Friday 26 June 2015

Falling Leaves and More Doors.

Hi Everybody!

The day has run away from me again,
so I need to keep it short today.

For Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey, Masculine-feminine, I painted another A3 mixed-media journal page. I painted the background with various shades of brown and gold, and used more of my paper strips to build a seat for the nude. The painting is one I saw in a magazine at the doctor's, I took a photo of it and printed it out, fussy cut it, and over-painted it with translucent gold from Deco-Art before collaging it. I added one of my leaves embossed with Frantage gold as I didn't have any fig leaves....

Today the sun came out and we had a warm and sunny day - wonderful!

These are the rest of the doors and gates etc taken this week:

This used to be the fire brigade till it grew too small, and now it is a bar:

I love how the top step has been trodden out:

This are 2  of the old silk-weavers' houses:

That's all for today!
Have a good one take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful collage with great colours. Wonderful photos, too. Have a nice day, need to take the kids to the dentist here! Hugs, Sarah

  2. I love doors!!! I used to have a website just for door pictures :oD
    Beautiful photos, thanks!

  3. Love the added humour in the quote! More great door photos! Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs Giggles

  4. Eine wunderbare Collage - ich bin immer wieder erstaunt was Dir alles einfällt. Nicht nur, dass Du die Schöne fotografiert hast im Magazin ( raffiniert)..hast Du sie dann auch noch so schön aufgehübscht und mit dem vergoldetem Blatt herausgeputzt! Spitze! Beeindruckende Tore und Eingänge sind das!
    Einen schönen Freitag liebe Valerie - Happy PPF - Happy AJJ!

  5. I love how you've used the paper strips to build up your page, that's a clever idea. Oh, and all the doors, they're lovely. It's quite an ironi with the old fire brigade now turned into a bar. Put out the fire and quench the thirst.

  6. haha,das ist t aber sehr aussergewöhnlich!!!toll gemacht.
    die türen sind alle wunderschön.
    schönes we.

    GLG Jeannette

  7. Wonderful colours on the page Valerie and stunning ideas for the image. I love the way you created the seat with the strips.

    Brilliant photographs today. It is terrific that doors appeal to so many of us and that you share your finds with us

    Have a good day and I hope it is goes a little more slowly for you

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. I love the earthy tones in this page and the humour in the quote! There are some beautifully ornate doors in your city. I love that flattened step too - the history of so many feet walking it down over the years!

    1. Yes, I love dreaming about who went in and out there in the course of the centuries!

  9. Wonderful project.Love the paper strips and the gold.The photos are fantastic.Have a good day.

  10. A very interesting collage. It's amazing what one finds at the Drs. The doors are again very interesting and that worn step at number 8 is fabulous. Makes one wonder how old it all is. Happy Friday :D

  11. Great effort indeed, and truly gorgeous photos. Nice of you to share, and have a great weekend!

  12. Fascinating and ingenious collage and what a fig leaf! (If you don't have a fig leaf, make one - a new Valerie proverb).
    Your photographs of gates and doors are just marvellous, hard to choose a favourite - maybe the blue gates.

    1. The good housewife always knows how to improvise....

  13. Beautiful page and using the strips was a great idea with gorgeous colours as well and fab style.
    Sure love these doors, stunning pics.
    xx {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  14. Absolut großartig ist deine Collage von heute! Du hast wirklich unglaublich tolle Ideen, sehr inspirierend! Auch das Zeitungsstreifen-Gesicht von gestern ist spitze gelungen.
    ... und Türen sind immer wieder spannend, alles klasse eingefangen!
    LG Ulrike

  15. Doesn't the frantage gold look amazing! Love the collage of paper strips in the background too! Photos are super.... favourites are definitely the doors! What is it about front doors that captures us?

  16. eine wunderbare Collage - und deine türensammlung ist ja wirklich spitze!

