Saturday 6 June 2015

A journal page and cakes

Hi Everybody!

Just a quick post this evening, been up too long, worked hard and I am really tired now.

For Art Journal Journey, masculine-feminine I made another journal page. This time I tried to see the 'problem' in a humourous way. I was inspired by  similar cartoons seen from time to time depicting the subject, and drew my figures and mapped out their brains to show their likes....
At first they were on a white background, which I didn't like, so I fussy cut them
and placed my couple on an A3 sheet painted again with black gesso - which I LOVE - and sprinkled with a little fairy dust. 
I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, anything goes, to Mix it Monthly, the facial profile, and to Kim Dellow's
Friday faces, a nice place where you can link any faces you have made and see cool work made by others.

Today I baked 2 cakes to take to a birthday party  to which I was invited. The first one is a cheese cake with rhubarb and ginger

And here are the chocolate muffins - help yourselves! I took the photo when they were still steaming fresh from the oven, later on I pimped them with melted chocolate on top.

Here's wishing you all a sweet day. Take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!!


  1. Super journal page. Ha-ha. Love how you filled in their brains but how true! And those desserts look so scrumptious.

  2. cute page today, and you are a good baker Valerie, looks so good!

  3. Thanks for the great laugh, so true! Love the look of your cakes, yummy! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  4. A great page Valerie. Your pair certainly don't think the same.
    I'll have a chocolate muffin please.
    Enjoy the party.
    Avril xx

  5. Oh yummy cakes. Love the idea of rhubarb and ginger used on a cheesecake..I hope you had a great time at the party.

    Love the artwork and I am sure many will identify with the thoughts in the brains. Your use of black backgrounds makes things stand out so well Valerie.

    Have a good day and I hope it is sunny as it is here

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. What a funny page Valerie... I love to see those two... lol!
    You know why?!
    Happy Saturday .. my cupcake and the piece of this yummie cheese cake with rhubarb and ginger
    is unfortunately already eaten up!

    Please MORE!!!!


    1. Yes, I think we are thinking about the same happy couple! Will mail you more cake!

  7. Oh yum, your bakes look delicious. I love rhubarb but I've never had it in a cheesecake. Your cartoon made me laugh, men and women certainly are different species! Have a lovely Saturday. Xx

  8. Oh my, the cakes are scrummy, life is good, Valerie! I'll have both :)

    The journal page is so fun and true, it's very striking, love her pouting lips.

    Happy Saturday sweetie.

    Love and hugs

  9. Ganz herrlich sind deine Profile, ich musste richtig lachen!

    Hhmm, auf Rhabarber-Blechkuchen steh' ich total - sieht der lecker aus!
    Schönes Wochenende von Ulrike ... und gönn' dir mal ein wenige mehr Ruhe!

  10. hahaaahaaaa!! I am still laughing at this page!! Well done Valerie!!
    The cakes look yummy as well! xo
    Happy weekend!

  11. Love your page still smiling that me and Keith. Love the look of those muffins x

  12. BRILLIANT colours used here my friend and just adore your creation. Love her perched lips lol...and mmmm I can smell your cooking all the way
    enjoy your weekend. ♥
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  13. Oh my gosh Valerie, that rhubarb cheesecake has me drooling all over myself! Can't get rhubarb around here and I used to love it growing up! Send me a piece pleeeease! lol. Love your artwork today. happy Saturday :)

    1. What, no rhubarb??? You need to move someplace else!

  14. Well I guessed immediately which one in the journal page was the male :) What a woot!

    Your baking looks so yummy, wish I was there.

  15. Love the journal page..What a HOOT!!!! Those cakes look delish... I have rhubarb I need to pick and cook :)

  16. I had to laugh at your journal page today; so true, so true. Wish I could have a piece of your rhubarb cake. I love rhubarb, raw with a salt shaker near by. I tried to plant it but didn't give it sufficient water so I need to get another start. Hope you had a great time at the birthday party. The guests were fortunate to partake of your cake and muffins. They look so delicious. Take care and get some rest.

  17. such a fun piece
    and you are an artist in the kitchen too

  18. LOL! I love how you put SEX in three very different spheres of the man's brain. Hilarious.
    Oh and you bake too? Wow. You are some talented in many ways. That food looks delicious.
    PS - Let's both try getting to bed at a decent time tonight. Do you think we can do it? :)

    1. Okay, no late film tonight, no starting on new Journal pages and I will do my best to get to bed at a decent time. I'm mostly awake by 5 at the latest, so it would be nice to get a few hours!

  19. Clever cartoon and delicious baking! Now I hope you find some time to rest! xxx

  20. What a sweet couple with such different thoughts, what a clever idea.
    Thanks for the Virtual chocolate muffin, Virtual Yum.

  21. Love your take on the thoughts in peoples heads, the bloke seems to have one thing on his mind, typical!. Its a fantastic fun page. The cakes look delicious and I can only imagine that they tasted yummy as well,
    Yvonne xx

  22. Men and women can be so different, but still good together. Fun idea and the background choice really flatters them! The chocolate muffins look delicious!

  23. Oh I love these two, very funny, and your baking looks fabulous! xx

  24. What stunning and fun page! Love your creative couple. The cakes look so yummy!
    Hugs, Mar

  25. Great couple! And they really think alike, don't they ;-)

  26. Simply marvelous, had a chuckle at the brain words!!! She has great lips. xox

  27. Brilliant brains, this made me smile - such a great idea too :) Your food looked very scrumptious as well, and now I need to go search out some chocolate ... Gill x

  28. Too funny and so true! You pimped your cupcakes! Wish I could have been there because I LOVE chocolate!

  29. Oh man mir läuft das Wasser im Mund zusammen...Rhabarberkuchen mit SChmand?! Ich glaub ich hätte nix übrig gelassen, haha Dein Pärchen ist zu goldig...vor allem was ihm so alles im Kopf rumgeht, ich schmeiss mich weg :D ♥ Conny Mix It Monthly

  30. LOL! Love your take on the female/male mind! Thanks so much for linking up on Show Your Face this week and for shout out too. Kx

  31. Was für ein putziges Pärchen...jeder für sich und doch gemeinsam!


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