Friday 25 September 2015

Woman at the window

Hi Everybody!

Another week has flown by, and it's Friday again.

I have another journal page to share, and am linking it to Art Journal Journey, through my window and to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin. Next week we will be starting a new challenge at AJJ, but you still have a few days to join in with Corrine's lovely theme.

I made an A3  mixed media page. The background was gessoed and then painted with layers of various blues and turquoise shades. I left the space for the window white, and then painted over it with yellow to give the impression  of a lighted room. The figures were made with Dina Wakley's stencil. I drew the fence and coloured it with some white pastel chalk to make it a bit blurry and  indistinct. Then I collaged the moon and added the verse and that was it.

For 49 Faces and for Kim Dellow's Friday Face fun I have another journal page.
I made this one some time back for another challenge and never got round to posting it, so here it is, half feminine and half masculine.

A little colour change:

The hawk is back again - haven't seen him for months.

The horses are mostly well wrapped up:

The seagulls seem to enjoy it being cold and wet:

Mushrooms and toadstools are sprouting everywhere:

The wild geese flew over the house this morning, making an enormous noise, as always:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your page is dreamy even romantic to me. And that is a very creative face. I enjoyed today's fall photos. Happy PPF!

  2. Love your dreamy work today, reminds me of a dream I had some time back. The double face is great, too, as are the photos. Enjoy your Friday! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Hi Valerie I really like this window painting! There is something mysterious about it. The female/male is fabulous too. Your photos are really showing the fall season. Glad the hawk is back.

  4. Valerie I love this page. It seems romantic until you read the "spooky" verse! Loving all your photos as usual. interesting question? I once drew a face and I couldn't decide if it was male or female, just seemed neutral. Have a great weekend.

  5. Beautiful and thought provoking work this week. I love the mystery of the man outside the window in the moonlight. M.x

  6. Val you never cease to amaze me with your unique talent and style. I love it to the moon and back and beyond. The window is just so dramatic. Some lady I know need to shave off her mustache HaHa..just kidding...that's a clever piece. Sending Hugs

  7. Die erste seite ist einfach schön und mystisch,bin beindruckt,und das fraumanngesicht ist witzig.
    tolle pilzbilder hast du gemacht,ich wollte welche sammeln gehen wenn das wetter danach ist,yummy.pilzpfanne mit schnitzel.
    schönen tag dir.

    hugs jenny

  8. Creative, little scaring drawings.
    Thanks for sharing the great photos.
    Happy PPF ♥

  9. Love the silhouette ! Happy PPF

  10. Beautiful pages, I especially like your window page, with all the light and shadow and silhouettes.

  11. Die Fensterseite beeindruckt mit ihren Farben und der Gestaltung ja schon aber Dein zweigeschlechtliches Gesicht ist genial!
    So viel Herbst heute auf den Fotos... nun ja ist da..was soll's?
    Der Habicht ist beeindruckend!
    Hab einen guten Freitag Liebes!

  12. Fabulous your night time quote and all the cool rich colour and cool.... great face and I love your stunning hawk! Thanks for sharing!!

    Hugs Giggles

  13. I love this journal page - that night sky is fab! I love seeing the hawks and buzzards flying around up were we live - great shot you got of this one.

  14. Full moon, the big red one, is next week. I believe Monday will be as magical as your painting is!

  15. Good morning - what a fabulous face at the window. You always capture a night scene beautifully - and David Bowie's 'The man who fell to earth' sprang to mind.
    Fabulous post and photos.
    Monday is suppose to be a blood moon and total lunar eclipse... hope its a clear night to see it.
    Have a lovely day.......... Gill x

    1. Yes, I remember that film and you are right - that cold be my falling man!

  16. So is that the man she is in love with floating outside of her window? Is she dreaming she sees him? Nice piece today. Very unique. And I love the hawk photo! Actually, you have lots of nice bird photos today. :)

  17. ha, genau der kam mir auch in den sinn!! ein fantastisches Journal blatt hast du wieder geschaffen.

