Saturday 26 December 2015

Saying thank you for friends.

Hi Everybody!

As I am sitting here writing the Christmas full moon is
shining down on me - beautiful!

For Art Journal Journey, collage, and for 99 faces I have another hybrid collage using one of my faces. The background was painted and glittered, and then stenciled with numerals. The pictures were mounted into the film strip, and then placed digitally onto the background. The little man is out of a set from June at Dezinaworld. I had fun fiddling with this one!

For my birthday last Monday and Christmas I received post from lots of lovely bloggers, and want to once again say a big thank you to all.

This was the wrapping paper of a large parcel which came from Chrissie:

And all these goodies were inside:

And these. Thanks Sweetie!

The tag on the left and the card in the middle came from Linda; the card on the right and the angel beneath it (so gorgeous) came from Chris, the card bottom left from Annette and right from Yvonne. One lovelier than the other, all just breathtaking. Thanks all you lovely ladies!

These presents and cards are from my lovely friend Carolyn. She knows that I like birds and coffee, I wonder how?! On the right is a beautiful pocket mirror she made for me, with a very encouraging text to go with it, and a book mark. Thanks Carolyn!

The fantastic cards on the left are from my dear Susi, and she sent a wonderful present which I am not showing you - that will give you something to wonder about! The beautiful card on the left is from Donna, and is one of her marvelous paintings. Thanks again!

And we are not finished yet -  lovely cards from Sheila, Barbara (top), and Sarah and Wolfgang (bottom). The Hebrew writing says 'mazel tov' - good luck.

And last but not least, all of these things came from Sue - beautiful sewn cards (she sews a lot neater than I do, that's for sure!), a stamp, a doily stencil, and a stamp and stencil set from Dylusions.  And the  embossed white leaves. Thanks again!

I took the photos here on Christmas day - daffodils almost ready to bloom, and other nonseasonal plants and flowers:

Have a great day you all. take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, great post today. Glad you got such lovely goodies for your birthday, enjoy them. Love the fun journal page, and the moon looks so fascinating. Hugs, Sarah

  2. A beautiful post of Mother Nature, art and friendship.
    Love the butterfly set onto the mouth of the face. Brilliant hybrid art.
    Stunning array of gifts from all your dear friends, you are much loved.
    Nature is definitely confused at the moment, with daffodils bursting forth!

  3. What a lovely Christmas moon! I love the butterfly on her lips. Such gorgeous photos and sweet cards too!

  4. such beautiful photos and beautiful art,,and gifts!!!!
    poor Mother Nature is confused!

  5. That's a fantastic collage. I would say it was quite fiddly the way you got the film strip in place.

    You certainly have some wonderful internet friends. I was delighted to see what beautiful cards, tags, and gifts you got. It shows what a wonderful friend you are. You certainly deserve the gifts, which I know you will put to good use.

  6. How much fun is that -- all the mail ... opening it, and realizing how many people love you. Nice! Love your post, as always. Beautiful flowers. hugs, Donna

  7. What a gorgeous moon! Lovely work today and so many wonderful cards and gifts!

  8. Beautiful pictures and gifts and Happy Belated Birthday my friend, wish I knew earlier. xx {aNNie}

  9. Gosh, Valerie, you are well looked after by your friends. What a great array of hand-made cards and well-chosen gifts.
    Thanks for the photo of the full moon, I looked last night and the night before but the sky was covered with rain clouds. It's stopped raining now!
    Absolutely fascinating dream-like collage with the purples, the numbers and the marvellous addition of the film strip, no idea how you did that.

  10. Lovely to see the moon as we still haven't been able to see it here because of all the cloud cover. Lovely to see the beautiful cards and gifts from your blogging friends.

    What amazing flower photographs your plants are way ahead of ours. I think ours have gone into hiding with all the rain.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. Eine wunderbare Seite Valerie und Deine Mond(süchtigen) Aufnahmen sind superb! Eine ganze Menge toller Grüße hast Du erhalten und super Schenklis! Freunde sind unersetzlich!
    Hab einen schönen (Weihnachts-Frühlings) Sonntag nach all den!

    1. Du sollst meine Geheimnisse nicht hier preisgeben!

  12. Deine Kollage ist wunderschön! Tolle Farben und Komposition! Auch möchte ich dir nachträglich noch zum Geburtstag gratulieren, liebe Valerie! Wie schön, dass du auch ein Dezemberkind bist!
    Tolle Geschenke und Karten ... es gibt doch wunderbare Freundschaften im Blogland!!
    Einen schönen Sonntag für dich!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  13. Belated warm Birthday wishes Valerie! Fabulous art work and lovely photos of the moon. The weather is behaving strange this winter, it has been very mild, but today we had a sprinkling of frost, it's comforting :)

    Love and hugs

  14. Goodness what a lot in your post today Valerie.
    Wonderful photos and artwork as always -
    and what a beautiful selection of lovely cards and handmade/other gifts.
    Have a lovely day....... Gill xx

  15. What a wonderful dream collage you created Valerie!
    Your mailbox was full to the brim with art and good wishes all so lovely and special.
    We saw a flowering plum tree in full bloom yesterday...El Nino is confusing everything it seems.

  16. This collage is very beautiful, Valerie! Love the face, colours and all the images.
    Fabulous cards and gifts you received!
    Hugs, Mar

  17. Wow- Santa (in the form of lovely friends) have really been good to you this year! There is some gorgeous pieces there! I didn't know your birthday was right before Christmas. A very belated Happy Birthday. And I agree, the Christmas moon was fabulous too! We are having that same very warm weather. I haven't dug under the leaves to check and see if any bulbs are coming up but how sad if this messes them up for spring. Beautiful piece today and hope its been a fantastic holiday weekend. Hugs!

  18. How Lovely! I am so glad that you were treated as royally as you certainly deserve to be.

    Fun collage too and I love the photos of that beautiful moon.

    Hugs from Canada,

  19. I have been having a lovely catch up tonight, reading your posts that I have misses. As always I love your fabulous art pages.
    The photos of the moon are stunning, but the fun one of the birds in their festive head wear had me laughing at them out loud.
    Yvonne xx

  20. Ahhh - this was so much fun seeing all the beautiful things you received from such loving friend Valerie. Makes me so happy to see how well you are loved - YEAH!!! Hope you saw the poem I wrote for you on your birthday because you are very special to so many of us! What a cheery post with the lovely unseasonal "winter" flowers! j.

    1. Yes, of course I did, and it moved me to tears. Thank you!

  21. You certainly received a fantastic assortment of gifts! Our plants here are very confused too :( Right now we are getting torrential rains with lots of roads closed due to flooding. A good day to stay home and read. :)

  22. Great post once again! Love the collage and it's great to see your Christmas mail! As for the plants -we have confused plants here too! Chrisx

  23. And to think we both saw the same moon Donna but in different parts of the world. Art and I went for a walk on the beach to see the moon come up on Christmas day night!!
    I am always amazed by your art work but I think you know I love your pictures most of all. It is the ability to see the world through your eyes.
    Have a wonderful 2016!!!!
    sandy xx

  24. Such wonderful gifts! I love the felted looking tag!! too cute!
    Wow, our weather is so similar! Our trees are also popping as well as my daffodils out front "( I do hope they make it through what is to come!


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