Monday 15 June 2015

Monday Mix

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing you all a good start in the new week!

For Art Journal Journey, masculine-feminine, I made a journal page using an image of Mahatma Gandhi. I used a brush-wipe page onto which I sprinkled some brushos and water for the background. I drew my profile of him with charcoal, gave the head a coat of diluted white paint to make it a shade lighter than the rest, and placed the printed image, ( inside my head. I drew the glasses etc with charcoal and used a bit of white paint on them, too.
I recently read in some texts from Qumran a sentence which stuck in my mind, and inspired me to collage the quotes of Gandhi as part of his dress: 'Clothe yourself with wisdom like a robe, put knowledge upon you like a crown, and be seated on the throne of perception'. The quotes were computer generated; I have written them again here to make it easier for you to read them.

Man can never be a woman's equal in the spirit of selfless service with which nature has endowed her.
Where there is love there is life
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony
My life is my message
The weak can never forgive, forgiveness is an attribute of the strong
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others
You must be the change you want to see in the world.

I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, anything goes, Mix-it-monthly, facial profile, Kim Dellow's Blog for Face art, and anything but cute, Masculine.

Today I enjoyed a summery walk with sunshine and a heavenly breeze. I walked through the fields and long the Rhine, and enjoyed it very much.

The farmer was busy making hay while the sun shines....

 The horses are in the old moat just now:

The path along the wall is almost grown over:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great page and I love those quotes. Especially the one about forgiveness being a trait of the strong. Very rich and thought provoking piece overall, which sometimes art needs to be. Hope you had a great weekend and start to your new week.

  2. Fabulous meaningful page and gorgeous photos.x

  3. Beautiful page, and thanks for the summery photos! I love this time of year, it passes too quickly!

  4. What interesting page and great quotes, truly original! Beautiful photos too.
    Have a lovely day! Hugs, Mar

  5. This is very different, and I love the double face, and the texts, really well done! Have a good Monday, hugs, Sarah

  6. Das ist spitze mit dem doppelten Gesicht und all die super Text Streifen- macht sich bestens!
    Super die Seite und SUPER die Fotos!
    Einen wunderschönen Tag liebe Valerie!

  7. Thanks for showing the beautiful pictures.
    Love your art - it's amazing...

  8. Wonderful artwork Valerie and I love the head in the background deep in thought.

    Beautiful photographs. I can't believe how far ahead of ours your crops are. Everything look wonderful and fresh.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. We have a rather mild climate along the Rhine, so everything grows well.

  9. Another fabulous page, this time featuring a most inspiring man. Nicely done! The fields look amazing with the grasses and flowers together. Wishing you a nice day {{Hugs}} :D

    1. Yes, they are fantastic at this time of the year.

  10. Ghandi is was an exceptional man, whom I've always looked up to. Blessings!

  11. einfach super, deine Gandhi seite!

  12. Wonderful piece Valerie, Ghandi is such a great inspiration. Your photos are beautiful today, I just love horses, such amazing animals! Thank you so much for joining us at Anything But Cute for our 'Make It Masculine' challenge! Hugs, Pamellia DT :)

  13. This is a wonderful piece today--every message thought-provoking. Looks like your walk was drier than yesterday. I enjoyed all the flowers.

  14. Marvelous piece. The quotes reading down from his head, so good. xox

  15. wow,deine handi seite ist klasse mit dem doppelten gesicht,und die blumen heute wider,wunderschööööön.
    besonders das mohnblumenfeld sieht bildschön aus.
    einen schönen abend dir noch.

    GLG JEAnnette

  16. So viele Mohn- und Kornblumen an den Feldrändern findet man hier nicht mehr, leider! Vor ein paar Tagen habe mich auch gefreut, endlich einmal wieder ein paar echte Kornblumen zu sehen... LG Ulrike

  17. very inspirational. Loved it.

  18. An inspirational figure. its fantastic how you created this piece of art, with the head inside your own wonderful drawing.
    Yvonne xx

  19. No wonder you are such a prolific artist, living amongst so much beauty. Those horse and poppies are splendid.
    Good depiction of Ghandi. I like how you arranged the quotes.

  20. Valerie, your Monday journal page was perfect to start off our week in a good direction. Your drawing of Ghandi was marvelous. I couldn't believe how deep the cut grass was in comparison to the tractor's tires. No wonder the horses look so beautiful; they have excellent feed. By now you are no doubt ready to post Tuesday's page. I took on a yard project this morning and it lasted way too long so I am slow getting my Monday off and running.


    1. The grass is really high, some places it's taller than I am.

  21. Hi Valerie, Your journal page is amazing. Great drawing of Ghandi!! Wonderful walking pics and sure looks like summer there. Love the horses grazing.

  22. Your drawings skills are quite lovely. Those quotes are some words to live by for sure. The background oranges and yellows make Ghandi pop off the page! Awesome sauce Valerie!

    Thanks for joining us at Anything But Cute! Hugz. ~Niki DT

  23. Ein echtes Meisterwerk Dein Ghandi! Wie genial die zwei verschiedenen Ansichten und all die tollen Worte als "Körper" zu benutzen!! Danke dass Du uns wieder mitgenommen hast auf eine Deiner Spaziergänge..immer eine Wonne!
    ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  24. This is a very nicely done and inspirational journal page. Perfect colors to highlight your exceptional freehand drawing. I love the quotes and how you arranged them. As usual, I'm so taken with your photography! The fields must be heavenly to walk through; those flowers are beautiful and you have captured their splendor perfectly. Loved seeing the horses, too and all the scenery! It is always such a joy to visit your blog! Thank you for joining our Make It Masculine challenge at Anything But Cute. Hugs! Sara Emily DT

  25. Very cool and inspirational Valerie! xoxo

  26. Very beautiful summer photos, Valerie! They are a pleasure! Summer is on hold here, we're waiting for the warmth to arrive.

    The journal page is very thought evoking, I like it a lot.

    Love and hugs

  27. Again, another amazing piece and so clever! I love it and the photos too. Thanks for another great linking to Show Your Face and another shout out, you are a star! Kx

  28. Great piece!!! Striking and inspirational. Thank you so very much for joining our Make It Masculine challenge at Anything But Cute!
    Samra DT


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