Saturday 12 September 2015

Sun, moon and stars through my window

Hi Everybody!
Happy Weekend!

Yesterday and today I enjoyed seeing the crescent moon and Venus, the morning star, outside my window. This afternoon I painted a background using various blues and turquoise paints, layered one over the other. I sprayed some of the layers with water and dabbed some paint away with a tissue. I gave it all a sprinkle of fairy dust. I drew a simple tree outline and painted it with brown/black, added the moon and star with my white Sigma pen and a few highlights to the tree. So this is the view from my window, for Art Journal Journey, through my window, and for Moo Mania and More, landscape

This is a lady I sketched recently at the ice parlour when drinking my coffee, she had such lovely eyes, a lot nicer than in my sketch. I used gelatos, pastel chalks and gel-pens. and  I am linking to Kim Dellow's Friday face and our challenge 49 Faces.
If I have counted rightly this should be face 22.

This was the photo from yesterday which inspired my painting:

I couldn't sleep in the night and went walking along the Rhine, and the sky was clear, full of stars, and the Milky Way was visible - just beautiful.

Today the sliver of moon was even thinner:

I love watching the morning sky - as you might just have noticed, 
but some days I would like to be able to sleep a bit longer!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and hanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Really wonderful work, good to see the layers came out lovely in the end. Greetings!

  2. wunderschöne arbeiten liebe val,gefällt mit ausgesprochen gut,dein picasso bild ist auch sehr klasse.
    tolle bilder wieder hast du gemacht.
    schönes we dir.

    hugs jenny

  3. beautifully inspired page of the moon and stars and an equally lovely face today. Sorry you can't sleep but hope it is safe to walk at night for you.

    1. I hope so, too! It's fairly quiet around here, and at 3 AM I met nobody!

  4. First time I haven't been late all week! And I just read your previous post, then refreshed my blog and saw you had posted again. Your moon and Venus look stunning together and exactly like your photo, too. Not only was I impressed with the painting, but the way you incorporated the piece with the quote.

    I thought the woman was beautiful, and I thought her eyes were equally lovely. It's hard to believe they could be even prettier than you have painted them, but I'll take your word for it.

    It's too bad you couldn't sleep, but at least you walked when there was little distraction and lots of nighttime beauty. Very impressive.

  5. Forgot to mention, it's still hot here, even at night. The humidity never goes away, and the mosquitoes are out in full force. Nighttime at my house is not as romantic as in your photos.

  6. Love your painting, just beautifully done, and with so much depth and colour in the sky. Lovely
    face and photos, too. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  7. wow.. was für eine tolle Nachtszene(die Fotos sind großartig) -
    und das Gesicht ist auch so schön! Ihre Frisur ist auch wunderschön!
    Sei lieb gegrüßt und bedankt (von allen Challenges) und genieße einen
    feinen Samstag!

  8. Love the painting, you have captured your view beautifully. I think the painting of the lady is fab, such big expressive eyes.
    Great night time photos, do hope it's safe walking by yourself that late or should I say early.
    Avril xx

  9. Wow Valerie! Stunning artwork and love both of your creations.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Fliss xx

  10. You went out walking alone in the middle of the night. Hope you took your umbrella with you so you could whack someone if need be! :) your face today is beautiful and your step by step Picasso yesterday is superb. Enjoy your day, the weather here is rather autumnal. Xx

  11. Wonderful photographs and terrific use of the photograph from yesterday.It really did inspire you to paint as masterpiece for sure. The tree is taking centre stage with pride.

    The face is very beautiful and the hair is gorgeous. I can imagine you would be drawn to this face while drinking coffee. I am the same on trains but it mostly male faces I study.Does that say something about me?!!

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. Hmm, yes it does! You seem to have an eye for handsome men, think of Vic!

  12. Your night time painting is fantastic Valerie as is your lady. Her face is so very pretty and her eyes - wow!
    I hope you sleep better tonight. It's very cool here today with a chill wind too. We are definitely faced with early Autumnal weather this year, I hope the flora and fauna are prepared.
    Have a good weekend, whatever you do {{Hugs}}

  13. Beautiful night time piece Valerie, and gorgeous photos! Venus has shown her face so brightly these last few months, first as evening and now as morning star.....

