Wednesday 13 May 2015


Hi Everybody!
Hope you are all well and fit and are having some good weather.
Here it was rather hot and sultry today, but we did have some
spectacular clouds, which I always love.

For Art Journal Journey, the sea, I have made another mixed media piece. The background was painted first with gesso, and then with various blues and greens using a wide, hard brush, and I stamped into it while wet to make a crackle pattern. I also added a little bit of fairy dust. I added more colours with Gelatos. I used the rising bubbles stamp from Ryn Tanaka, stamping several times with embossing ink and white EP. I added the quote, and that was that. I love the scratchy effect in the background, made by the rough bristles.

The day started off with wonderful clouds

I discovered these beautiful poppies growing by the wayside

The banks of the Rhine are full of plants and flowers

The horse chestnut is in the grounds of the Marien Hospital, as is the statue

I love the wisteria

Lily was sleeping in her little cat-cave

And Lucky was trying to tell me something....

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful page and I love the quote! The flowers look so beautiful, I love poppies.

  2. A wonderful journal page, love the colours, and the lovely idea with the bubbles and troubles! Great photos as always, love the poppies! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Love the scratchy effect and the quote, Valerie!

  4. eine tolle seite und ein ganz fantastischer text,wunderschöne blumen und pflanzen wachsen bei euch,hier blüht es auch überall,leider bin ich zu faul die camera mit zu nehmen,aber irgendwann gibt es auch bilder bei mir zu sehen.
    mein kleid hab ich fertig genäht,es sieht toll aus,ist aber etwas zu eng,muss ich noch ändern.
    wünsch dir einen tollen tag.

    GLG Jeannette

  5. Wunderschöne Seite! Toller Hintergrund, schöne Farben und die Luftblasen als Kontrast ... herrlich! Der Spruch gefällt mir auch sehr!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  6. Liebe Valerie, Deine Journalseiten sind herrlich! Das Zitat sollte ich mir ausdrucken. Es berührt estwas in mir und ich wünsche mir auch Bubbles in meinem Alltag :)
    Wunderbar sind auch Deine Fotoimpressionen. Weißt Du inzwischen, was Lucky sagen wollte :) ?

    Viele liebe Grüße zu Dir und schöne Frühlingstage wünsche ich Dir

  7. Wahrscheinlich, 'Ich bin so klein und hungrig!'

  8. Fantastic photographs Valerie-love the poppies--they are quite early I think ours are still tight buds.

    Great page again and a terrific quote :

    Have a good day. We have a busy day but will email later

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. Ich glaub das ist die neue Lieblingsseite für mich von Dir ... ich finden denHintergrund und den Spruch zu den Blasen einfach nur SUPER!!! Perfekt!
    Wenn das Wetter passt ist der Mai der schönste Monat im Frühling, oder?
    Wunderbare Aufnahmen...

    Knuddel an Lucky und Lilly!

    Hab nen schönen Tag!

  10. Another beautiful undersea page. The colours are fabulous and the bubble stamp quite perfect. The quote is excellent. Have a good day Valerie {{Hugs}}

  11. love love your art work, those bubbles are wonderful and your colors too!
    I like the photos specially the one with the Madonna and the Kittie of course too. TFS
    hello from California

  12. Wow, you discover so many interesting things on your walks. You have a great eye. And I love your page with those fantastic bubbles. Have a great day!

  13. Awesome creation and beautiful colour
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  14. die bubble-seite ist einfach genial! wunderschön!
    und auch deine fotos, die du mitgenommen hast von deinem spaziergang, sind toll!
    glg, tina

  15. Hier passt wieder alles perfekt! LG Ulrike

  16. Lovely :) Your cats are so cute!

    Karen x

  17. Beautiful artwork today Valerie! Love the wisteria photo, I've never seen that in real life! Cute kitty cats. Have a wonderful day. hugs :)

  18. Fabulous quote and great page, Valerie! Beautiful photos today.
    Hugs, Mar

  19. Love those bubbles and what a great quote. Lily and Lucky are looking slim! Xx

  20. Stunningly made background and you do make beautiful hand-printing.
    I wonder what Lucky is trying to say, maybe I can guess?

  21. Hi Valerie, Oh I love this beautiful page and the quote is just what I needed to read today.
    Lovely flowers and the sky shots are stunning.
    Love seeing Lily and Lucky.
    Have a nice day. xo

  22. What a great quote and absolutely fabulous background!
    Sandy xx

  23. Love the quote on today's art!!! great photos again ♥

  24. Gorgeous. I love the scratchy effect of the hard bristles too.

  25. An absolutely stunning page Valerie. The scratchy effect looks amazing behind the white bubbles and love that text too.
    Great pics as always.
    Fliss xx

  26. Gorgeous sea of bubbles, loved the quote. Super photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  27. Valerie, your photos alone would put smiles on faces as they are so gorgeous with the heavy green foliage as a backdrop. Your journal page was inspiration and encouragement for me. Just what I needed to get back on top.


  28. Felt just like that today, so overwhelmed with clearing out all the stuff we brought back. Thanks for the bubble infusion and wise words. xox

  29. A great page. I love the bubble stamp and the quote. I must right that one down..

  30. Great advice & fantastic bubble page! The wisteria and poppies are awesome,too!

  31. Of course, EVERYTHING in your post is fabulous as always - however there be CATS here! So I have to comment on their fluffy gorgeousness as a priority !!!Lovely furry babies!!! AWWWW Cats make EVERYTHING better! We send you hugs and special squooshy cuddles to the fabulous felines! xxxx

  32. What a great quote and pretty page!!xx

  33. Wunderbares Zitat und großartig in der Kombination mit Deiner Seite, sehr schön, wünsche schönes Wochenende...

  34. Love this, perfect quote for your page xx


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