Wednesday 10 June 2015

Masculine or feminine?

Hi Everybody!

This will be a quick post again, the day has run away from me and it's much too late and way past bedtime!

For Art Journal Journey, masculine and feminine, I have another journal page. I glued some vintage paper and paper napkin pieces onto an A3 sheet, painted it with gesso and then drew my heads in profile. I thought of the old adage, 'Pink for a little girl and blue for a boy.' I looked up a lot of masculine/feminine attributes on the net, printed them out, and put them inside the heads. I used stencils to draw my man on the left and the ladies on the right. I used pastel chalks for colouring. Do you think the attributes are right? Don't women have direction or stability?  Are men without empathy? Are there any attributes which are strictly masculine or feminine? I am also linking to Mix it Monthly, profile face

A few photos from my walk today. I loved the solitary poppy in the grain field:

 And I always love seeing the ferry and the Rhine:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You have depicted this really well, and most of the attributes can be applied to both sexes. Nicely
    done! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  2. Da hast Du DIr viel Mühe gemacht all die Attribute auswählen ...
    gefällt mir sehr gut Deine Arbeit !
    Eine einsame Mohnblüte! Schön!
    Hab nen schönen Tag !
    Danke im Namen der Challenges!

  3. schöne seite,gefällt mir sehr gut.
    schönen mittwoch dir.

    glg jeannette

  4. Another great set of heads. You are so good at posting and creating journal pages. I always enjoy stopping by even when your posts are "short and quick".

    1. Glad to hear it, but I must seriously try to get better organised and not leave everything till the last minute!

  5. This is a beautiful page. I love the words inside. Lovely work.

  6. I love the page...I think many of the adjectives are suitable for men and women, like passion, independence, can't put just in one category.

    1. Yes, it always depends on the person, and I think we all have all of these attributes in us in varying degrees.

  7. Gorgeous piece Valerie. I love all the words you chose for the feminine and masculine sides. hugs :)

  8. beautiful, words and images!!!!

  9. Beautiful and thought-provoking page, Valerie. I think the scripture you used says it all. God made mankind in his image, male and female. He didn't suck all of the empathy and nurturing out of Adam when he created Eve, and he didn't leave the brains and strength in Adam. I have always chafed against theories that suggest men are unfeeling oafs and women are brainless wonders, ruled by their emotions. We are all beautiful and complex, reflecting the wonderful, mysterious nature of our Creator. That's what I think. :)

    1. You are so right Sweetie! Very well said, thanks!

  10. Einfach wunderbar diese Journal! Sehr schlicht und doch sagt das Bild doch so viel! Gefällt mir sehr!

  11. Stunning page and... Yes, you're right the attributes depends on the person. Today the colours are a little different, but I also love the light blue and pink tone.
    Hugs, Mar

  12. I fabulous page. I believe that some traits are there by nature and others are developed by nurture.
    That single poppy is beautiful :D

  13. Lovely page! Interesting that lone poppy.

  14. You opened a can of worms with that question! Lol. I believe both men and women can have attributes from each other. This is a very interesting concept and so well laid out! Awesome sauce! ~Niki

  15. Poor little lonely poppy. I hope it makes lots of baby poppies for next year.
    I think the attributes could easily be switched depending on the man or woman, in fact I can think of at least two couples where this is the case. Interesting question.

  16. Poignant journal page!
    Love that single poppy! How peculiar!! xx

  17. Hi Valerie, take care of yourself. Getting too tired is not a good thing. We all love your journal pages and todays is no different. Interesting in that we often share the same attributes with each other. I also loved the lone poppy. They are one of my favorite flowers and yet I have a hard time growing them in our yard. I think I need the wild variety instead of those grown in a hothouse.

    Love hugs,

  18. That is a very thought provoking question today Valerie. Those words could relate to either men or women, it would depend on the strength of their character, you come across many weak men and strong women, yet both have special qualities of their own.
    Anyway, loved the awesome page that sure got me thinking.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Love your take on the Masculine and Feminine theme and the heads of blue and pink! Great words to describe! That lone poppy really does stand out amount the grain! Hope you are sleeping well! Hugs!

  20. Hi Valerie, Love your creation in pink and blue. Your question is very thought provoking. I think women have many of the attributes that are listed for a man and vice versa.
    Hope you got some rest. Love your pics and the lone poppy is a precious photo.
    Hugs, CM

  21. Most cut and dried differences....another wonderful take on the theme. Tenacious poppy. xox

  22. Sehr schöne Seite und ja Du hast all die Attribute ganz wunderbar zusammengetragen! Das ist es auch, warum sich Mann und Frau so gut ergä Ende sollte Mann von Frau alle Attribute gelernt haben und umgekehrt ...jedenfalls meine Meinung ;) so schön auch mit den Farben nochmal untertrichen...
    ♥ Conny Mix It Monthly

    1. Ja, das ist sehr wahr, wir müssen einander ergänzen und von einander lernen.

  23. I like masculine and feminine expressions in your art work. Thank you for sharing

  24. With more education and knowing the lines seem to be more blurred than they once were which certainly makes life interesting. I really like seeing "men" in pink shirts :-)
    Great thought provoking piece you created.
    Pretty poppy holding the space so bravely oxo


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