  17. Excellent composition, delicious inspiration in brown and gold! I like a lot!

  18. Interesting page today! Beautiful clouds, and what beautiful doors and windows in your town, so much character!

  19. Such rich colors - love it!

  20. Fabulous painting/collage. Have missed visiting my PPF friends.

  21. When the leaves begin to fall :-) ... such fun how this cool piece came to be.
    Inspiration is everywhere isn't it.
    Happy Friday liebe Valerie
    GLG oxo

  22. a super mixed media piece Valerie-and I do love those photos!

  23. Your mind is always open to inspiration! Love the rest of the doors and gates.

  24. Hmm. She almost look ancient Egyptian. But then with the leaves I kind of think of Eve. Lots of symbolism going on today, and how much like your other art but how drastically different too. I mean I could recognize it as yours, but there's never a repeat! Have a great start to your weekend.

  25. Brilliant creation, Valerie! The colors are so beautiful. Love the doors photos, especially the one showing the well-worn top step. That took a lot of footsteps to do that wearing down.

  26. I love how you used those paper strips! Very creative! Very clever too to take a picture of a photo that yoy like. I so often see interesting things in those magazines at the doctor's or dentist's but never thought of taking a picture.

  27. beautiful color world in your page, earthy and soft.

  28. Nice work. The colors are beautiful. I've always enjoyed taking in the doors in Europe. I have quite a collection of photos of them.

  29. I have a thing with doors too, I love to take photos of doors and will be posting more village doors in my future blog posts too. Your art is fascinating, such an interesting composition, great work Valerie!

  30. Hi Valerie,

    I got a kick out of your leave to cover, sans fig leaf. She was not in a very "ladylike position! The skies and architecture are beautiful. I hope you are well, and thank you for leaving a comment on my blog.

  31. Hi Valerie,

    I got a kick out of your leave to cover, sans fig leaf. She was not in a very "ladylike position! The skies and architecture are beautiful. I hope you are well, and thank you for leaving a comment on my blog.

    1. True! I have some visitors with kids, didn't want to shock them too much!

  32. Fantastic page, Valerie! Great photos, the doors are super.
    Have a great weekend! Hugs, Mar

  33. Wow another fantastic page Valerie, like your alternative to a fig leaf.
    Yvonne xx

  34. Hi Valerie, a fabulous work of art for your journal page. Great idea for the falling leaf. Beautiful walking pics and I love seeing the doors.
    Have a nice weekend. xo

  35. Gorgeous light and colours. I really like the paper strips.

  36. I'm really late viewing your blog today. The cloud formations this morning were gorgeous and I love the additional photos of doors and gates. Your journal page is another stunning piece of hand drawn art. I like the leaf you used! Enjoy Sat and Sun.


  37. Strategically placed that leaf, did you? ;) Love the doors, especially the black ones, for some reason.

  38. Your female is wonderful! Great job Valerie. I am so in love with doors. I can't believe the variety of doors you have there. We don't have anything like that over here. Everything is blah. Nothing from the good old days was saved. Bummer. Love your photos and work. Thanks.:)

  39. Great collage and that leaves just happened to fall in the perfect location :) Love all of the doors ♥

  40. Wonderful collage and Imaginative cover-up :) The concept of masculine-feminine is a familiar one in Indian art. The Hindu god Shiva, among his personifiations , is known as Ardhanarishvara (which means half woman) and in art form it is usually rendered partly woman and partly man. If you google the term, you will find it. A very interesting concepy.

    1. Thanks, I will look it up. There are similar notions in other religions too, it is good to see that this sense of balance prevails in many cultures.

  41. Wonderful collage. Love all your photos of doors. I have a "thing" for doors, too.

  42. Your collage is interesting, but face your nude just seemed to disintegrate, would have liked to see a face with some kind of expression.

    Have a nice weekend

    Much love...

  43. sensual and interesting work. Thank you for sharing

  44. Sorry I'm late - we had a long weekend break near Helsinki...
    We all have masculine-feminine 'components' - even if some men think they are only masculine.
    We have finally real summer weather after cool and wet spring and beginning of June.
    Have a good rest of the week!

  45. Doors remind me of mystery and secrets. I love them and the gates. Very interesting. A very artistic look to the painting. . . a story perhaps. Blessings, Janet PPF


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