Friday 11 December 2015

Saturday this and that

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - have a good one!

For 99 faces and Art Journal Journey, collage, I made a face and collaged the sentiment. I made a series of these monochrome, rather old-fashioned faces in various colours, this is the second one. I drew her with black ink and painted her with water-colours. The quote is from Marilyn Monroe.


The photos were taken yesterday when the sun was shining, and once again I saw lots of birds which caught my eye.

The cormorant was drying his wings, which always looks like he's greeting the sun - perhaps he is.

And the gulls have the last word again:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow, your lady is bright. Quite bold, too.

    I've never seen a cormorant and am not sure I've ever heard of them, either. This one is a real beauty and very proud of itself.

    What a fantastic final photo with all the birds facing away from you for the final word. Clever and funny. Have a super Saturday, dear Valerie.

    1. The cormorants are water birds, I love watching them.

  2. Lovely birds, the cormorant is so graceful. Great face and quote to go with it, they suit each other.

  3. I love the bold color! We went to the ocean on Wednesday and I counted 21 cormorants, six Pelicans and too many to count sea gulls! Looks like we both had good days!

  4. Love this face and the colour, and her beautiful and rather quizzical expression. Fantastic photos, too. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  5. Was für ein super Gesicht mit dem tollen Spruch und fabelhafte Naturaufnahmen .... hab grad beschlossen in werde in Zukunft die schönsten Deiner Aufnahmen in meinem Naturboard bei Pinterest sammeln..die sind so inspirierend und schön.. hatte mein board dort inzwischen komplett vernachlässigt- das muss sich ändern!

  6. What a terrific lady you created with the deco look about her. She will be great in all sorts of setting for sure.

    Stunning photographs of your 'posing' birds, Vic is always impressed with how you get them to stay in place while you click. He finds bird to photograph and by the time he clicks they have flown away lol

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. A wonderful face and a great quote.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. So true- so true!!
    Happy weekend to you dear Valerie! hugs

  9. She is funny and your quote is SO TRUE! Although probably most of us are a bit afraid of being ridiculous! Love the birds today too! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend Valerie! Hugs-Erika

  10. Beautiful piece, I love the Marilyn Monroe quote you used! You have so many wonderful birds in your area, what a treat! hugs :)

  11. Such a lovely face and a great quote Valerie. The gulls on a row are so fun, sitting there waiting for something to happen, have a lovely weekend sweetie.

    Love and hugs

  12. Great quote and very unique face.

  13. Thats a super Marilyn quote and it is a wonderful face, it looks like she sees life to the full.
    Fantastic photos again today.
    Yvonne xx

  14. Bold is beautiful and I love the Marilyn quote Glad to see Mr. Heron again and all of his feathered friends ♥

  15. Love the Marilyn Monroe quote and it is perfect with your art work. Lovely face and color. Great photos today as well. Enjoy the weekend, xo

  16. What a wonderful quote for your orange lady today which I almost missed. Your photos of the birds are exceptional. What color will our next face be painted?

  17. Aren't we all perfectly imperfect, except for those great birds in your photos. In my eye they are always perfect to view. xox

  18. Your orange lady is definitely not boring!!! And of course, I love her because she is orange!!! Never have a seen a totally orange lady but I rather enjoy her!! I could even live with her - is that madness or genius - heheheheh!!! Loved seeing the pictures of the big bird on the edge jumping off - well - technically flying off but hey - fun to see the progression!! j.

  19. Your orange lady is definitely not boring!!! And of course, I love her because she is orange!!! Never have a seen a totally orange lady but I rather enjoy her!! I could even live with her - is that madness or genius - heheheheh!!! Loved seeing the pictures of the big bird on the edge jumping off - well - technically flying off but hey - fun to see the progression!! j.

  20. I love how you have drawn your face today - a really outstanding look! Your photos are great today - loved the cormorant pics - we used to walk round a park lake at our old house and a cormorant used to sit on a log in the lake and strike a pose just like this! Chrisx


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