Sunday 18 October 2015

Sunday this and that

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, architecture, I made an A3 mixed media page which reminds us of the problems in many large cities today - tenants are evicted,  and houses are left to decay, so they can be pulled down and replaced with luxury buildings of flats or offices, and the local people, who can't afford to buy or rent, are driven out of areas which have been their homes for generations. The picture shows typical houses, probably in London, which are waiting for 're-development'. 
I overlaid the photo with a  stencil ( called 'fallen angel'

Today was once again wet and cold. I risked a walk along the Rhine, well wrapped up. Some of the trees, like here on the avenue behind the castle, still have a lot of green leaves, others look more colourful.

The new railing along the Rhine is still being worked on, but one part is finished:

The benches are not yet back in place, and the railings are so high
that nobody can fall in the river - not that anybody ever did.

And a few yards further the railings come to an end, so anyone who wants to fall in just has  a short way to walk:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Sad architectural art today. How quickly it has become cold, nice photos anyway.

  2. Interesting piece today. I love how you made a page about "architectural" problems. Redevelopment is one of those things that always looks so pretty to the unknown people but it is so hard for those people that get removed. It is such a two edged sword, isn't it? Hope the weekend is going well. :)

  3. A most disturbing post today ... unfortunately true. Enjoyed our walk - even though it was chilly and wet. Lucky I had a lovely warm scarf around my neck. :o) hugs, Donna

  4. Some of your trees (the ones on the path near the castle look like mine, but I see many of yours are really turning. It's still nicely warm here, so I would have joined you, but not have bundled up. I much prefer the cold to the heat, so my time of year is approaching.

    I have read a great deal about the practice of gentrification which is occurring in areas where people of affluence can buy the properties. It happens more often than many of us care to believe, I'm sure. Your art was quite poignant today, and very timely.

  5. Great page, I know the problems, and it is really bad in some areas of London just now. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  6. Einen traurigen Aspekt hast Du heute aufgegriffen...ja so ist das ...sehr traurig - Deine Seite ist wunderschön gestaltet! Feine Bilder... na diese Geländer haben sicher ne Menge gekostet...
    so werden Aufträge vergeben...
    Sei mir lieb gegrüßt und hab einen schönen, geruhsamen Sonntag Liebes!

  7. Wonderful atmospheric walk along the Rhine Valerie--such a lot of changes and maybe not for the better eh?

    Love the artwork and I shed a tear at the story behind it. When we visited my aunt a couple of weeks ago all the houses to the left of hers had been pulled down as they were thought to be too old. They weren't they were beautiful old cottages and with the building skills of today they could have been revamped and made into family homes.They are now a grassed area!!

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Hier passt der Fallen Angel wirklich großartig. Sehr spannende Seite heute, toll gearbeitet!
    .... ja, jetzt erst werden die Blätter so richtig bunt nach dem Frost, jetzt fehlt nur noch der Wind, der sie fliegen lässt. Schönen Sonntag von Ulrike

  9. Good Morning Valerie. Is there no end to your talent. These pages are magnificent and the colours are fabulous. Love your pictures and the stories about each one. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  10. A fantastic atmospheric page Valerie. Many town have areas of housing like this, such a waste. Loved your photos , the colour differences of the leaves at this time of year is spectacular.
    Yvonne xx

  11. A powerful piece of thought provoking artwork today - I love how you have created this.
    Love all your photos but especially the first one with the light coming through the trees.
    Looks a lovely place to go walking (and it always looks litter-free not like here)
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend Valerie
    Gill xx

    1. There is sometimes litter, but I try not to take photos of it!

  12. Gorgeous art work and photos, Valerie, architecture is really important for our wellbeing. And quite interesting. Hope you're enjoying a relaxing weekend.

    Love and hugs

  13. Hi Valerie, a sad message in your fantastic page. The photos are gorgeous. Take care, Shirleyxx

  14. Awesome journal page, Valerie and in remembrance of such a sad situation in cities these days. Love the autumn colours and your stunning photos as always.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  15. Ein ernstes Thema sprichst du heute an und deine Journalseite mit dem gefallenen Engel passt so gut!
    Wunderbares und sehr ausdrucksstarkes Werk!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  16. This may be the most moving mixed media you've done so far. It tugs at the heart.
    I believe my favorite photograph is the second. I like the contrast of the bricks and the leaves.

  17. Beautiful page with a powerful message.

  18. We have had an example of this on our doorstep - we used to look out onto a burnt out inn, a wreck of an aquatic centre and a lot of rubbish - the inn is now "luxury" townhouses and the rest of the area contains houses and apartments! I love your page! Your comment about the railing made me smile! Chrisx

  19. Your photos have unusual and interesting angles today, seems like you have taken some scenes we "know" and love in a different way? You have such lovely walks from the first, through the houses, then to the river walk along the Rhine.
    Your painting is so powerful, it's wonderful art.

  20. Valerie, I applaud you for tackling such a topic. This also happens in Scotland, to a lesser degree but certainly, in the preparations for Glasgow hosting the Commonwealth Games, high rise flats were torn down, people's homes which although some decree an eyesore, the tenants themselves loved their homes.
    Brilliant art!
    Imagine finding a dead bat.

    1. They did the same in London for the Olympics!

  21. Warm wishes and thanks for your sharing of art and photos

    Much love...

  22. Your art was very touching today... a subject that gets under my skin often . You covered well and with beauty. Glad your feeling well enough to get out and about even on colder days. I'm still stuck at home .

  23. So true and neighborhoods get run down. Urban renewal doesn't always seem to work though, but much better than building more condos. xox

  24. Your post today hit close to home. In Boise, ID, an apartment building with many refugee families was sold and the renters were given 30 days to move out. Fortunately our city is very caring and many helped locate new apartments and places for the renters to move into, even students helped with moving. More wonderful photos today. Thanks and do stay warm and dry.


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