Friday 4 September 2015

Through the window

Hi Everybody!

Another week has sped by, and once again it's Friday.
Thanks to all who asked about my dental treatment - it went well and my mouth is feeling almost normal again!

For Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey, through my window,
I have another journal page.

This time I was inspired by Mark Chagall's wonderful painting,
'Paris through the Window' from 1913.
I decided to try to copy his painting, and it was more difficult than I thought, but in the end I had my A3 page finished.

I started off with this background, drew in the window, Eiffel Tower, cat, chair and the two faced man, blocked them in with white, and just worked on it from there. I had some frustrating moments in between, but am quite  pleased with the final results.

After painting in all the details, I made a thinned down colour wash with DecoArts transparent yellow iron oxide, which gave the colours more depth. I added the fine details with fine liners.

And some views through the window to the windows of  my world:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love Marc Chagall, and I think you did him proud!. I am not familiar with this painting of his so thanks for introducing me to it. And loving these window photos you have been showing us! Happy PPF and enjoy the rest of your day!

  2. Wonderful Chagall inspired page. I love windows, thanks for the beautiful photos. Glad you are feeling better from the dental work! Happy PPF.

  3. This is truly wonderful. A great tribute to Chagall.

  4. What a fantastic painting, love how you have made it. Wonderful photos, too. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Sarah

  5. Great post today! I am loving your world both by your creation and Gods'!

  6. Wow, very surrealistic painting, and the contrast with the old buildings, I like it!
    Do they say what those sticks are in the white building with the round window? Looks like some type of holders?

    1. They are pieces of iron which were inserted to support the brickwork and be decorative at the same time, it's a very old building, and this one often done back then.

  7. Valerie, this is beautiful. Your colors almost glow with brilliance.

  8. Beautiful work. Love all the photos too. I love doorway and window images. Happy PPF

  9. You did a great job here! I think that copying an artwork form an old master is a very useful exercise. I like the bright colours and how you made them glow.

  10. I'm not familiar with the original painting but I love the colours and composition of this - so much to look at!

  11. Wonderful painting with wonderful happenings.
    Happy PPF,
    hugs xx

  12. Grossartig gemacht, ich freue mich auch Schritt Fotos zu sehen - super!
    Deine schönen Fensterfotos sind toll !
    Hab einen guten Freitag liebe Valerie
    Happy PPF / AJJ !

  13. Fantastic painting Valerie with lots of interest. Can't have been an easy make at all but you managed to do it as always.

    Love the wonderful windows you found to show us and the hollyhocks are a trip down memory lane for me as my dad loved to grow those.

    Hope your mouth is still ok--you are so brave I am sure you will soldier on anyway.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. Hollyhocks were a part of my childhood, too, and I still love them!

  14. What wonderful photos you are sharing today. I just love the old building with all the iron supports. Just Fabulous art you have done.
    Happy PPF
    Sandy :)

  15. I am sitting here smiling after looking at your post! I love your take on the Chagall! Those fabulous windows too .......and the hollyhocks (along with delphiniums ) remind me of my Dad! Chrisx

  16. Chagall is one of my favs and I really am so impressed by your work :) Happy PPF!

  17. This is spectacular and I can imagine it must have been great fun (although difficult) to paint. There's so much to look at, the flowery chair, the coloured window frame itself, the Eiffel tower itself and everything else. Top marks today, Valerie.
    Your photos are wonderful too, I especially like the two of the house down the lane at the end and the shop window display.

    1. Yes, that little house is gorgeous, I always have to look at it!

  18. This is amazing Valerie, love everything about it - if it were mine I'd have to frame it.
    xxx Hazel.

  19. Ein sehr großartiges Bild von dir wieder heute, mit so vielen spannenden Details, wirklich gelungen!
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  20. Oh, this is definitely the most expressive work by you I've ever seen, awesome!!

  21. Beautiful, delicious windows, I like your painting, very interesting the first phase.
    Limbo Delirium
    Black & White Abstract

  22. Hi Valerie, tried to link via my phone but it hasn't. .when I tried again said it was already linked. What to do now please? Chrisx

  23. Quite an amazing likeness to Chagall's famous painting. I enjoyed everything about it, and can see how hard it must have been to paint it. Lots of details similar to the original, too. I so enjoyed this i\interpretation of his work. Chagall would be pleased, I'm sure.