  18. oh, ich dachte ich hätte das "reply" unter gibby´s post angekickt... sonst fehlt ja der bezug;)

    1. Ich hab es verstanden. Und gill hat Recht, nicht?

  19. the blues and greens in that background are really something... they really drew my eye into the picture...xx

  20. I had to come back and thank you Valerie for the lovely comments and say I have now linked face to Kim Dellow -thanks for that too. xxx

    1. Valerie you are a superstar! I'm so glad you introduced Gill to our Show Your Face community, thank you! It is great to have you on board Gill. Kx

  21. Love all your post, some wonderful inspiration. Love your face very thought provoking. And the Autumn pickys were beautiful. hugs Debs xx

  22. That first one is so beautiful. So much depth in it and I love the text. Thanks for sharing!

  23. A wonderful selection today Valerie, fantastic one with the silhouettes and the dark moody sky.
    Yvonne xx

  24. Beautiful and delightful the colours and photos.
    Enjoy your weekend.x
     {The Journey Is The Start  aNNie  my personal blog}

  25. There's been a lot of hype in the past week or so about the new Peter Pan movie, so when I saw the man flying around the window, that story immediately came to mind. I really enjoyed the way the background is so much darker than the light in the window. That was very well done.

    Those geese make the loudest noise when they fly over. They haven't flown over my house yet, but they will soon. When they do, it will be obvious and NOISY, just like where you live.

  26. Wonderful page! The background and fence detail are gorgeous!

  27. Your page today is exceptional. The color contrasts are fantastic. How often have we all stood at a window to see the full moon? It is definitely fall as the leaves are adding reds and oranges. I enjoyed your photos and the horses are well covered to protect their beautiful hides. Evidently the hawk is back looking for food as the foliage dries so he can see the mice and other creatures.

  28. Beautiful photography! I like the male-female hybrid! Very interesting face. The light of the window is spectacular against the dark of night.

  29. Das Mondbild ist großartig, eine richtig gute Szene!
    Hast du auch schon gehört, dass von Sonntag auf Montag ganz frühmorgens ein Blutmond zu sehen sein soll - der letzte ist 30 Jahre her! Habe sofort an dich gedacht, weil du ja immer so früh schon wach bist. Aber vielleicht stelle ich mir für dieses Ereignis mal den Wecker. Es so um 4:20Uhr beginnen und 90 Min. dauern.
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

    1. Ja, es steht schon in meinem Kalendar, ich hoffe bloss dass es schön klar wird.

  30. That moon is beautiful!! Also love the transparent look of your fence.

  31. I just love that journal page, Valerie! It seems we've both been thinking about the moon and the shadows this week in very different ways! I love your art. :)

  32. lot of questions to be answered this week; enjoyed the teases in your art and photos
    Happy PPF; thanks for dropping by to view mine

    much love...

  33. Enjoyed your masculine/feminine piece. And the journal page is gorgeous. The yellow is perfect to show a lighted room. And as always, your photos are beautiful. Wonder where Mr. Hawk has been all this time.

  34. Your window art is utterly magical, love the fence and trees and the way you have used paint to give the night-time colours. Great poem too.

  35. Love the whimsy of the journal page ♥ and the face is great too. Lovely photos much seasonal feel to them all. I'm not sure I"m ready for cool weather yet but I suppose I will have to be .

  36. Hi Valerie, Your window art is awesome. Love the face too. Beautiful pics and the hawk is a grand bird.
    Have a nice weekend. Hugs, cm

  37. Wow - I love the golden glow from the window against the night sky, and your multi-gendered face is wonderful!
    Alison xx

  38. Thanks for sharing so many wonderful images!

  39. Love the journal page!! I think it has has a kind of golden glowing with a wee bit of "spookiness" thrown in. And love your photos as always.

