Friday 18 September 2015

Another window to Van Gogh

Hi Everybody!
It's Friday already - where did the week go?

For Art Journal journey, through my window; Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and Kim Dellow's Friday face I made another journal page. This time I have copied one of Van Gogh's paintings, the portrait of Camille Roulin, painted in Arles in 1888. Van Gogh was friends with the family Roulin, and made about 20 portraits of the family - of Joseph, the father, who was a postman, of his wife, and of all the children. I can imagine  peeping through the window of the Roulins' house and seeing Vincent painting them. My face was drawn and then coloured with water colours and pastel chalks. I fussy cut it, and placed it on an A3 background, painted with gesso, and then coloured with Pan pastels and pastel chalks. The quote is from Van Gogh.

The weather has been mostly wild wet and windy again, but we did see the sun for half an hour this evening, before the clouds gathered again and sent down more rain.

I have some more photos of 'Fachwerk' houses today, taken this time in Rhöndorf, a little village where  Konrad Adenauer, who was the  first German Chancellor after WWII,  lived. His house is a museum today. In the background you can see the 'Drachenfels', the Dragon Cliff, which is fun to climb up. There is also a little train which takes tourists to the top, and donkeys for those who prefer to ride. At the top is a castle, and a hotel /restaurant.
I love the little church in the middle of the road.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Interesting photos! Lucky family to have portraits by Van Gogh. Nice work.

  2. Beautiful building in the photo's today, they look so lovely and inviting. Your clouded sky looks fabulous in colours. Sensational page today Valerie it is just utter gorgeous.xx {The Journey Is The Start  aNNie  my personal blog}

  3. Great piece of art. I love the photos and especially the church. Happy PPF and weekend

  4. Love the painting Valerie. The photos are beautiful as always.

    Hugs and Blessings

  5. Oh Valerie, I adore the photos you took of the hill and the church in the center of the road. I also liked the houses, since they are SO unique in my part of the world.

    I have The Postman (a print, of course, but a good one on canvas) and know about the Roulin family and how he painted them. This was a lovely picture and I agree that it would be fun to see Van Gogh painting them.

    It's been HOT here. VERY HOT. I'd love some rain, because it might cool things, if only for a little while. Sally and I were out today unloading recyclables, and I was melting. Literally melting. I bet I lost a pound in perspiration. I would gladly trade you the heat for your rain!

  6. Love your painting of the little boy, and the photos are wonderful. Have a great weekend, Hugs, Sarah

  7. Die Seite ist super - Deine Ideen gefallen mir immer sehr und dieser Ort sieht auch toll aus, so schöne Bauten! Und gelernt hab ich auch wieder
    Hab einen schönen Freitag Liebes!

  8. Wonderful artwork and that little face looks like my daughters nephew! Awesome photos too!

    Hugs Giggles

  9. Great, strong colors in your painting, I like the rough surface where brush strokes can be seen.

  10. Great piece and interesting to learn more about Van Gogh at the same time. What a gorgeous little town - I love Germany!

  11. There's no blue without yellow. That's like saying there's no rain without a little sunshine. I like that. I like that a lot. Thanks for sharing your artwork.

  12. Great Van Gogh style portrait!! Looks fabulous!

  13. A great portrait and super photos, especially that glowing orange sky, I love it!

  14. Great Van Gogh face Valerie. I think you really got the Van Gogh style down. And love seeing more of the Fachwerk houses. They are really pretty, especially with the green grass near them.

  15. Beautiful work, my friend. The south of Brazil which received a lot of German immigrants is similar to Rhöndorf,.Both have the same kind of houses.You would be amazed if you see it.Google this
    "pontos turisticos de blumenau" and you'll understand what I'm talking about. Blumenau is in the south of Brazil. Happy PPF!

    1. Just looked - so beautiful, like Germany with good weather - fantastic! Thanks for the link!

  16. Beautiful interpretation of Van Gogh's work! Love those pictures with the orange sun!

  17. Lovely reworking of Van Gogh's work
    I love that little village. So cute.
    Happy PPF x

  18. Valerie, what a wonderful post. You are great competition for van Gogh! I am amazed at all the different layers you used to accomplish the final result. Thanks for the tour also and the photos of lovely rainy-day sunsets.