    Your face looks fun too! Hope you sleep better tonight......

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Amazing painting and very inspiring and I love the theme so much ! And another very beautiful face. Fantastic photos today!
    Have a great day!
    Hugs, Mar

  16. Love how you used you photo for inspiration, it is a stunning painting, super colours and shimmers. your lady also looks beautiful. Know how you feel about lack of sleep, but you have some spectacular photos, take care when you go out at early and late times of the day.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Beautiful sky photos today Valerie, and I love how the journal page came out. I love the sky too. And wow, you are really moving forward with your faces. Almost half way there! Are you still having fun drawing them?

  18. Your description of your first page is amazing but then to scroll down and see it in front of me was truly amazing...thank you ...and your face, wow, love it....xx

  19. the night painting is beautiful,, the colors so rich,
    what a beautiful woman you did, she is lovely!!!

  20. Night painting is gorgeous. You are brave to walk the river at night, I don't think I would do it. I might be up painting or stitching though. Your morning sun shot is amazing. xox

  21. Hmmm - if the real gals eyes were prettier than your drawing... she must have been stunning. LOVE your gals eyes - just beautiful. And your night scene is soooooooo magically intriguing. It looks just like your photo. Totally enchanting background with the moon and star so perfectly placed. And the tree just makes it sooo mystical. Really great artwork today Valerie!! j.

  22. Hmmm - if the real gals eyes were prettier than your drawing... she must have been stunning. LOVE your gals eyes - just beautiful. And your night scene is soooooooo magically intriguing. It looks just like your photo. Totally enchanting background with the moon and star so perfectly placed. And the tree just makes it sooo mystical. Really great artwork today Valerie!! j.

  23. Hmmm - if the real gals eyes were prettier than your drawing... she must have been stunning. LOVE your gals eyes - just beautiful. And your night scene is soooooooo magically intriguing. It looks just like your photo. Totally enchanting background with the moon and star so perfectly placed. And the tree just makes it sooo mystical. Really great artwork today Valerie!! j.

  24. A beautiful night sky that matches your photo so well. I would love to be able to draw like you and capture the details of the lady you sketched while having coffee. She is lovely. Be careful walking in the dark. It is easy to stumble in daylight and more of a challenge at night. Sorry you can't sleep. Enjoy the weekend.

  25. I love the journal page !!! I love the moon and walking at night. We have finally had a cool down here and last night was very cool...heavy jacket weather. Your photos are lovely but I wish too that you could sleep better ♥

  26. Such a lovely enchanted scene you painted from outside your window liebe Valerie!
    The sprinkling of fairy dust is just perfect too.
    Lovely lady you created ... again ♥
    Schlaf gut my friend

  27. Gorgeous colours and textures in your page, Valerie. I really like that you explained your process. I find that inspiring.

    Your lady is lovely and elegant.


  28. Your work is lovely. Just a looker. Your lady is beautiful.

    Very artistic you are.

  29. Your landscape is an especially beautiful tribute to the moon & Venus! Sorry I've been so bad about visiting. Lots going on here right now.

  30. Beautiful starry night scene and I love the addition of fairy dust-perfect!
    Your face drawing is beautiful as well- first off, I love her hair and secondly her eyes are so looking right to me! Well done! she is a beauty! xo

  31. What a magical scene you have created of the moon and venus with the twinkly bits and light, so atmospheric - I love it!
    Its been cloudy and raining the last few days here, but 2 days ago I thought Venus looked even bigger in the sky - very mesmerising.
    Fantastic and inspiring face again :) I must use my Gelatos more ........... have a great day Gill xx

  32. I love this window! The girl you saw is beautiful! I love your photos,once again Valerie you capture such beauty! Chrisx

  33. Ooo so atmospheric! Lovely face too. Thanks again for linking up to Show Your Face and for the shout out too. Kx


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