  40. I love the woman t the window. Beautiful picture of the hawk.

  41. Cool art pages and gorgeous photos. Thanks for sharing your inspiring creativity.

  42. Lovely page and inspiring photos Valerie!

  43. Really love how you did the silhouette in the window, Valerie. I also like the color the eyes on your face and black "spatter" is perfect! How did you do that exactly? It is nearly perfect in its evenness and yet it is so delicate...

    We have red tail hawks here year round. I often see them sitting atop the electric line support poles while driving on my way into work in the mornings. In fact, I see them at all different times of the day in various places as I drive into and out of work. I live in a fairly rural area and thus they have the perfect habitat to hunt and flourish.

    I, too, really like the mushrooms, too, I must confess! :-)

    1. Oh, it's okay to like the mushrooms, I love'em too! I used a fine but stiff bristle brush dipped in diluted black to make the splatters. You need to practise on a bit of spare paper to see how near/far to the paper you need to be, and just used my finger to splatter the paint. Messy but fun!

  44. I love how crisp and clean the outline of the person and fence on the first piece. Not sure how you did it but looks cool.

  45. Gorgeous ! Love love the deep darks and that bright yellow moon shining in! And you cute little poem - I love!!
    Great masculine/feminine as well!!
    hugs and happy weekend Valerie!

  46. The window page, and sentiment, make me think of the cover of a really good mystery book....WELL DONE.
    Super masculine/feminine face, then changing the color (Photo Shop?) was clever too.
    Absolutely loved all the fall photos, the hawk is awesome.

  47. Totally love this! Somehow I think we all have a bit of both. From a very young age I have said that I should have been a man - eheheheh. I work like a man, have short hair, not into jewelry etc but... of course, I'm glad to be a woman! But I like this painting alot. AND... the window one... heheheheh - reminds me of my hubby coming to my 3rd floor dorm window 40+ years ago and trying to get things to me. He would climb up a ways and throw me notes, flowers, treats etc!!! He looked very much like your painting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both of your creations today were so fun for me Valerie. Hugs. j.

  48. Totally love this! Somehow I think we all have a bit of both. From a very young age I have said that I should have been a man - eheheheh. I work like a man, have short hair, not into jewelry etc but... of course, I'm glad to be a woman! But I like this painting alot. AND... the window one... heheheheh - reminds me of my hubby coming to my 3rd floor dorm window 40+ years ago and trying to get things to me. He would climb up a ways and throw me notes, flowers, treats etc!!! He looked very much like your painting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both of your creations today were so fun for me Valerie. Hugs. j.

  49. I don't know - who is watching in your window at night Valerie! Your window scene made me think of the song - "FLY ME TO THE MOON".
    Good fathers, I had to scroll down for three days to leave my comment!!!
    Sandy xx

    1. Only the man in the moon! Your funny comments always crack me up!

  50. Your painting is so VERY appropriate for Halloween! Brrrr! lol I adore your artwork, and that face is quite droll. :D

  51. Love your painting today Val, such intense colours yet with such a light touch - how do you DO that !!! xx

  52. Great painting! Mysterious and a bit spooky. The falling man reminded me of the Vertigo (movie) poster.

    Love the photos, esp. the gulls.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for the lovely comments.

  53. Fabulous work as always Valerie. I love the moon-lite scene and amazing face too! Thanks for joining in Show Your Face and for the shout out too. Kx

  54. Eclipse of the moon tonight. Hopefully I can see some of it. No clouds to speak of. Nice page. I think a cat was watching us last night and caught a mouse right outside our window. Heard the shriek. Beautiful photo of the hawk. xox

  55. Ha! just I mentioned hearing the geese I see that you have too!! I love your face - made me smile! I love your figure at the window with the mysterious figure outside! We had a Sparrowhawk land on our bird table the other day but didn't stay long enough for a photo! Chrisx

  56. Amazing and interesting art. The gender face gives me thought. The pictures are wonderful. It's 98 degrees today here (So. FL). So, fall appear to be a long way off for us. Blessings, Janet PPF


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