  19. Your rendition of Camille Roulin is so nice, Valerie. You have gotten the tilt of the head just perfect! Beautiful colors too. Your photos are lovely and make me wish I could visit Germany again. The times I have been there I was so fascinated by the unique architecture and by the antiquity (compared to things in the US). Thanks for sharing not only your beautiful art but the photos of this unusual little village.

  20. Beautiful artwork! And great photos, it looks like a nice place to visit.

  21. I loved seeing those 'Fachwerk' houses. Your Van Gogh interpretation was great.

  22. What should I comment on first Vibrant Valerie. I guess your painting that knocked my socks off. You are so dang talented. Fantastic copy - would dearly love to see more!
    Of course your pictures always intrigue me. I know I would never tire of living in your world. I love all the old buildings, art and architecture. Keep those pictures coming too my friend. That's the only way I will get to see your neck of the woods.
    Sandy xx

    1. Your comments always put me into a great mood!

  23. Your painting is, of course, fantastic, but those buildings are 'delicious'! What a wonderful wee place that is with it's fabulous buildings and interesting history..
    Enjoy your weekend and I hope the weather is a little kinder {{Hugs}} :D

  24. Hi Valerie, your painting is beautiful and Love the theme and quote from Van Gogh. Your talents are over the moon my friend. Lovely walking pics. The buildings are charming.
    Have a great weekend. Hugs, cm

  25. fabulous portrait art as always-love all the bright colors Valerie. And how I would love to visit that lovely town in person one day-love the architecture!

  26. Your Van Gogh interpretation is very good. And I love the village photos.

  27. You've really captures the essence of Van Gogh. You do lovely work.

  28. Super portrait. Noticed 49 faces button to the right. You are amazing to take that on. This is a lovely one, will be watching to see the others. I also love seeing your part of the world and the weather update. Seems its very close to what we have here right now. That means more studio time! M.x

    1. Tomorrow we have been promised rain all day - great weather to stay home and have fun!

  29. Great architectural photos, and yes, the little church is seriously lovely. I wonder what it is like inside.
    Clever work with the Van Gogh, and clever to link it with the Windows theme too.
    And it's good to see your skyscapes again.

  30. Great Van Gogh, Valerie! I love the quaint little church in the middle of the road! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  31. Love today's photos Valerie, the architecture and details in those houses looks great.
    A real awesome Van Gough as well.
    Yvonne xx

  32. Awesome nod to Van Gogh and your pics always a pleasure to see :)

  33. WOW! A fantastic copy of Van Gough's painting of C.Roulin. We all admire your drawing talent, Valerie. The photos today are so clear and crisp of Rhöndorf; it would be fun to be a tourist in this little town. I'm sure it is packed during the warm months. Thanks for another exciting trip to view a town so quaint. Enjoy your weekend and stay dry.

  34. Another wonderful rendition! Great ! And I love the photo of the houses in the village!

    Happy Weekend,
    artmusedog and carol

  35. Awesome photos and wonderful art!! It's such a treat to see your world through your lens. Thanks for sharing.

  36. Love your Van Gogh and the photos are awesome. Hugs Debs xx

  37. A beautiful hommage to von Gogh, Valerie. The little nod in perfection. Lovely photos, there seems to be many interesting places in Germany. It's great to see them through your camera :)

    Enjoy the weekend, sweetie.

    Love and hugs

  38. Love your picture today Val, I always learn so much when I visit your blog :-) xx

  39. Beautiful photos of lovely buildings! I love your portrait in the style of van Gogh! You captured it wonderfully!

  40. Love art and the history behind it ♥ Thanks for taking us to another part of your world with your beautiful photos....I want to live in the castle on the hill ♥

  41. Really interesting to hear about the painting and see your version. Your photos are amazing as always! So beautiful.

  42. You are on a Van Gogh binge these days. Sweet as ever church in the road. How fun to attend there, wherever do they park? Or does everyone just walk to church? xox

  43. The painting is very striking. . . and like van Gogh. The village is amazing. . the mountain looks fun. Blessings, Janet PPF

  44. Valerie, I love your work with the masters- you really are a good student! ")
    Such a quaint village- I love the photos you share! xx

  45. Great work and lovely photos Valerie! I love how you work with inspiration, you are an inspiration :) Thanks for linking up to Show Your Face and for the shout out too. Kx

  46. Van Gogh would have LOVED what you did! Wonderful photos, too. :D

  47. I had intended stopping at midnight on my wander back through your blog but now I have seen this face and those wonderful houses i shall linger for a few more minutes! Chrisx


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