Sunday 25 October 2015

Stone on stone

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well!

For Art Journal Journey, architecture, I have a new A3 page using one of my photos of the castle ruins here as the background. The 'additions' were made digitally, and are from Itkupilli and unknown.

Here the original window photo:

Many of the stones on the shore are from the castle, and have been there since it was bombarded by canon balls in the 18th century.

Some people have been having fun building cairns out of the stones, and I love them- I hope nobody destroys them. They look so archaic.

The textures of some of the stones are also wonderful.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I like those cairns too. They are very archaic- I agree. And your piece is really interesting today. I love how you played with some fantasy and made the whole thing seem very arty! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  2. Another fun piece for AJJ! Beautiful stones in your photos.

  3. schöne seite wieder heute und tolle bilder,die steintürme sind ja klasse.
    du hast das tor zum wasser wunderbar in szene gebracht.
    #einen schönen sonntag heute.

    hugs jenny

  4. Great journal page and love the cairns, they are fascinating. Like how you carried your theme through the whole post. Hugs, Sarah

  5. It was not just wonderful that you created this fantasy page in your journal that used the photo you took of the castle ruins, but you also returned us to the place where you took that photo. Then the photos from today fit so perfectly, showing the original castle stones and the wonderful cairns that others have created from those stones. Absolute beauty and magic in both your art and photos.

  6. What fun! Your bird is spectacular and the use of photos of the castle brilliant. Just want to step right inside and have a chat with that bird -- looks very intelligent. I wonder how old those building stones are. I wonder who carved them our of the bare rock. I wonder how many hands it took and how much time was spent. I wonder what the tools looked like. Beautiful post, Valerie. hugs, Donna

  7. Die Seite ist toll Valerie! Super gemacht mit Deinem eigenen Foto und die Steine sind so schön ..auch die Türmchen .... hab einen schönen Sonntag Liebes!

  8. Amazing page you created with your photograph Valerie. I found the bird lady a bit scary but it did draw my attention to the piece so that is what art is about.

    Love the photographs and the pile of stones is amazing it is so great when people do some Nature Art I think.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. Oh my, there's an ogre's face in that first stony pic. Your bird man is rather strange but I like him. Enjoy your Sunday, we've had our first frost this morning! Xx

    1. Yes, it does look like that doesn't it, I always see faces in the trees, too!

  10. An amazing page and fabulous photos, have a lovely Sunday.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. Was für eine schöne und fantasievolle Kollage! Klasse!
    Einen schönen Sonntag für dich, liebe Valerie!
    Gruß, Annette

  12. You are really excelling yourself (if that is possible) with this theme. It's so clever how you have used the castle photograph and made it into a painting with the hot-air balloon hovering at just the right height and the bird-person suavely sitting by his/her castle.
    Love your photographs of the stones too, stones are wonderful, I've never seen a bad stone.

  13. Your castle piece really made me smile! So creative!!! I agree it is fun to see the stone sculptures which many years from now other will see and wonder how/why they came to be created. Hope you had a lovely weekend!

  14. Interesting work done for the page, very detailed too. Splendid photos as always, greetings!

  15. Love the art today!!!! Interesting photos of the rocks and cairns are wonderful ♥♥♥♥ There is a certain and fulfilling joy that comes from stacking rocks. I too hope they are not destroyed.

  16. Hi Valerie, Love your art page. Your details are always so creative. Great photos too and I love seeing the rocks stacked up. Have a nice week ahead. cm

  17. Love the way you've created your page from the picture, the bird person really draws you into the mystical scene.
    The cairns look very interesting, I always wonder who built them and was it just for fun?
    Avril xx

  18. This is brilliant Valerie, I love your bird and the texture of your canvas. Have a fun week xx

  19. A fantastic way to use one of your super photos. Love the bird figure, looking very coy and relaxed.
    Yvonne xx

  20. This is special, the way you incorporated one of your own photographs.
    Let's hope the cairn stays intact. They are lovely to view whether new or centuries old.

  21. The bird head is outstanding, so is the rock architecture. xox

  22. I think it is so cool how you turn photographs into art pieces. I had to grin at your strange bird person. You are quirky and I love it.

  23. Klasse Collage mit dem Goethe-Vogel!

  24. What you created is all around wonderful Valerie!
    That phrase is a favorite AND
    I am such a stone fancier in every form and fashion.
    Our son lives out west in the mountains of Colorado and has built some great cairns.
    I have seen some photos of ledges he has climbed out onto and was happy I was not there in person OY too scary for me. ;-)
    These you are sharing with us are really super and in such a great setting.

  25. Fabulous job of making that old stone "window" into a beautiful castle home for your lovely creature. This is amazing Valerie. Your imagination must blows me away - to a nice place - all the time!!! j.

  26. Fantastic surreal digital piece - brilliant! love all your stones too -the last photo especially, would be great to use as a digital overlay.... Gill xx

  27. I love the way you have used the photo to make the background for the brilliant images! It's great to see that there are stone from the castle still around! We have visited several old buildings in the UK that have very few loose stones around as local farmers and villagers used to take stones to build their own homes!Chrisx

    1. There are castle stones in many of the houses round about, for years it was used as a sort of quarry! But I am happy that some are still here!

  28. "My home is my castle." How true, how true. I had to chuckle with the occupant you used for your page. He fits perfectly in your photo. The stones and large rocks are very interesting in your photos for the stone challenge. You think through each challenge and make them very special with your photos. thank you!


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