Sunday 20 December 2015

The shortest day and the longest night

Hi Everybody!

December 21st is a special day, as it's the winter solstice;
from tomorrow the days will start getting longer, something
I always look forward to.

For Art Journal Journey, collage, I have a hybrid collage, made using a painted and textured background with lots of gilding flakes, a shiny quote, a picture of a statue of Mary (thanks Wen!) and one of my photos of birds on a branch.I wanted this one to look sunny to compensate for the short  hours of sunshine and light  today. The quote is from Dylusions.

The photos were taken this morning before  sunrise, I love watching the new day dawning:

Have  a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love this fabulous light show! This really is a very clever way to combine all of those elements! Great photos again Valerie! I have been counting the days to the shortest day knowing that we will be on the way to lighter evenings after it! Hugs, Chrisx

  2. Oh my goidness! The gilding flakes are so amazeballs! What a gorgeous design and the quote is perfect. This is like a ray of sunshine, no a Burst of sunshine on a gloomy day. Awesome sauce! Hugz ~Niki

  3. I know that light and darkness have always been your favorite themes, and your presentation today is wonderful. I will ring you tomorrow when I get back. Hugs, Sarah

  4. when I first looked at the beautiful art piece I thought it was a chocolate toffee confection,, lol, that was before I read it,,
    I think its because so many people are posting candy recipes,
    its beautiful and the dawn photos are amazing!

  5. Ooh wie wunderschön deine seite ist,ich liibe sowas,das licht scheint für uns allen,eine wunderschöne seite,so himmlisch schön.
    tolle stimmungbilder hast du wider gemacht,das wo die zwei vögel sitzen ist mein favorit.
    Ich wünsch dir eine schöne woche,ist ja bald christmas time,ich freue mich schon.

    GLG Jenny

  6. Your photos are pretty amazing and loving your sentiment in this post :) Sorry I have not been around for a while. I have been working on my youtube channel producing videos. I wondered if you would mind doing me a favour. I wouldn't normally do this but it is a bit of a big deal that I am doing a collaboration with some big youtube artists. I will not directly post anything here that would be too cheeky but would you pop over to my blog and see my post about an art collaboration I am involved with and maybe if you enjoy it share it? talk about it? I would be very grateful :) I hope you are well. T x

  7. Valerie, This is truly magical.
    Sending wishes for the solstice when it arrives and for the season, may light shine on you.
    Lynne x

  8. What fantastic sky photos, really lovely indeed. And great piece of work. Happy holidays to you and warm greetings!

  9. Yes, it is a special day for another reason. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Valerie. You definitely shine today in my eyes. Your art today is gorgeous! Hope your day is as special as you are.


  10. Hi val hows it going love how your blog is looking i hope to create a new one as soon as life lets me happy christmas love alma xx

  11. Your Collage is certainly bright. Love it. Love your photos as always Valerie. It is nice to be up and running again with no problems.

    Wishing you a great Holiday season with Hugs and Blessings

  12. The gilding flakes add a special touch. Beautiful sunrise, I look forward to the days getting longer, thanks for the reminder Valerie!

  13. OMGosh. I completely forgot what day it was. I am so glad you reminded me it was the winter solstice. Is today your birthday? If so, why didn't you let anyone know? Happy birthday and happy winter solstice.

  14. A great day for a birthday with the promise of longer days and and looking forward to Spring. Your page is stunning with the brightness and beauty you have reflected.
    Wonderful photographs each one of them would make a book cover or background to be proud of.

    Happy Birthday Dearest Valerie

    Love and hugs Chrissie xx

  15. A gorgeous glittering collage and many happy returns Valerie, I hope you enjoy some birthday treats! I have to say the short dark winter days sometimes get me down so I'm glad we'll now be heading in the other direction, have a lovely day Valerie. Hugs. Xx

  16. Das sieht fantastisch aus mit diesem herrlichen Goldeffekt ! Grossartig!
    Und himmlische Aufnahmen vom Sonnenaufgang! Ich wünsche Dir einen super tollen Tag und freu mich mit Dir, dass die Tage wieder länger werden! Jawohl!

  17. Another wonderful collage Valerie and what a stunning Madonna picture! Beautiful photos too, the sky always seems to be so beautiful in Advent time. Happy solstice!!

    Sorry for the lack of visits at the moment, but I am in Australia right now spending time with my grandchildren and looking after them a lot, not much time to go on line.... Wishing you and yours the most wonderful Christmas!! xxxxx

  18. Ja, ich denke zur Zeit auch dauernd daran, dass die Tage endlich wieder länger werden - so viel Hoffnung! Einfach wunderbar deine Himmelfotos! LG Ulrike

  19. What a gorgeous piece. I love how you used the gilding flakes and the black branches.Such a stunning contrast.I know, glad the days are going to get a bit longer...I am ready for more light too. Beautiful sunlight. What are those lights on the horizon of your photos? Did you say you lived near the airport? Maybe that's what I am seeing. Hugs.

  20. Wow gorgeous artwork, I just love the textured gold it's amazing! Your photographs are also so beautiful. Thanks for the reminder that the days will start to get longer already ! I like the coziness of this time of year, but I also like sunshine and longer days. We still don't have any snow it's been milder over here than normal, which will make our winter shorter, I won't complain :) Have a wonderful Christmas and all the best in 2016, Shirleyxx

  21. Oh this piece glows with golden light that even shines through my computer screen.
    Thank you for spreading so much light with your creativity all year long liebe Valerie.
    Happy Solstice and turning of the wheel.

  22. A gorgeous page with a golden glow, that cheers the heart.
    Hope you are having a special day as well Valerie, Happy Birthday.
    hugs Yvonne xx

  23. Oh wow - soooooo beautiful Valerie.... just a breathtaking creation. Going back to look a while longer. j.

  24. Oh wow - soooooo beautiful Valerie.... just a breathtaking creation. Going back to look a while longer. j.

  25. This is one of my most favorite pages of all. ♥♥♥♥♥ So much golden energy :) Great sunrise photos. I've been sleeping through sunrise here lately :( But then I've been staying up much later.

  26. Hi Valerie, I must say, you truly shine my friend. Love this beautiful page and the golden tones. The quote is fantastic and inspiring. Lovely sky photos too.
    Wishing you a great week ahead up to the special day!. Merry Christmas! xo

  27. Just beautiful. Darkness has just fallen here. xox

  28. Nachträglich noch herzliche Glückwünsche zu deinem Geburtstag! Das goldene Bild sieht super aus und deine Fotos sind wie immer brilliant, Valerie. Ich freue mich auch, dass die Tage endlich wieder länger werden!

    Ich wünsche dir ein frohes und besinnliches Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr!

    ganz liebe Grüße

  29. Cool collage. I really like how your sentiment seems all lit up.
    (4 more sleeps)

  30. Wow Valerie what a fantastic post this is...I always love your photos but this selection of your sunrises are so very beautiful and tranquil.

    And another wow........WOW! your artwork is glorious, beautiful.....breath LOVE it!... Gill xx

  31. Beautiful shining golds!! Such a bright and inspiring post Valerie!!


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