She left way to young!!She is beautiful!!
    Love your sky photos too. Have a blessed day! xo

  24. What a lot of love you put into that art piece. I lost my sister too, several years ago. My heart goes out to you as you remember your dear one in such a special way.

  25. Such a warm and beautiful tribute to your sister. Love the sunrise photos ♥

  26. Beautiful work filled with much love, a special piece for sure! As for the skies, I love them so much, so great how you capture that beauty and magic!

  27. Mir fehlen die Worte, liebe Valerie.
    Darum sage ich hier nur: Sehr berührend und wunderschön.
    Alles andere spielt sich in meinem Kopf ab und lässt sich nicht in Worte fassen, ich hoffe, du kannst das verstehen
    Alles Liebe, Beo

  28. Oh you are soooo right Valerie - Cynthia was beautiful. What a wonderful sketch of her and the baby - so precious. It touches my heart that you were able to draw her like that and do it so well. It's very obvious that it is her. Just loved this post. j.

  29. Valerie, I subscribe via email and should comment more but I do visit here almost every post. Today I was moved to comment (and my arthritic fingers are having a good day). Such a beautiful sister and beautiful drawing. I feel she is watching and is very touched. I enjoy all of your art. Your photos today of your sky are fascinating to me - all of the horizontal streaks of beauty. Wish we had those where I live. Thanks for sharing! xoxo, Aimeslee

  30. Your drawing is really very good Valerie. It is nice of you to remember her in such a wonderful way.
    Your sky pictures are fantastic. So many colors!
    sandy xx

  31. Such a beautiful and moving tribute to your sister Valerie. What a beautiful woman she was and such a heartwarming photo of her and her baby. Thank you so much for sharing this, Huge hugs for you!

  32. You really touched my heart with your beautiful art to honor your dear sister Valerie. She is lovely and precious.
    Too many people that I know in the silent land...hoping to meet them again some day.
    (((hugs))) to you from rainy Virginia
    thank you for your colorful photos too oxoxo


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