Saturday 3 October 2015

A building, a cat and this and that

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy it!

For Art Journal Journey, architecture, I have another A3 mixed media collage page. The photo is in the middle is from a house with a workshop somewhere in London. I painted the edges using my large and scratchy brush - which gives such a nice texture - using matching colours. I gave the photo a coat of mod podge mixed with some very diluted colours.
The quote is from Julia Norman.

Today we had another beautiful golden October day.

The moon at midday

My shadow accompanied me again and had its head in the river.

Love this little still life which is exactly as a I found it:

I was so intent on watching the seagull that I stepped into the water and got wet feet:

The bottle top art work has changed in the past 2 days - can you spot the differences?

The crows have found themselves a wonderful vantage point on top of the spire:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Am I really the first person to leave a comment!!!!! This has to be a miracle - I think it is a miracle!!
    You are rather tall!
    Love the pictures!
    Interesting journal page!!!
    Sandy xx

    1. Definitely a miracle, good to see you at the top of the list!

  2. Wonderful page today, love that house, so typical London backstreet - gorgeous. Fantastic photos, too. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  3. EIne fablehafte Seite .. die Stimmung mit den Farben ist super und der Spruch passt toll.
    Extra schöne und künstlerische Aufnahmen hast Du gestern da ist es kein Wunder, wenn
    Du vor lauter Fotofokus mal aus Versehen ins Wasser getappt bist!
    Einen schönen Samsatg Liebes!

  4. wow,deine seite sieht fabelhaft aus und ein toller spruch.
    schöne aufnahmen hast du gemacht,die bottlecaps hätte ich zu gern.
    schönen samstag dir heute.

    hugs jenny

  5. Oh Valerie! Where to begin with a comment on this fabulous post? Having seen the brilliant photos last they are in my mind, but then I would not be giving your fabulous page with the toning brushstrokes around the little workshop it's rightful top billing! I am out today with friends at a stamping show and seeing this has added to my good mood! Hugs, Chrisx

  6. Beautiful photographs and the one with the bottles made me smile. I took a pic of the same moon as well-makes us seem closer :)

    Such a wonderful page with the great workshop. I love the quote you added to your page.

    Have a great weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. What lovely pics Valerie but you'll need to start wearing your wellies if you're going wading in the river! Have a good day. Xx

  8. Wunderschöne und sehr stimmungsvolle Seite! Und einfach herrliche Fotos sind das! Mir gefällt ganz besonders das Foto mit der Feder ... toll fotografiert!
    Ein schönes, soniges Wochenende für dich, liebe Valerie!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  9. Valerie, what exciting blogs you have. If you don't mind, I shall become a follower.

    Thanks for the visit to mine via the excellent 'Spittlegate'

    I lived in Cologne in the early 1960's and Mönchengladbach in the late 1970's

  10. Somehow it doesn't quite feel like the weekend, but that photo you added to your journal page is wonderful. Bleubeard would certainly approve if he was awake. He's the art critic of the group, and would definitely find humor in Skol, vacancies, and the scruffy brush you used to create the texture and the brush effects.

    I looked and looked and scrolled and scrolled, but other than the added beer bottles and caps, I don't see any new bottle caps attached to the tree. I see you kept your feet out of the photo, too, but that may have been because they were wet (grin). Hope your weekend is going well.

  11. Great architectural page! Those red bottles are new in the bottle cap art I think. Enjoyed your photos today with the October skies.

  12. Nice page. I love the photo and the way your blended it in with the background. Did you take it? Nice photos too, especially like the sun through the leaves! You did have a beautiful day!

  13. Another lovely post with lots of eye candy ♥ I've been absent all week due to work being done on the house and everything all disconnected and shoved in other areas. The work for this year is done and things are making their way back to their proper places so I should be around more soon :) I've been missing everyone ♥

  14. I really like that photo alot - so intersting but I don't think I could take one of the vacancies!!!! Love the way you blended it in to the page Valerie. Neat piece. No - I can't figure how the bottle caps have changed - unless it's the bottles - eheheheh! Wonder if you need to be drinking to do bottle cap art !!!?? Love that feather picture - that is incredible. Really fabulous. And dear me - you got your shadow head and your real feet in the water.... bottoms up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! j.

    1. Well, I think the people who sit there in the evening probably drink to keep warm! But I like watching the progress of the bottle top story!

  15. Such an interesting photograph from London, making the page so unique. And Yes, I do think buildings speak for themselves. Enjoying watching the progress of the bottle top work - someone is having fun. I think your shadow is very brave to put her head that far into the water! Nice photos, Valerie. Hope you are having a wonderful day. hugs, Donna

  16. yes, the crows have a wonderful view
    looks like you have beautiful rocks on the beach, i might look down more than up.
    and a lovely moon. so much beauty.
    the cat in the art is an eye catcher.

  17. I love your photography! The shadow figure is terrific.

  18. What wonderful art and such gorgeous photographs, I love the light shining through the leaves...

  19. Beautiful photos, beautiful moon!

  20. Super words on todays fantastic page, love the photos and the shadows.
    Yvonne xx

  21. It is late, Valerie. I had trouble with bloglovin this morning. The program wouldn't load so I saved this treat until now. Love the page you created with the London scene and I am fond of cats so that was a fun addition. I also liked the scratched wood effect around the edges. You are way too clever when it comes to painting. It appears locals finished off a few beers last night near the river. Sorry you got your feet wet just for our benefit and the shadow photos are always fun to view. Hope your weekend is going well.
    Hugs for you,

  22. Such a true statement on architecture Valerie!! The cat makes this picture just purrfect! xo

  23. Cool artwork today with a fabulous quote!
    My favourite photo today, I looked at for ages - was the one with your shadow on the stones.
    It was like seeing faces and picture in clouds, but I was seeing them in the shadows and stones. Just above the large stone toward bottom of photo, I could see a crab/lobster looking monster :)
    .......... Gill x

    1. Perhaps it was the monster that made me tread in the water!

  24. Superb photo of the shop entrance with the adverts and the star of the show, the cool cat. That's very effective how you have painted a frame.
    What a marvellous still life photo, it may have been already there but it was your eyes that caught and framed it.

  25. Wow, diese Seite sieht superstark aus! Du hast das Foto mit deiner Übermalung noch viel schöner werden lassen. Ich mag auch die Farbgebung sehr!
    ... und welch intensive Farben auf den Fotos, ein Augenschmaus!
    Auch dein Portrait von heute ist klasse - Häuser als Augenbrauen!
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike, die eben Cranach persönlich begegnen durfte

  26. That building sure does. Saw the kitty hidden there. Bottle cap love!!! xox

  27. Beautiful architectural creation! Great pictures and a fun bottle cap creation in progress!
    Groetjes karin x

  28. Beautiful architectural creation! Great pictures and a fun bottle cap creation in progress!
    Groetjes karin x


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