Saturday 13 June 2015

More masculine and feminine

Hi Everybody,

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

For Art Journal Journey, masculine-feminine, I have another piece to share. For the background I used an A3 brush-wipe page, which I stamped over with a large flourish using white gesso. When it was dry I added more layers using various stencils to give more depth. The man and woman were printed onto book paper, fussy cut, and positioned on the page. The lady is from one of my old German women's Magazines from 1899. Then I added lots of different flying bits and bobs to show the traditional roles of men and women, especially in the 'good old days' - the woman kept busy with house, kids, garden, pets, and the man more able to go out and enjoy himself with fast cars and motorbikes. Of course, this is once again stereotyped, but I think it was harder to break through the typical, defining roles of men and women in those days than it is today, at least in our culture. The animals at the bottom are also symbolic, but I think you will be able to work it out for yourselves. I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, anything goes.

Some people asked about the jays. They are growing fast, but I only feed them once a day now, as there is plenty for them to find outside, and they need to learn to fend for themselves. I still enjoy watching their antics, though!

Just a few photos from yesterday, those from today  are still in the camera.

Have a great weekend you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Really creative and vivid piece, and lovely photos too. Best wishes!

  2. That's a fascinating collage. Blessings!

  3. eine sehr schöne collagenseite,gefällt mir seeehr,und schöne bilder wieder,ein bißchen sieht es aus wie bei uns an der elbe,schön wenn man so aufs wasser gucken kann.
    einen schönen samstag heute.

    GLG Jeannette

  4. Beautiful collage, and even today, men and women have different tasks to do. Beautiful photos, too. Hugs, Sarah

  5. Eine ganz wunderbare Seite Valerie.. so detailiert und ja..Du hast natürlich recht - möglicherweise ist es heutzutage nicht mehr ganz so ausgeprägt mit den Unterschieden.. aber früher war es ganz genau sooo! Deine Aufnahmen sind wieder wunderschön!
    Richtig, die kleinen Racker müssen lernen mit beiden Beinen im Vogelleben zu stehen!
    Bei uns sehe ich derzeit auch nicht mehr ganz so viel im Garten...schätze die Hitze treibt sie mehr in die Wälder --vielleicht!

  6. The collage is fantastic. I love that you have magazines that are so old and are using them in this wonderful way.
    Your photos are lovely as always, especially the Hollyhocks this time, for me.
    We are back to cloud and mizzle here today. Hope you have it drier, {{Hugs}} x

    1. I love the hollyhocks, too. Weather here is warm and wet, rather stormy!

  7. A super collage Valerie and what lovely roses, ours haven't even got buds yet! Well we had a couple of sunny days but today it's overcast and cooler again, however we're off on holiday in a week's time so should be guaranteed some sunshine! Enjoy your day. Xx

    1. The flowers and crops here are head of their time this year!

  8. Beautifully made creation, and just adore the photos..xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  9. Wonderful piece today Valerie! I love that little puppy in a cup, how sweet is that!! Great flower pics. hugs :)

  10. Very interesting effect to print on the book pages! The flowers are beautiful!

  11. Deine Kreativität ist wirklich unerschöpflich!
    LG Ulrike

  12. What a wonderful collaged page, Valerie! Love that background! Great pictures, but why is no one sitting on those benches to enjoy the view? Happy Weekend!

    1. I mostly go walking quite early when only the dog-walkers are out and about, Later on they are really full!

  13. You "nailed" this one Valerie. In our home, hubby still thinks of chores as men's and women's thus he does not do dishes or household chores and he takes care of the cars. More beautiful photos of the glorious flowers today. THANKS!

  14. Stunning artwork and photographs this last week Valerie pleased I have managed to see all of them at last

    Hope your weekend is going well

    Love Chrissie xx

  15. Hi Valerie, Love your work in this design. It's like what the man and woman have on their minds.
    Beautiful walking pics too. Love the roses.Happy Weekend. xo

  16. Happiness Is! Very beautiful a collage!

  17. Beautiful art work, Valerie, and your scenic photos are also beautiful. Thank you for the comment on the PPF page this week. I did not attend the "party" this week.

  18. Oh your art is wonderful! Such a lovely piece! Beautiful photos too.

  19. Fabulous art page, love all the details you added, the weight on their minds must be heavy with a load like that, another thought provoking piece.
    Yvonne xx

  20. Terrific page and oh, those roses are lovely. I really enjoyed the pink ones yesterday. Pink roses (and white) are my favourites.

  21. Very thoughtful and interesting page you created Valerie.
    Lots to take in and think about with super symbolism too!

  22. Fabulous page! I always love your pages when images "emerge from the heads!! ") xo


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