  24. Just fabulous Valerie! Xox

  25. Fantastic job! I just love the shutters on the brick buildings! Have a great weekend!

  26. What a stunning window painting! Great combination of drawings and wonderful colours. If Chagall could see that, he would be so happy, great tribute.
    Have a great weekend!
    Hugs, Mar

  27. Loving the painting! so much gorgeous golden sunshine. Were you very happy when you painted it?
    Hugs Emma

    1. The weather was very sunny, and that makes happy!

  28. Fantastic post Valerie - I shall be googling 'Chagall' as not familiar with his work - but I really love what you have created... Have a lovely weekend..... Gill x

  29. Ooooh wie genial ist das denn ?! Eine supertolle seite hast du geschaffen,ich bin mehr als begeistert,Bravo !!!
    schöne häusergassen hast du aufgenommen,ich liebe so kleine gassen,es gibt soviel zu endecken.
    hab auch gerade meine seite hochgeladen.
    schönes we dir.

    Hugs Jenny

  30. Oh my goodness.... your creation is more than FABULOUS Valerie. For sure one of my favorites of yours. Wow... it's just INCREDIBLE. I just keep looking and looking at it - so much to see.

    OOPS - dear me - just showed it to hubby and he said to tell you that the two headed person at the bottom was him and I. He says it takes both his brain and mine to make one functioning body these days!!! I think he's right - ehehehhehehehe!!!! Seriously though - he says he likes yours better than Chagalls! ME TOO! j.

  31. Oh my goodness.... your creation is more than FABULOUS Valerie. For sure one of my favorites of yours. Wow... it's just INCREDIBLE. I just keep looking and looking at it - so much to see.

    OOPS - dear me - just showed it to hubby and he said to tell you that the two headed person at the bottom was him and I. He says it takes both his brain and mine to make one functioning body these days!!! I think he's right - ehehehhehehehe!!!! Seriously though - he says he likes yours better than Chagalls! ME TOO! j.

    1. Oh oh oh, I am laughing soooooooooooooooooo hard that you two recognized yourselves in my painting. Send a photo, I'll try to be more accurate next time. Thanks for the complimets!

  32. Wonderful painting Valerie. Really stunning in color and composition. Great around town walking pics.
    Have a nice weekend. xo

  33. Oh my gosh, Valerie, the details you added to this page are amazing. I think you overcompensated for your more simple page of yesterday. In any event, it is extraordinary. Also love the photos today.


  34. What beautiful work and photos, greetings!

  35. Love your inspired journal page - the colours, images just pop out. Beautiful views of architecture from your window.

  36. I love the colors.. It's so warm and inviting. Thanks for this little peak into your art

  37. What stunning colors! I love your artwork. Your photography is amazing, too. Wow!

  38. Your painting is wonderful Valerie. I do not know the artist, so that is some homework for me ;)
    I enjoyed your window photos. Have a fabulous weekend {{Hugs}}

  39. Love it! It gives out such a surreal feeling.

  40. Totally LOVE all these fab pages, full of energy and great fun!!

  41. Wonderful creation and loved how you explained your process of creating! Lovely photography too!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  42. Wow a great tribute to Chagalls. Your page and the process to get there is fantastic. So vibrant and full of life.
    Yvonne xx

  43. Definitely a wonderful tribute to a master.

  44. Great interpretation of Chagal's work. Love the bright colours in yours!

  45. Valerie your painting is wonderful. You captured Chagall. I've learned so much when I copy a master painter

  46. Great page. I like all the photos of windows. :)

  47. Your painting is beautiful. Very colorful and love all the elements you have added
    Happy PPF

  48. Wow das Bild ist einmalig geworden! Wie ich Chagall liebe und nun auch Dein Gemälde!

  49. Love Chagall and so much fun to see your work this week!

  50. Amazing works. . .it turned out absolutely creative and unique. I love it. The pics are wonderful. I love seeing others photos of their area. Blessings, Janet PPF

  51. Great tribute to Chagall, he would be standing at your side patting you on the back. I love all your photos of the wonderful old buildings and how they have been saved. The U.S. Just keeps tearing down for other buildings. It's a big shame. Thanks for sharing, I always enjoy them.

  52. This was quite a tribute.. You really captured Chagall.

  53. This is amazing Valerie, so many details - love it! xx

  54. Valerie! Incredible! I mean truly a beautiful job!! I love love love this!! You made Chagall proud! xo


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